#!/bin/bash # Call with INX Page_num file_name function fetch_page() { echo "[+] $1/$2" curl "https://nsdl.co.in/master_search_res.php" \ --silent \ --data cnum=$1 \ --data "page_no=$2" | # for each row pup '#nsdl-tables tr json{}' | \ # generate 6 lines (second column has a link, so parse that) with raw output jq --raw-output '.[] | [.children[0].text, .children[1].children[0].text, .children[2].text, .children[3].text,.children[4].text,.children[5].text]|.[]' | \ # and create a CSV from every 6 lines paste -d, - - - - - - | \ # and we don't need the first row tail -n +2 >> "$3" } function fetch_total_pages() { curl "https://nsdl.co.in/master_search_res.php" \ --silent \ --data cnum=$1 \ --data "page_no=1" | pup 'input[name=total_page] attr{value}' } export -f fetch_page function fetch_class() { for i in $(seq 1 $2); do sem -j 10 --timeout 300% fetch_page $1 $i "$1.csv" done } for i in A B E F 9; do total=$(fetch_total_pages "IN$i") fetch_class "IN$i" $total done sem --wait