0) echo "Count(" . $A[$a].'='.$AA[$a] . ") = " . $data['CardsForArtist'][$i][$a] . $ranks[$a] . PHP_EOL. PHP_EOL; } // Awards $awards = []; for($a=0;$a<5;$a++) { if ($data['AwardGiven'] and $AwardPlayedInRound[$a] == $i) { $awards [] = $A[$a] . ">" . $AA[$AwardedArtistIndex[$a]]; } } if (count($awards) > 0) echo "Awards: " . implode(", ", $awards) .PHP_EOL; echo "\n**Artist Scores**:".NL2; for($a=0;$a<5;$a++) { echo $AA[$a] .":".$data['ArtistScore'][$i][$a] .NL2; } echo "\n**Player Scores**" . NL2; for ($p=0; $p<$playerCount;$p++) { $pp = $p+1; echo "Player " . $pp . " : " . $data['RoundScore'][$i][$p] . NL2; } } echo "\n\n## Final Scores".NL2; for ($p=0; $p<$playerCount;$p++) { $pp = $p+1; echo "Player " . $pp . " : " . $data['Score'][$p] . NL2; } ?> ### Info A=LiteMetal (17) B=Yoko (18) C=ChristinP (19) D=KarlGitter (20) E=Krypto (21) Since this is a -player game, the maximum number of visible cards for any artist is Scores for unranked artists are 0 for that round. The syntax for awards is AwardTokenArtist > Awarded Artist (ie, the Award card for `AwardTokenArtist` was played, and the award was given to the `Awarded Artist`).