Every community that I meet these days wants to use its own different app to manage things, or alternatively create its own special forum and so on. For instance: - The dev-s community runs its own Slack channel (which is great) but wants its own discussion forum. - ReRoll Bangalore has its own WhatsApp/Telegram group (which is great again) but lacks a discussion forum. The idea is to make a Chrome/Firefox extension that: 1. lets you create a community (you get a unique id + social links you can give out) 2. lets others submit their identity to the community tracker via the extension. The extension has the following features: 1. Allows you to add "communities" you belong to 2. Allows you to add your identity handles that you own. So you can specify multiple twitter/reddit/facebook/HN/... accounts that you own 3. Link communities with your identities. So you can share your reddit handle by joining a community. 4. Highlight a community member while browsing the site. So if you are browsing hacker news and have added yourselves to the community listing, you can see other discussions highlighted from other members.