# js-guard This is the source code for the JS-Guard extension by CDAC. More information is available at https://www.cdac.in/index.aspx?id=cs_eps_jsguard. This is a snapshot of version (Chrome) / 4.0.2 (Firefox), the latest releases as of March 2024. The code is made available under the GNU-GPLv3.0 license, as can be confirmed at (archived [here](https://archive.is/ivKOI)). This is just an unofficial mirror repository of sort. If you have any issues, please reach out to the original dev team at esuraksha@cdac.in. # Copyright This code is produced as-is from the extension, for educational and research purposes. The copyright is with C-DAC, Hyderabad. # LICENSE Licensed under GNU GPL v3. See LICENSE file for details.