# #httpd for system web api # user root root; worker_processes 1; worker_rlimit_nofile 512; worker_priority -5; # #/etc/init.d/sysapihttpd # #error log will send to stdout and save by syslog # daemon on; #nginx connect() failed (128: Unknown error) is Destination Net Unreachable #debug | info | notice | warn | error | crit error_log stderr warn; #pid logs/nginx.pid; events { use epoll; worker_connections 256; } http { # include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; #\t"$upstream_cache_status" replaced by \t"$sent_http_ MiCGI_Cache_Status" log_format main '"$server_addr"\t"$host"\t"$remote_addr"\t"$time_local"\t"$request_method $request_uri"\t"$status"\t"$request_length"\t"$bytes_sent"\t"$request_time"\t"$sent_http_ MiCGI_Cache_Status"\t"$upstream_addr"\t"$upstream_response_time"\t"$http_referer"\t"$http_user_agent"'; #access_log /userdisk/sysapihttpd/log/access.log main; access_log off; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpCoreModule#server_tokens server_tokens off; #disable keepalive for webinitrdr keepalive_timeout 0; # zeor for no max limit client_max_body_size 0; # proxy_buffering off; proxy_max_temp_file_size 2m; proxy_buffer_size 256k; proxy_buffers 32 32k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k; server_names_hash_bucket_size 64; proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size 128; proxy_headers_hash_max_size 8192; #https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/openresty/sgNvuGk0tlQ/lFxfl-mg9HMJ #2013/08/08 11:50:03 [error] 3971#0: wrong ident 16756 response for www.youtube.com, expect 35660 proxy_connect_timeout 186; proxy_read_timeout 1200; proxy_send_timeout 1200; #gzip on; #gzip_min_length 1024; #gzip_proxied expired no-cache no-store private auth no_last_modified no_etag; #gzip_types application/json application/x-json text/css text/xml text/plain application/xml; #gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\."; fastcgi_connect_timeout 300; fastcgi_read_timeout 300; fastcgi_send_timeout 300; #fastcgi_buffering off; fastcgi_buffer_size 64k; fastcgi_buffers 4 32k; fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 64k; fastcgi_temp_file_write_size 64k; #fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0; limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=addr_zone:256k; server { # #server for sysapi # listen 80; listen 8098; server_name _; access_log off; #access_log /userdisk/sysapihttpd/log/luaroot.access.log main; log_not_found off; limit_conn addr_zone 8; # keepalive_timeout 0; #set the send_timeout as 60 minutes send_timeout 60m; # root /www; index index.html index.htm; # no avaible #redirect; #disable proxy errors handle proxy_intercept_errors off; #http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpCoreModule#reset_timedout_connection reset_timedout_connection on; expires epoch; # include 'miwifi-webinitrd.conf'; # location = /miwifi.html { root /etc/sysapihttpd/htdocs/; } location = /stat/proxy.shtml { # keepalive_timeout 0; access_log off; # add_header MiCGI-StatChain STAT; proxy_set_header Host miwifi.com; proxy_pass; # } location /backup/log { alias /tmp/syslogbackup/; } location /api/service/plugin { rewrite ^/api/service/plugin/control /api-third-party/download/private/$arg_appid/control.html? permanent; } location /api-third-party/download/public { alias /userdisk/data/; } location /api-third-party/download/private { alias /userdisk/appdata/; } location /api-third-party/download/extdisks { alias /extdisks/; } location /api-third-party/service { # add_header MiCGI-Switch "$finalvar"; add_header MiCGI-Client-Ip $remote_addr; add_header MiCGI-Host $host; add_header MiCGI-Http-Host $http_host; add_header MiCGI-Server-Ip $server_addr; add_header MiCGI-Server-Port $server_port; add_header MiCGI-Status CGI; add_header MiCGI-Preload no; # include 'fastcgi-proxy-tcp.conf'; # } location ^~ /uploadfile/cgi-bin { # #for POST /uploadfile/cgi-bin/luci/;stok=42822adbabf606fe7946cd2e9b98d9a5/api/xqsystem/upload_rom # add_header MiCGI-Switch "$finalvar"; add_header MiCGI-Client-Ip $remote_addr; add_header MiCGI-Host $host; add_header MiCGI-Http-Host $http_host; add_header MiCGI-Server-Ip $server_addr; add_header MiCGI-Server-Port $server_port; add_header MiCGI-Status CGI; add_header MiCGI-Preload no; add_header MiCGI-Upload-File yes; # for upload roms only [start] client_body_temp_path /tmp/uploadfiles/; client_body_in_file_only on; client_body_buffer_size 16k; proxy_pass_request_headers on; proxy_set_body off; proxy_redirect off; fastcgi_param UPLOADFILE $request_body_file; client_max_body_size 20M; #TODO: upload_multipart_cut #upload_multipart_cut on; fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0; # for upload rom only [end] # include 'fastcgi-proxy-tcp.conf'; # } location /cgi-bin/upload { internal; include 'fastcgi-proxy-tcp.conf'; } location /cgi-bin { # add_header MiCGI-Switch "$finalvar"; add_header MiCGI-Client-Ip $remote_addr; add_header MiCGI-Host $host; add_header MiCGI-Http-Host $http_host; add_header MiCGI-Server-Ip $server_addr; add_header MiCGI-Server-Port $server_port; add_header MiCGI-Status CGI; add_header MiCGI-Preload no; # include 'fastcgi-proxy-tcp.conf'; # } location ^~ /download-userdisk/ { internal; alias /userdisk/data/; } location ^~ /download-extdisks/ { internal; alias /extdisks/; } location ^~ /download-pridisk/ { internal; alias /userdisk/privacyData/; } # location / { # add_header MiCGI-Switch "$finalvar"; add_header MiCGI-TproxyInfo "$dst_addr:$dst_port"; add_header MiCGI-Upstream "$target_upstream"; add_header MiCGI-Client-Ip $remote_addr; add_header MiCGI-Host $host; add_header MiCGI-Http-Host $http_host; add_header MiCGI-Server-Ip $server_addr; add_header MiCGI-Server-Port $server_port; add_header MiCGI-Status LUAROOT; add_header MiCGI-Preload no; # root /www; index index.html index.htm; # } # #**#error_page 404 /err/404.html; #**#error_page 500 /err/500.html; #**#error_page 501 /err/502.html; #**#error_page 502 /err/502.html; #**#error_page 503 /err/503.html; #**#error_page 504 /err/504.html; # location ~ /err/ { # internal; # access_log off; keepalive_timeout 0; # add_header MiCGI-Client-Ip $remote_addr; add_header MiCGI-Host $host; add_header MiCGI-Http-Host $http_host; add_header MiCGI-Server-Ip $server_addr; add_header MiCGI-Server-Port $server_port; add_header MiCGI-Preload no; # add_header MiCGI-Status ERR-HTML; add_header Cache-Control 'private,max-age=0'; expires epoch; add_header Content-Type "text/html;charset=utf-8"; # root /www/; } # } server { #request info/stat server listen 5081; server_name _; access_log off; log_not_found off; keepalive_timeout 0; # root /etc/nginx/htdocs/; index index.html index.htm; # # include 'stat.conf'; # } ad_filter_zone zone=ad_filter_zone:16k; server { listen 8195; #error_log /userdisk/sysapihttpd/log/error.log info; ad_filter_statistics ad_filter_zone; } preload_zone zone=web_preload_zone:16k; server { listen 8193; server_name _; error_log /userdisk/sysapihttpd/log/error.log info; access_log off; location / { add_header Cache-Mark 'xiaomi'; preload /userdisk/cachecenter/cache_dir/ /http_proxy/ web_preload_zone; } resolver valid=30s; location /http_proxy { internal; add_header Proxy-Mark 'xiaomi'; rewrite /http_proxy/ / break; proxy_pass http://$http_host$request_uri; } } server { listen 8196; # resolver; resolver valid=30s; log_format proxy_log '"$server_addr"\t"$host"\t"$remote_addr"\t"$time_local"\t"$request_method $request_uri"\t"$status"\t"$request_length"\t"$bytes_sent"\t"$request_time"\t"$sent_http_ MiCGI_Cache_Status"\t"$upstream_addr"\t"$upstream_response_time"\t"$http_referer"\t"$http_user_agent"'; access_log off; #access_log /userdisk/data/proxy_8194.log proxy_log; #error_log /userdisk/sysapihttpd/log/error.log info; location / { add_header AD-Mark 'xiaomi'; ad_filter /proxy/ ad_filter_zone; } location /proxy { internal; add_header Proxy-Mark 'xq-proxy'; rewrite /proxy/ / break; proxy_pass http://$http_host$request_uri; } } server { listen 8197; # resolver; resolver valid=30s; log_format log_subfilter '"$server_addr"\t"$host"\t"$remote_addr"\t"$time_local"\t"$request_method $request_uri"\t"$status"\t"$request_length"\t"$bytes_sent"\t"$request_time"\t"$sent_http_ MiCGI_Cache_Status"\t"$upstream_addr"\t"$upstream_response_time"\t"$http_referer"\t"$http_user_agent"'; access_log off; #access_log /userdisk/data/proxy_8197.log log_subfilter; #error_log /userdisk/sysapihttpd/log/error.log info; location / { proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding ""; proxy_pass http://$http_host$request_uri; add_header XQ-Mark 'subfilter'; proxy_connect_timeout 600; proxy_read_timeout 600; proxy_send_timeout 600; #sub_filter '' '
XQ Sub-Filter
'; sub_filter '' ''; } } server { listen 8192; add_header Safe-Mark 'xiaomi'; server_name _; access_log off; resolver valid=30s; set $rrd "RR_D_STUB"; if ( -f "/tmp/state/security_page_baidu") { set $vend "baidu"; } if ( -f "/tmp/state/security_page_tencent") { set $vend "tencent"; } location / { set_escape_uri $http_url $scheme://$host$request_uri; set $args "d=$rrd&error_type=4&sc=&url=$http_url&vendor=$vend"; proxy_pass http://api.miwifi.com/rr/e$is_args$args; } } server { listen 8191; add_header Error-Mark 'xiaomi'; server_name _; access_log off; resolver valid=30s; set $rrd "RR_D_STUB"; location /error-page { set $args "d=$rrd&error_type=$arg_error_type&sc=$arg_sc"; proxy_pass https://api.miwifi.com/rr/e$is_args$args; } } # for nxdomain resolve result server { listen 8190; add_header Error-Mark 'xiaomi'; server_name _; access_log off; resolver valid=30s; set $rrd "RR_D_STUB"; location / { set $args "d=$rrd&error_type=2"; proxy_pass https://api.miwifi.com/rr/e$is_args$args; } } rr_config rr_zone 2M "RR_PATH_STUB"; server { listen 8380; resolver localhost; location / { rr_filter rr_zone; toolbar_config on; proxy_pass $scheme://$host$request_uri; proxy_ignore_client_abort off; proxy_connect_timeout 30s; proxy_read_timeout 30s; proxy_send_timeout 30s; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding ''; proxy_max_temp_file_size 0; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; } } server { listen 8382; resolver localhost; location / { rr_filter rr_zone; upgrade_config on; proxy_pass $scheme://$host$request_uri; proxy_ignore_client_abort off; proxy_connect_timeout 30s; proxy_read_timeout 30s; proxy_send_timeout 30s; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding ''; proxy_max_temp_file_size 0; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; } } server { listen 8383; resolver localhost; location / { rr_filter rr_zone; event_config on; proxy_pass $scheme://$host$request_uri; proxy_ignore_client_abort off; proxy_connect_timeout 30s; proxy_read_timeout 30s; proxy_send_timeout 30s; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding ''; proxy_max_temp_file_size 0; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; } } # for security dl server { listen 8381; server_name _; resolver valid=30s; location / { add_header REAP-Mark 'xiaomi'; if ($http_reap_url ~ ^http) { return 302 $http_reap_url; } if ($http_reap_url !~ ^http) { return 302 http://$http_reap_url; } } } server { listen 8384; add_header Error-Mark 'xiaomi'; server_name _; access_log off; resolver valid=30s; set $rrd "DEV_ID_STUB"; location / { set $args "deviceId=$rrd"; proxy_pass https://api.miwifi.com/thirdparty/yyb/proxy$is_args$args; } } # for guest portal, set a sepcial server for portal page's link. server { listen 8999 default_server; server_name _; access_log off; resolver valid=30s; set $did "DEV_ID_STUB"; location / { if ($request_method != GET) { return 405; } set $args "did=$did"; proxy_pass https://api.miwifi.com/sns/portal$is_args$args; } } server { listen 8999; server_name miwifi.com *.miwifi.com *.xiaomi.net *.xiaomi.com *.mi.com; access_log off; resolver valid=30s; location / { proxy_pass $scheme://$host$request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } # for portal page polling access status location /cgi-bin/luci/api/misns/authorization_status { proxy_pass http://miwifi.com$request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } location /cgi-bin/luci/api/misns/sns_init { proxy_pass http://miwifi.com$request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } location /cgi-bin/luci/api/misns/prepare { proxy_pass http://miwifi.com$request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } location /cgi-bin/luci { deny all; } } #for supporting wifishare dnsd-mode server { listen 8899 default_server; server_name _; access_log off; resolver valid=30s; set $did "DEV_ID_STUB"; location / { if ($request_method != GET) { return 405; } set $args "did=$did"; proxy_pass https://api.miwifi.com/sns/portal$is_args$args; } } #ensure ios hotspots-detect reachable server { listen 8899; server_name captive.apple.com; resolver valid=30s; location / { proxy_pass $scheme://captive.apple.com$request_uri; } } server { listen 8899; server_name miwifi.com *.miwifi.com *.xiaomi.net *.xiaomi.com *.mi.com; access_log off; resolver valid=30s; location / { proxy_pass $scheme://$host$request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } # for portal page polling access status location /cgi-bin/luci/api/misns/authorization_status { proxy_pass http://miwifi.com$request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } location /cgi-bin/luci/api/misns/sns_init { proxy_pass http://miwifi.com$request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } location /cgi-bin/luci/api/misns/prepare { proxy_pass http://miwifi.com$request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } location /cgi-bin/luci { deny all; } } } #