
85 lines
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## Generates a single diff for a single row, ignoring the Status field
<%def name="singlediff(row)">
@@ ${row['key']}
%for k in row['changes']:
%if k != 'Status':
## Get description from a changed row
## Either from the changed or unchanged portion
<%def name="description(row)">
% if 'Description' in row['unchanged']:
The following new ISINs were added:
% for row in added:
% endfor
The following ISINs changed their status:
<th>Old Status</th>
<th>New Status</th>
% for row in changed:
% if 'Status' in row['changes']:
% endif
% endfor
## This will usually contain the description
The following ISINs changed other fields:
% for row in changed:
% if 'Status' not in row['changes']:
% endif
% endfor
## Removals are currently happening accidentally because NSDL website returns a 5xx
%if len(removed) > 0:
The following ISINs were completely removed (likely in error):
% for row in removed:
% endfor