local fs = require("nixio.fs") local nixio = require("nixio") local fun = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQFunction") local pidfile = "/tmp/iperf_script_pid" local opt = arg[1] function start() local pid = fs.readfile(pidfile) if pid and pid ~= "" then local code = os.execute("kill -0 "..tostring(pid)) if code == 0 then return end end pid = nixio.getpid() fs.writefile(pidfile, pid) fun.forkExec("iperf -s 2>/dev/null") os.execute("sleep 60; killall iperf 2>/dev/null") end function stop() local pid = fs.readfile(pidfile) os.execute("killall iperf; kill -9 "..pid) end if opt and opt == "start" then start() elseif opt and opt == "stop" then stop() end