require "process" require "file" require "./fetch" require "./errors/*" require "dir" module Muse::Dl class Pdftk PDFTK_BINARY_NAME = "pdftk" @binary : String | Nil @tmp_file_path : String def ready? @binary != nil end def initialize(tmp_file_path : String = Dir.tempdir) @tmp_file_path = tmp_file_path possible_binary = Process.find_executable(Pdftk::PDFTK_BINARY_NAME) if possible_binary @binary = possible_binary else puts "Could not find pdftk binary, exiting" Process.exit(1) end end def execute(args : Array(String)) binary = @binary if binary status =, args, output: STDOUT, error: STDERR) if !status.success? puts "pdftk command failed: #{binary} #{args.join(" ")}" end return status.success? end end def strip_first_page(input_file : String) output_pdf = File.tempfile("muse-dl-temp", ".pdf") is_success = execute [input_file, "cat", "2-end", "output", output_pdf.path] if is_success File.rename output_pdf.path, input_file else puts ("Error stripping first page of chapter. Maybe try using --dont-strip-first-page") exit 1 end end def add_bookmark(input_file : String, title : String) output_pdf = File.tempfile("muse-dl-temp", ".pdf") bookmark_text_file = File.tempfile("muse-dl-chapter-tmp", ".txt") bookmark_text = <<-END BookmarkBegin BookmarkTitle: #{title} BookmarkLevel: 1 BookmarkPageNumber: 1 END File.write(bookmark_text_file.path, bookmark_text) is_success = execute [input_file, "update_info", bookmark_text_file.path, "output", output_pdf.path] # Cleanup bookmark_text_file.delete if is_success File.rename output_pdf.path, input_file else raise"Error adding bookmark metadata to chapter.") end end def add_metadata(input_file : File, output_file : String, book : Book) # First we have to dump the current metadata keywords = "Publisher:#{book.publisher}, Published:#{}" # Known Info keys, if they are present ["ISBN", "Related ISBN", "DOI", "Language", "OCLC"].each do |label| if label keywords += ", #{label}:#{[label]}" end end metadata_text = gen_metadata(book.title, keywords, book.summary.gsub(/\n\s+/, " "), write_metadata(input_file, output_file, metadata_text) end def gen_metadata(title : String, keywords : String, subject : String, author : String | Nil = nil) metadata = <<-EOT InfoBegin InfoKey: Creator InfoValue: InfoBegin InfoKey: Producer InfoValue: InfoBegin InfoKey: Title InfoValue: #{title} InfoBegin InfoKey: Keywords InfoValue: #{keywords} InfoBegin InfoKey: Subject InfoValue: #{subject} InfoBegin InfoKey: ModDate InfoValue: InfoBegin InfoKey: CreationDate InfoValue: EOT unless author.nil? metadata += <<-EOT InfoBegin InfoKey: Author InfoValue: #{author} EOT end return metadata end def write_metadata(input_file : File, output_file : String, text) metadata_text_file = File.tempfile("muse-dl-metadata-tmp", ".txt") File.write(metadata_text_file.path, text) is_success = execute [input_file.path, "update_info_utf8", metadata_text_file.path, "output", output_file] if !is_success raise"Error adding metadata to book.") end metadata_text_file.delete end def add_metadata(input_file : File, output_file : String, issue : Issue) # First we have to dump the current metadata metadata_text_file = File.tempfile("muse-dl-metadata-tmp", ".txt") keywords = "Journal:#{issue.journal_title}, Published:#{},Volume:#{issue.volume},Number:#{issue.number}" ["ISSN", "Print ISSN", "DOI", "Language", "Open Access"].each do |label| if label keywords += ", #{label}:#{[label]}" end end # TODO: Move this to Issue class s = issue.summary unless s.nil? summary = s.gsub(/\n\s+/, " ") else summary = "NA" end t = issue.title unless t.nil? title = t else title = "NA" end # TODO: Add support for all authors in the PDF metadata = gen_metadata(title, keywords, summary) write_metadata(input_file, output_file, metadata) end def stitch(chapter_ids : Array(String)) output_file = File.tempfile("muse-dl-stitched-tmp", ".pdf") # Do some sanity checks on each Chapter PDF chapter_ids.each do |id| raise unless File.exists? Fetch.chapter_file_name(id, @tmp_file_path) raise unless File.size(Fetch.chapter_file_name(id, @tmp_file_path)) > 0 end # Now let's stitch them together chapter_files = { |id| Fetch.chapter_file_name(id, @tmp_file_path) } args = chapter_files + ["cat", "output", output_file.path] is_success = execute args # TODO: Validate final file here if !is_success raise"Error stitching chapters together.") end return output_file end # TODO: Merge with stitch def stitch_articles(article_ids : Array(String)) output_file = File.tempfile("muse-dl-stitched-tmp", ".pdf") # Do some sanity checks on each Chapter PDF article_ids.each do |id| raise unless File.exists? Fetch.article_file_name(id, @tmp_file_path) raise unless File.size(Fetch.article_file_name(id, @tmp_file_path)) > 0 end # Now let's stitch them together article_files = { |id| Fetch.article_file_name(id, @tmp_file_path) } args = article_files + ["cat", "output", output_file.path] is_success = execute args # TODO: Validate final file here if !is_success puts args raise"Error stitching articles together.") end return output_file end end end