# collaborative-bookmarking if you haven't used dropbox folder sync in the past, this is how it works: [12:48] you have a parent dropbox director [12:48] you create subdirectories [12:48] you pick a subdirectory [12:48] and you share it with people [12:48] everyone with access gets the same directory in their dropbox [12:49] their edits to the directory are synced with yours [12:49] I'm skipping over conflicts for now [12:49] take this to bookmarks: everyone has a bookmark thing in their browser [12:50] chrome has 2 parent directories, though -> bookmarks, and tab bar [12:50] I add bookmarks and save them in a special directory. I get a share option in the extension against every parent level directory [12:50] to share with other people [12:51] The interface is basically: - Coding (shared with user@example.com) [Synced] - Books - Projects - Elixir (shared with person@mail.com) [Syncing] [12:52] If the other person checks their bookmarks directory, they see the same directory and links [12:52] edits are synced as well, so you can edit bookmarks (title only) and it gets synced back There are lots of tools that already sync your browser bookmarks, but once you have the base in place, you can make the "source/sink" configurable to things like Google Save / Pockets / Pinboard etc.