#!/usr/bin/lua local px = require "posix" local uci = require 'luci.model.uci' local util = require 'luci.util' local io = require 'io' local socket = require 'socket' local json = require 'json' local fs = require "nixio.fs" local ubus = require "ubus" local g_ubus local g_cursor local g_wan_busy_threshold = 100 local g_wan_busy_zero_num = 20 local g_speedtest_interval = 24*60*60 local g_current_date = 0 local g_current_day_trynum = 0 local g_current_day_num = 0 local g_nextmins_speedtest = 0 local g_lasttime_speedtest = 0 local g_ubus_wanup_msg = 1 local g_max_log_num = 0 local g_current_log_num = 0 local MAX_TRYNUM_PERDAY = 1 local MAX_NUM_PERDAY = 1 local MAX_BAND_ERROR = 0.7 local g_user_band_up = 0 local g_user_band_down = 0 local g_begin_time = "02:00" local g_end_time = "06:00" local g_debug_file_id = nil local g_debug_file = false local g_debug = false local g_need_test_again = false local TEST_AGAIN_TICKS = 180 local PREPARE_SPEEDTEST_XML_INTERVEL = 30 local g_prepare_speedtest_xml_cnter = 0 local g_prepare_speedtest_xml_last_try = 0 local g_prepare_speedtest_xml_trycnt = 0 local g_test_again_ticks = TEST_AGAIN_TICKS local cfg = { ['host'] = "", ['port'] = "1036", ['cmd_nettb'] = "/usr/sbin/nettb", ['cmd_upload'] = "/usr/bin/upload_speedtest", ['cmd_download'] = "/usr/bin/download_speedtest", ['cmd_speedtesturls'] = "/usr/bin/prepare_speedtest_xml", ['cmd_miqos_set'] = "/etc/init.d/miqos change_band ", ['cmd_miqos_get'] = "/etc/init.d/miqos show_band ", ['tmp_log'] = "/tmp/speedtest.log", ['cfg_file'] = "/etc/config/ab", ['tmp_cfg_dir'] = "/tmp/etc/config/", ['tmp_cfg_file'] = "/tmp/etc/config/ab", ['tmp_speedtest_xml'] = "/tmp/speedtest_urls.xml" } local SPEEDTEST_VER='STD' if #arg >= 1 then if arg[1] == 'oversea' then SPEEDTEST_VER='OVERSEA' end end function time_to_mins(stime) local _,_,hour = string.find(stime, '([0-9]+):') local _,_,min = string.find(stime, ':([0-9]+)') return (60*tonumber(hour)+tonumber(min)) end function mins_to_time(mins) local hour,min = 0,0 min = mins%60 hour = (mins-min)/60 return string.format("%2d:%2d", hour, min) end function log_to_file(fileid, msg) local file_size = fileid:seek("end") if file_size > 1024*1024 then return end fileid:write(os.date("%x %X").." : "..msg.."\n") end --logger --[[1 Alert, 3 Error 7 Debug ]]-- px.openlog("speedtest","np",LOG_USER) function logger(loglevel,msg) if loglevel == 10 then if g_debug then px.syslog(3,msg) if g_debug_file and g_debug_file_id then log_to_file(g_debug_file_id, msg) end end else px.syslog(loglevel,msg) end end function execl2(command) local pp = io.popen(command) local line = "" local data = {} while true do line = pp:read() if line == nil then break end data[#data+1] = line end pp:close() return data end -- 读取cfg到tmp的meory文件夹中 function cfg2tmp() local r1,r2,r3 = fs.mkdirr(cfg.tmp_cfg_dir) if not r1 then logger(3, 'fatal error: mkdir failed, code:' .. r2 .. ',msg:'..r3) return nil end r1,r2,r3 = fs.copy(cfg.cfg_file, cfg.tmp_cfg_file) if not r1 then logger(3,'fatal error: copy cfg file 2 /tmp memory failed. code:' .. r2 .. ',msg:'..r3) return nil end return true end -- 拷贝最新配置到memory中 function tmp2cfg() if not fs.copy(cfg.tmp_cfg_file, cfg.cfg_file) then logger(3,'fatal error: copy /tmp cfg file 2 /etc/config/ failed. exit.') return nil end return true end function copytab(st) local tab={} for k,v in pairs(st or {}) do if type(v) ~= 'table' then tab[k]=v else tab[k]=copytab(v) end end return tab end function get_conf_std(conf,type,opt,default) local x=uci.cursor() local s,e = pcall(function() return x:get(conf,type,opt) end) return e or default end -- execute command without anyoutput function exec_cmd(tblist, ignore_error) local status = 0 for _,v in pairs(tblist) do local cmd = v if g_debug then logger(3, '++' .. cmd) cmd = cmd .. ' >/dev/null 2>>' .. cfg.tmp_log else cmd = cmd .. " &>/dev/null " end if os.execute(cmd) ~= 0 and ignore_error ~= 1 then if g_debug then os.execute('echo "^^^ '.. cmd .. ' ^^^ " >>' .. cfg.tmp_log) end logger(3, '[ERROR]: ' .. cmd .. ' failed!') dump_qdisc() return false end end return true end --split string with chars '$p' string.split = function(s, p) local rt= {} string.gsub(s, '[^'..p..']+', function(w) table.insert(rt, w) end ) return rt end function system_exit() logger(3,'======== Process Exit. =====') if g_debug_file_id then g_debug_file_id:flush() g_debug_file_id:close() end os.exit() end function system_init() if g_debug then os.execute("echo auto speedtest starting..... >>" .. cfg.tmp_log) end if g_debug and g_debug_file then g_debug_file_id = io.open(cfg.tmp_log, "a") end -- 将配置文件copy到tmp内存中,并初始化cursor --[[ if not cfg2tmp() then return false end --]] g_cursor = uci.cursor() if not g_cursor then logger(3,'set uci cursor failed. exit.') return false end if is_user_band_manual() then g_user_band_up = 1 g_user_band_down = 1 logger(10,'user set band manual!') else logger(10,'user didnt set band manual!') end --[[ if not g_cursor:set_confdir(cfg.tmp_cfg_dir) then logger(3,'set tmp config dir failed. exit.') return false end --]] g_ubus = ubus.connect() if not g_ubus then logger(3, 'failed to connect to ubusd!') return false end logger(10, "************ auto speedtest startup **************") g_current_date = tonumber(os.date("%d")) g_nextmins_speedtest = get_nexttime_speedtest() local lasttime = g_cursor:get("ab","settings","last_speedtest_time") g_lasttime_speedtest = tonumber(lasttime) local maxlog = g_cursor:get("ab","settings","max_log_num") g_max_log_num = tonumber(maxlog) local curntlog = g_cursor:get("ab","settings","current_log_num") g_current_log_num = tonumber(curntlog) if g_current_log_num > g_max_log_num then g_current_log_num = 1 end logger(10, "init get lasttime: "..lasttime.." lastdate: "..os.date("%x %X", g_lasttime_speedtest)) logger(10, "max log num: "..g_max_log_num.." current log num: "..g_current_log_num) -- SIGTERM to clear and exit px.signal(px.SIGTERM, function () logger(3,'signal TERM to stop auto speed test.') system_exit() end) px.signal(px.SIGINT, function () logger(3,'signal INT to stop auto speed test.') system_exit() end) return true end function get_list_wan_rate() local ret = g_ubus:call("trafficd", "list_wan_rate", {}) if ret and ret.rate then return ret.rate end return nil; end function get_lasttime_speedtest() return g_lasttime_speedtest end function set_lasttime_speedtest() g_lasttime_speedtest = os.time() local date = string.format("%s", os.date("%x %X", g_lasttime_speedtest)) g_cursor:set("ab","settings","last_speedtest_date",date) g_cursor:set("ab","settings","last_speedtest_time",tostring(g_lasttime_speedtest)) g_cursor:commit('ab') logger(10, "set lasttime: "..g_lasttime_speedtest.." lastdate: "..os.date("%x %X", g_lasttime_speedtest)) end -- choose a ramdom time between g_begin_time and g_end_time, -- in case all routers start speedtest at the same moment function get_nexttime_speedtest() local start_mins = time_to_mins(g_begin_time) local end_mins = time_to_mins(g_end_time) math.randomseed(os.time()) local next_mins = math.random(start_mins, end_mins) logger(10, "start mins: "..g_begin_time.." "..time_to_mins(g_begin_time)) logger(10, "end mins: "..g_end_time.." "..time_to_mins(g_end_time)) logger(10, "next mins: "..mins_to_time(next_mins).." "..next_mins) return next_mins end --if speed test failed this time, we choose another time between now time and end time function get_nexttime_case_fail() local start_mins = time_to_mins(g_begin_time) local end_mins = time_to_mins(g_end_time) local date = os.date("%X") local _,_,hour = string.find(date, '^([0-9]+):') local _,_,min = string.find(date, '^[0-9]+:([0-9]+):') local now_mins = 60*hour + min if (now_mins > start_mins) and (now_mins < end_mins) then start_mins = now_mins end math.randomseed(os.time()) local next_mins = math.random(start_mins, end_mins) logger(10, "start mins: "..g_begin_time.." "..time_to_mins(g_begin_time)) logger(10, "end mins: "..g_end_time.." "..time_to_mins(g_end_time)) logger(10, "now mins: "..mins_to_time(now_mins).." "..now_mins) logger(10, "next mins: "..mins_to_time(next_mins).." "..next_mins) return next_mins end function uci_commit_save(flag) if flag then g_cursor:commit('ab') -- tmp下的配置改变,复写回/etc下 --[[ if not tmp2cfg() then logger(1, 'copy tmp cfg to /etc/config/ failed.') end --]] end end function get_uptime() local upt=io.open('/proc/uptime') local n=upt:read('*n') upt:close() return math.ceil(n) end function newset() local reverse = {} local set = {} return setmetatable(set, {__index = { insert = function(set, value) if not reverse[value] then table.insert(set, value) reverse[value] = table.getn(set) end end, remove = function(set, value) local index = reverse[value] if index then reverse[value] = nil local top = table.remove(set) if top ~= value then reverse[top] = index set[index] = top end end end }}) end function is_user_band_manual() local manual = g_cursor:get("xiaoqiang","common","MANUAL") if manual then local ucfg = tonumber(manual) if ucfg and ucfg == 1 then return true end end return false end function is_lasttest_long_enough() local last_time = get_lasttime_speedtest() local now_time = os.time() local year2000 = os.time{year=2000, month=1,day=1,hour=0} if now_time < year2000 then logger(10, "NTP is not ready now time: "..os.date("%x %X",now_time)) return false end if last_time == 0 then logger(10, "Long enough now time: "..os.date("%x %X",now_time).." last time: "..os.date("%x %X",last_time)) return true end if (last_time+g_speedtest_interval) < now_time then logger(10, "Long enough now time: "..os.date("%x %X",now_time).." last time: "..os.date("%x %X",last_time)) return true end logger(10, "Not long enough now time: "..os.date("%x %X",now_time).." last time: "..os.date("%x %X",last_time)) return false end function is_wan_busy() local sum,avg,max,zeronum,min = 0,0,0,0,9999999 local listrate = get_list_wan_rate() if listrate and #listrate ~= 0 then for k,v in ipairs(listrate) do if v > max then max = v end if v < min then min = v end if v==0 then zeronum = zeronum+1 end sum = sum + v logger(10, k..": "..v) end avg = sum/#listrate logger(10, "is_wan_busy: avg: "..avg.." max: "..max.." min: "..min.." zeronum: "..zeronum) if (avg < g_wan_busy_threshold) and (zeronum >= g_wan_busy_zero_num)then return false else logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest=2|wanbusy|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..avg.."|"..max.."|"..min.."|"..zeronum) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest=2|wanbusy|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..avg.."|"..max.."|"..min.."|"..zeronum) return true end end return true end function is_just_power_up() local start_time = get_uptime() if start_time < 160 then return true end return false end function is_time_to_speedtest() local date = os.date("%X") local _,_,hour = string.find(date, '^([0-9]+):') local _,_,min = string.find(date, '^[0-9]+:([0-9]+):') local now_mins = 60*tonumber(hour) + tonumber(min) if (now_mins >= g_nextmins_speedtest) and (now_mins <= time_to_mins(g_end_time)) then return true end logger(10, "Not time for speedtest now: "..date.." begin: "..g_begin_time.." end: "..g_end_time.." next: "..mins_to_time(g_nextmins_speedtest)) return false end function is_internet_connected() local cmd = cfg.cmd_nettb local res = execl2(cmd) if next(res)~=nil then for k,v in pairs(res) do logger(10, "got nettb info: "..v) end return false else return true end end function is_band_result_valid(new_up, new_down, old_up, old_down, flag) if flag == 3 then return true end if (new_up > 32) and (new_down > 128) then logger(10, "band result valid!") logger(10, "old_up: "..old_up.." old_down: "..old_down) logger(10, "new_up: "..new_up.." new_down: "..new_down) return true end logger(10, "band result invalid!") logger(10, "old_up: "..old_up.." old_down: "..old_down) logger(10, "new_up: "..new_up.." new_down: "..new_down) logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest="..flag.."|banderr|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..old_up.."|"..old_down.."|"..new_up.."|"..new_down) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest="..flag.."|banderr|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..old_up.."|"..old_down.."|"..new_up.."|"..new_down) return false end -- if band result is unacceptable, we do speed test again after 1 hour function is_band_result_acceptable(new_up, new_down, old_up, old_down, flag) if flag == 3 then return true end if (new_up > 0.5*old_up) and (new_down > 0.5*old_down) then logger(10, "band result acceptable!") logger(10, "old_up: "..old_up.." old_down: "..old_down) logger(10, "new_up: "..new_up.." new_down: "..new_down) return true end logger(10, "band result unacceptable!") logger(10, "old_up: "..old_up.." old_down: "..old_down) logger(10, "new_up: "..new_up.." new_down: "..new_down) logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest="..flag.."|banderr|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..old_up.."|"..old_down.."|"..new_up.."|"..new_down) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest="..flag.."|banderr|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..old_up.."|"..old_down.."|"..new_up.."|"..new_down) return false end function get_miqosband() local upband, downband = 0, 0 local cmd = cfg.cmd_miqos_get local res = execl2(cmd) logger(10, cmd) if res and next(res)~=nil then for k,v in ipairs(res) do local _,_,tmp = string.find(v, 'status=([0-9]+)') local _,_,up = string.find(v, 'uplink=([0-9]+%.?[0-9]+)') local _,_,down = string.find(v, 'downlink=([0-9]+%.?[0-9]+)') if tmp then status = tonumber(tmp) end if up then upband = tonumber(up) end if down then downband = tonumber(down) end end if status == 0 then --logger(10, "Get miqos band up: "..upband.." down: "..downband) return upband, downband end end --logger(10, "Get miqos band up: 0 down: 0") return 0, 0 end function set_miqosband(up_band, down_band, flag) local cmd = cfg.cmd_miqos_set.." "..up_band.." "..down_band local res = execl2(cmd) local status = 1 logger(10, cmd) if res and next(res)~=nil then for k,v in ipairs(res) do local _,_,tmp = string.find(v, 'status=([0-9]+)') if tmp then status = tonumber(tmp) end end if status == 0 then logger(10, "set miqos band succeed!") local info = os.date("%x %X: ").."flag: "..flag.." up: "..up_band.." down: "..down_band if g_current_log_num > g_max_log_num then g_current_log_num = 1 end g_cursor:set("ab","settings","log"..g_current_log_num, info) g_current_log_num = g_current_log_num + 1 g_cursor:set("ab","settings","current_log_num", g_current_log_num) g_cursor:commit('ab') set_lasttime_speedtest() if not is_user_band_manual() then local tmpup = string.format("%.2f", up_band/1024) local tmpdown = string.format("%.2f", down_band/1024) g_cursor:set("xiaoqiang","common","BANDWIDTH2", tmpup) g_cursor:set("xiaoqiang","common","BANDWIDTH", tmpdown) g_cursor:commit('xiaoqiang') logger(10, "set xiaoqiang band up: "..tmpup.." down: "..tmpdown) else logger(10, "user band manual,dont set xiaoqiang config") end return true end end return false end function do_speed_test_upload() local cmd = cfg.cmd_upload local res = execl2(cmd) local band = 0 if next(res)~=nil then for k,v in pairs(res) do local _,_,tmp = string.find(v, 'tx:([0-9]+%.[0-9]+)') if tmp then band = tonumber(tmp) or 0 end --logger(10, "got upload info: "..v) end --logger(10,"got up band: "..band) return band else return 0 end end function do_speed_test_download() local cmd = cfg.cmd_download local res = execl2(cmd) local band = 0 if next(res)~=nil then for k,v in pairs(res) do local _,_,tmp = string.find(v, 'rx:([0-9]+%.[0-9]+)') if tmp then band = tonumber(tmp) or 0 end --logger(10, "got download info: "..v) end --logger(10,"got down band: "..band) return band else return 0 end end --flag: 1.speedtest when power on 2.speedtest when time up 3.speedtest on cmd -- 4.speedtest again in 1 hour if last band result unacceptable --return 1 means failed, return 0 means succeed function do_speed_test(flag) local upband,downband = 0,0 logger(10, "do speed test!") local miqos_upband,miqos_downband = get_miqosband() if flag ~= 3 then if miqos_upband==0 or miqos_downband==0 then -- logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest="..flag.."|miqosinvalid|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|0|0") logger(10, "network_speedtest="..flag.."|miqosinvalid|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|0|0") -- return 1 end end os.execute("/etc/init.d/miqos stop") downband = do_speed_test_download() upband = do_speed_test_upload() os.execute("/etc/init.d/miqos start") logger(10, "test upband: "..upband.." test downband: "..downband) logger(10, "miqos upband: "..miqos_upband.." miqos downband: "..miqos_downband) if upband==0 or downband==0 then logger(10, "speedtest or miqos band invalid!") if flag ~= 3 then logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest="..flag.."|bandinvalid|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest="..flag.."|bandinvalid|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) end return 1 else if is_band_result_valid(upband,downband,miqos_upband,miqos_downband,flag) then if flag == 4 or flag == 3 then local res = set_miqosband(upband, downband, flag) if res then logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest="..flag.."|success|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest="..flag.."|success|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) return 0 else if flag~= 3 then logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest="..flag.."|miqoserr1|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest="..flag.."|miqoserr1|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) end return 1 end else if is_band_result_acceptable(upband,downband,miqos_upband,miqos_downband,flag) then local res = set_miqosband(upband, downband, flag) if res then logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest="..flag.."|success|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest="..flag.."|success|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) return 0 else logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest="..flag.."|miqoserr1|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest="..flag.."|miqoserr1|"..os.date("%x %X").."|"..miqos_upband.."|"..miqos_downband.."|"..upband.."|"..downband) return 1 end else g_need_test_again = true g_test_again_ticks = TEST_AGAIN_TICKS logger(10, "band result unacceptable, test again 1 hour later!") end end end end return 1 end function speedtest_by_cmd() if (g_user_band_down ~= 0) or (g_user_band_up ~= 0) then logger(10, "speedtest cmd user band is not zero: "..g_user_band_up.." "..g_user_band_down..", do nothing!") return 1 end if not is_internet_connected() then logger(10, "speedtest cmd Internet is not connected, do nothing!") return 2 end local res = do_speed_test(3) return res end function try_speedtest() if (g_user_band_down ~= 0) or (g_user_band_up ~= 0) then logger(10, "user band is not zero: "..g_user_band_up.." "..g_user_band_down..", do nothing!") return end if not is_lasttest_long_enough() then return end if (g_current_day_num >= MAX_NUM_PERDAY) or (g_current_day_trynum >= MAX_TRYNUM_PERDAY)then logger(10, "Exceed max num perday! cur: "..g_current_day_num.."("..MAX_NUM_PERDAY..") trycur: "..g_current_day_trynum.."("..MAX_TRYNUM_PERDAY..")") return end -- during the just startup time, we dont detect if wan is busy if g_ubus_wanup_msg == 1 and is_just_power_up() then if not is_internet_connected() then logger(10, "Wanup but Internet is not connected, do nothing!") return end logger(10, "Got wan up msg, do speed test!") g_ubus_wanup_msg = 0 do_speed_test(1) g_current_day_num = g_current_day_num +1 return end if is_time_to_speedtest() then if not is_internet_connected() then logger(10, "Internet is not connected, do nothing!") logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest=2|uninternet|"..os.date("%x %X")) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest=2|uninternet|"..os.date("%x %X")) g_current_day_trynum = g_current_day_trynum + 1 return end if is_wan_busy() then g_current_day_trynum = g_current_day_trynum + 1 logger(10, "Wan is busy, do nothing! ") g_nextmins_speedtest = get_nexttime_speedtest() else logger(10, "Wan is free, do speed test!") do_speed_test(2) g_current_day_num = g_current_day_num +1 g_nextmins_speedtest = get_nexttime_speedtest() end end end --if last band result unacceptable, we do speed test again in 1 hour function try_speedtest_again() if (g_user_band_down ~= 0) or (g_user_band_up ~= 0) then logger(10, "user band is not zero: "..g_user_band_up.." "..g_user_band_down..", do nothing!") return end if true then if not is_internet_connected() then logger(10, "Internet is not connected, do nothing!") logger(3, "stat_points_privacy network_speedtest=2|uninternet|"..os.date("%x %X")) logger(10, "dotdata: network_speedtest=2|uninternet|"..os.date("%x %X")) return end if is_wan_busy() then logger(10, "Wan is busy, do nothing! ") else logger(10, "Wan is free, do speed test!") do_speed_test(4) end end end function prepare_speedtest_urls() local cmd = cfg.cmd_speedtesturls if g_prepare_speedtest_xml_trycnt > 3 then logger(10, "try num is enough do nothing: "..g_prepare_speedtest_xml_trycnt) return end g_prepare_speedtest_xml_cnter = g_prepare_speedtest_xml_cnter + 1 if SPEEDTEST_VER ~= "OVERSEA" then logger(10, "prepare urls is not oerversea version !") return end filexml = io.open(cfg.tmp_speedtest_xml) if filexml then filexml:close() logger(10, "prepare urls already got url xml !") return end if not is_internet_connected() then logger(10, "prepare urls Internet is not connected, do nothing!") return end if g_prepare_speedtest_xml_trycnt ~= 0 then if g_prepare_speedtest_xml_cnter - g_prepare_speedtest_xml_last_try < PREPARE_SPEEDTEST_XML_INTERVEL then logger(10, "its not time for getting xml cnter: "..g_prepare_speedtest_xml_cnter.." last: "..g_prepare_speedtest_xml_last_try) return end end g_prepare_speedtest_xml_trycnt = g_prepare_speedtest_xml_trycnt + 1 g_prepare_speedtest_xml_last_try = g_prepare_speedtest_xml_cnter logger(3, "start getting speedtest url xml !") local res = execl2(cmd) filexml = io.open(cfg.tmp_speedtest_xml) if filexml then filexml:close() logger(3, "get speedtest url xml ok!") else logger(3, "get speedtest url xml failed!") end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- loop work for speed test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function main_loop() local server = assert(socket.bind(cfg.host, cfg.port)) server:settimeout(1) -- tables f local set=newset() set:insert(server) -- add 'server' into select events local gc_timer=0 while true do logger(10, "--------- main loop ---------") local readable, _, error = socket.select(set, nil , 20) gc_timer = gc_timer + 1 if gc_timer >= 20 then gc_timer = 0 local tmp_cnt = collectgarbage("count") logger(10, "LUA GC count: " .. tmp_cnt) tmp_cnt = collectgarbage("collect") logger(10, "LUA GC collect: " .. tmp_cnt) end for _,v in ipairs(readable) do if v == server then logger(3, 'new client come in ...') local clt=v:accept() if clt then clt:settimeout(1) set:insert(clt) else logger(3, 'accept client error.') end else local data,error = v:receive() if error then v:close() logger(3, 'client is disconnected.') set:remove(v) else local args=string.split(data,' ') if not args[1] then v:send(json.encode({status=3})) else logger(10, "Recv cmd: "..args[1]) if args[1] == 'status' then logger(3,'======== COMMAND status============') local stats = string.format("\ng_begin_time : %s\n",g_begin_time) stats = stats..string.format("g_end_time : %s\n",g_end_time) stats = stats..string.format("g_lasttime_speedtest : %s\n",os.date("%x %X", g_lasttime_speedtest)) stats = stats..string.format("g_nextmins_speedtest : %s\n",mins_to_time(g_nextmins_speedtest)) stats = stats..string.format("g_current_date : %d\n",g_current_date) stats = stats..string.format("g_current_day_trynum : %d\n",g_current_day_trynum) stats = stats..string.format("g_current_day_num : %d\n",g_current_day_num) stats = stats..string.format("g_max_log_num : %d\n",g_max_log_num) stats = stats..string.format("g_current_log_num : %d\n",g_current_log_num) stats = stats..string.format("g_user_band_up : %d\n",g_user_band_up) stats = stats..string.format("g_user_band_down : %d\n",g_user_band_down) v:send(json.encode({status=2,data=stats})) elseif args[1] == 'stop' then logger(3,'======== COMMAND stop ============') v:send(json.encode({status=0}) .. "\n") v:close() system_exit() -- exit system elseif args[1] == 'wan_up' then logger(3,'======== COMMAND wan_up============') g_ubus_wanup_msg = 1 v:send(json.encode({status=0}) .. "\n") elseif args[1] == 'debug_on' then logger(3,'======== COMMAND debug_on============') g_debug = true v:send(json.encode({status=0}) .. "\n") elseif args[1] == 'debug_off' then logger(3,'======== COMMAND debug_off============') g_debug = false v:send(json.encode({status=0}) .. "\n") elseif args[1] == 'do_speedtest' then logger(3,'======== COMMAND do_speedtest============') local res = speedtest_by_cmd() v:send(json.encode({status=res}) .. "\n") elseif args[1] == 'set_userband' then logger(3,'======== COMMAND set_userband============') g_user_band_up = tonumber(args[2]) or 0 g_user_band_down = tonumber(args[3]) or 0 v:send(json.encode({status=0}) .. "\n") elseif args[1] == 'next_time' then logger(3,'======== COMMAND nexttime============') g_nextmins_speedtest = time_to_mins(args[2]) v:send(json.encode({status=0, data=args[2].." "..g_nextmins_speedtest}) .. "\n") else v:send(json.encode({status=2,data='Not supported command.'})) end end v:send('\n') v:close() set:remove(v) end end end prepare_speedtest_urls() local date = tonumber(os.date("%d")) if g_current_date ~= date then logger(10, "date change from "..g_current_date.." to "..date) g_current_day_trynum = 0 g_current_day_num = 0 g_current_date = date end if g_need_test_again then if g_test_again_ticks > 1 then g_test_again_ticks = g_test_again_ticks - 1 logger(10, "test again ticks left: "..g_test_again_ticks) else g_need_test_again = false g_test_again_ticks = TEST_AGAIN_TICKS logger(10, "try speed test again! ") try_speedtest_again() end end try_speedtest() end end function main() if system_init() then local s, e = pcall(function() main_loop() end) if not s then logger(3,e) print("pcall exit!") end else print("system initial failed. exit.") logger(3, 'system initial failed. exit.') end end main()