# PyPi Notifier Problem: No way to get updates when any package I am using has a new release. Solution: - Sends an email when a package you are watching updates - Get starred package list from github - Webhooks are not possible - PyPi -> GitHub mapping is impossible to maintain - Parse PyPi RSS Feed - Get list of packages updated and mail people - Maybe parse package name from setup.py - Allow uploading requirements.txt as well perhaps. ## Sources Once it has your GitHub credentials: - Starred github repos that are also on PyPi - packages menetioned in setup.py and requirements.txt files from my own projects - Allow someone to upload a requirements.txt and use that as source - Parse the PyPi RSS Feed to get complete updates All the sources are merged together. ## Notifications - Maybe have a curated twitter account that tweets about releases for the top 10% packages. - Create a personal RSS feed for every user - Send out emails (configurable) for every release. - Optional direct tweets as well?