include "alldifferent.mzn"; include "globals.mzn"; include "awards.mzn"; include "ranking.mzn"; include "scoring.mzn"; include "sanity.mzn"; include "artists.mzn"; include "dealing.mzn"; % Ignoring these for now % include "double.mzn"; % include "drawone.mzn"; % include "hidden.mzn"; % include "simultaneous.mzn"; /* This file includes the core gameplay rules ie, how many cards are getting played each round who plays the closing card etc. */ % Calculate total cards of an artist played per round constraint forall (a in Artists, r in Rounds) ( CardsForArtist[r, a] = sum(p in Players) (visible_count_per_round_per_artist_per_player[r,p,a]) ); % Max number of visible cards can be 6 for any artist per player var 5..6: MaxVisibleCards; constraint MaxVisibleCards = if card(Players)>2 then 6 else 5 endif; % Maximum MaxVisibleCards of the artist with maximum cards constraint forall(r in Rounds) (max(row(CardsForArtist,r)) = MaxVisibleCards); % second highest value should not be the max constraint forall(r in Rounds) (sort(row(CardsForArtist, r))[4] != MaxVisibleCards); % Temporary variable to see how many cards you've played TOTAL per round array[Rounds,Players] of var int: TotalCardsPlayed; constraint forall(r in Rounds, p in Players) ( % TODO: Change this to played cards from VISIBLE (hidden) TotalCardsPlayed[r,p] = sum(a in Artists) (visible_count_per_round_per_artist_per_player[r,p,a]) ); % Calculate maximum cards any player can play in first round array[Rounds,Players] of var int: StartingCardsInHand; % Round 1 Starting Hand is 13 cards constraint forall(p in Players) (StartingCardsInHand[Round1,p] = CardsDealtPerRound[Round1]); constraint forall(p in Players) ( StartingCardsInHand[Round2,p] = StartingCardsInHand[Round1,p] - TotalCardsPlayed[Round1,p] + CardsDealtPerRound[Round2] ); constraint forall(p in Players) ( StartingCardsInHand[Round3,p] = StartingCardsInHand[Round2,p] - TotalCardsPlayed[Round2,p] + CardsDealtPerRound[Round3] ); constraint forall(p in Players) ( StartingCardsInHand[Round4,p] = StartingCardsInHand[Round3,p] - TotalCardsPlayed[Round3,p] + CardsDealtPerRound[Round4] ); % TURN ORDER STUFF constraint forall(r in Rounds) ( NominalTurnCount[r] = TotalCardsPlayed[r, last_player[r]] ); %All players who played nominal turns var set of Players: Pn1; var set of Players: Pn2; var set of Players: Pn3; var set of Players: Pn4; %All players who played sub-nominal turns var set of Players: Px1; var set of Players: Px2; var set of Players: Px3; var set of Players: Px4; set of int: emptySet = 1..0; constraint Pn1 = if (first_player[Round1] < last_player[Round1]) then first_player[Round1]..last_player[Round1] else set_diff(Players,first_player[Round1]..last_player[Round1]) endif; constraint Pn2 = if (first_player[Round2] < last_player[Round2]) then first_player[Round2]..last_player[Round2] else set_diff(Players,first_player[Round2]..last_player[Round2]) endif; constraint Pn3 = if (first_player[Round3] < last_player[Round3]) then first_player[Round3]..last_player[Round3] else set_diff(Players,first_player[Round3]..last_player[Round3]) endif; constraint Pn4 = if (first_player[Round4] < last_player[Round4]) then first_player[Round4]..last_player[Round4] else set_diff(Players,first_player[Round4]..last_player[Round4]) endif; constraint Px1 = set_diff(Players,Pn1); constraint Px2 = set_diff(Players,Pn2); constraint Px3 = set_diff(Players,Pn3); constraint Px4 = set_diff(Players,Pn4); constraint forall(p in Players) (p in Pn1 -> TotalCardsPlayed[Round1, p] = NominalTurnCount[Round1]); constraint forall(p in Players) (p in Pn2 -> TotalCardsPlayed[Round2, p] = NominalTurnCount[Round2]); constraint forall(p in Players) (p in Pn3 -> TotalCardsPlayed[Round3, p] = NominalTurnCount[Round3]); constraint forall(p in Players) (p in Pn3 -> TotalCardsPlayed[Round4, p] = NominalTurnCount[Round4]); constraint forall(p in Players) (p in Px1 -> TotalCardsPlayed[Round1, p] = NominalTurnCount[Round1] - 1); constraint forall(p in Players) (p in Px2 -> TotalCardsPlayed[Round2, p] = NominalTurnCount[Round2] - 1); constraint forall(p in Players) (p in Px3 -> TotalCardsPlayed[Round3, p] = NominalTurnCount[Round3] - 1); constraint forall(p in Players) (p in Px3 -> TotalCardsPlayed[Round4, p] = NominalTurnCount[Round4] - 1); % Total Playable Cards for any round are set equal to the Starting Hand % TODO: Move this to `drawone` array[Rounds,Players] of var int: PlayableCards; constraint forall(p in Players, r in Rounds) ( PlayableCards[r,p] = StartingCardsInHand[r,p] );