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The Society of Mind Text & Video Archive

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Society of Mind

The Society of Mind

Written by Marvin Minsky
Formatted for the web by Dylan Holmes

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1 Building blocks

1.1 The agents of the mind

1.2 The mind and the brain

1.3 The society of mind

1.4 The world of blocks

2 Wholes and parts

2.1 Components and connections

2.2 Novelists and reductionists

2.3 Parts and wholes

2.4 Holes and parts

2.5 easy things are hard

2.6 confusion

2.7 Are people machines?

3 conflict and compromise

3.1 conflict

3.2 Noncompromise

_3.3_ hierarchies

_3.4_ Heterarchies

_3.5_ destructiveness

_3.6_ Pain and pleasure simplified

_4_ the self

the self4.1

_4.2_ one self or many?

the soul4.3

_4.4_ the conservative self

_4.5_ exploitation

_4.6_ self-control

_4.7_ long-range plans

_4.8_ ideals

_5_ individuality

_5.1_ circular causality

_5.2_ unanswerable questions

_5.3_ the remote-control self

_5.4_ personal identity

_5.5_ fashion and style

_5.6_ traits

_5.7_ permanent identity

_6_ insight and introspection


_6.2_ signals and signs

_6.3_ thought-experiments

_6.4_ B-Brains

_6.5_ Frozen reflection

momentary mental time6.6

_6.7_ the causal now

_6.8_ thinking without thinking

_6.9_ heads in the clouds

_6.10_ worlds out of mind

_6.11_ in-sight

_6.12_ internal communication

_6.13_ self-knowledge is dangerous

_7_ problems and goals

_7.1_ intelligence

uncommon sense7.2

_7.3_ the puzzle principle

_7.4_ problem solving

_7.5_ learning and memory

_7.6_ reinforcement and reward

_7.7_ local responsibility

_7.8_ difference-engines

_7.9_ intentions

_7.10_ genius

_8_ a theory of memory

_8.1_ k-lines: a theory of memory

_8.2_ re-membering

_8.3_ mental states and dispositions

_8.4_ partial mental states

_8.5_ level-bands

_8.6_ levels

_8.7_ fringes

_8.8_ societies of memories

_8.9_ knowledge-trees

_8.10_ levels and classifications

_8.11_ layers of societies

_9_ summaries

_9.1_ wanting and liking

_9.2_ gerrymandering

_9.3_ learning from failure

_9.4_ enjoying discomfort

_10_ papert's principle

_10.1_ piaget's experiments

_10.2_ reasoning about amounts

_10.3_ priorities

papert's principle10.4

_10.5_ the society-of-more

_10.6_ about piaget's experiments

_10.7_ the concept of concept

_10.8_ education and development

_10.9_ learning a hierarchy

_11_ the shape of space

_11.1_ seeing red

_11.2_ the shape of space

_11.3_ nearnesses

_11.4_ innate geography

_11.5_ sensing similarities

_11.6_ the centered self

_11.7_ predestined learning

_11.8_ half-brains

_11.9_ dumbbell theories


_12_ learning meaning

_12.1_ a block-arch scenario

_12.2_ learning meaning

_12.3_ uniframes

_12.4_ structure and function

_12.5_ the function of structures

_12.6_ accumulation

_12.7_ accumulation strategies

_12.8_ problems of disunity

_12.9_ the exception principle

_12.10_ how towers work

_12.11_ how causes work

_12.12_ meaning and definition

_12.13_ bridge-definitions

_13_ seeing and believing

_13.1_ reformulation

_13.2_ boundaries

_13.3_ seeing and believing

_13.4_ children's drawing-frames

_13.5_ learning a script

_13.6_ the frontier effect

_13.7_ duplications

_14_ reformulation

_14.1_ using reformulation

_14.2_ means and ends

_14.3_ seeing squares

_14.4_ brainstorming

the investment principle14.5

_14.6_ parts and holes

_14.7_ the power of negative thinking

_14.8_ the interaction-square

_15_ Consciousness and memory

_15.1_ momentary mental state

_15.2_ self-examination

_15.3_ memory

_15.4_ memories of memories

_15.5_ the immanence illusion

_15.6_ many kinds of memory

_15.7_ memory rearrangements

anatomy of memory15.8

_15.9_ interruption and recovery

_15.10_ losing track

_15.11_ the recursion principle

_16_ emotion


_16.2_ mental growth

mental proto-specialists16.3

_16.4_ cross-exclusion

_16.5_ avalanche effects

_16.6_ motivation

_16.7_ exploitation

_16.8_ stimulus vs. simulus

_16.9_ infant emotions

_16.10_ adult emotions

_17_ development

sequences of teaching-selves17.1

_17.2_ attachment-learning

_17.3_ attachment simplifies

_17.4_ functional autonomy

_17.5_ developmental stages

_17.6_ prerequisites for growth

_17.7_ genetic timetables

_17.8_ attachment-images

_17.9_ different spans of memories

_17.10_ intellectual trauma

_17.11_ intellectual ideals

_18_ reasoning

must machines be logical?18.1

_18.2_ chains of reasoning

_18.3_ chaining

logical chains18.4

_18.5_ strong arguments

_18.6_ magnitude from multitude

_18.7_ what is a number?

mathematics made hard18.8

_18.9_ robustness and recovery

_19_ Words and ideas

the roots of intention19.1

_19.2_ the language-agency

words and ideas19.3

_19.4_ objects and properties

_19.5_ polynemes

_19.6_ recognizers

_19.7_ weighing evidence

_19.8_ generalizing

_19.9_ recognizing thoughts

_19.10_ closing the ring

_20_ context and ambiguity

_20.1_ ambiguity

_20.2_ negotiating ambiguity

_20.3_ visual ambiguity

_20.4_ locking-in and weeding-out

_20.5_ micronemes

_20.6_ the nemeic spiral

_20.7_ connections

connection lines20.8

distributed memory20.9

_21_ trans-frames

_21.1_ the pronouns of the mind

_21.2_ pronomes

_21.3_ trans-frames

_21.4_ communication among agents

_21.5_ automatism

_21.6_ trans-frame pronomes

_21.7_ generalizing with pronomes

_21.8_ attention


_22_ expression

_22.1_ pronomes and polynemes

_22.2_ isonomes

_22.3_ de-specializing

_22.4_ learning and teaching

_22.5_ inference

_22.6_ expression

_22.7_ causes and clauses

_22.8_ interruptions

_22.9_ pronouns and references

_22.10_ verbal expression

_22.11_ creative expression

_23_ comparisons

_23.1_ a world of differences

_23.2_ differences and duplicates

_23.3_ time blinking

_23.4_ the meanings of more

_23.5_ foreign accents

_24_ frames

_24.1_ the speed of thought

_24.2_ frames of mind

_24.3_ How trans-frames work

_24.4_ default assumptions

_24.5_ nonverbal reasoning

_24.6_ direction-nemes


_24.8_ how picture-frames work

_24.9_ recognizers and memorizers

_25_ frame arrays

one frame at a time?25.1


_25.3_ the stationary world

the sense of continuity25.4

_25.5_ expectations

the frame idea25.6

_26_ language-frames

understanding words26.1

_26.2_ understanding stories

_26.3_ sentence-frames

a party-frame26.4

_26.5_ story-frames

_26.6_ sentence and nonsense

_26.7_ frames for nouns

_26.8_ frames for verbs

_26.9_ language and vision

_26.10_ learning language

_26.11_ grammar

_26.12_ coherent discourse

_27_ censors and jokes

_27.1_ demons

_27.2_ suppressors

_27.3_ censors

_27.4_ exceptions to logic


_27.6_ humor and censorship


_27.8_ good humor

_28_ the mind and the world

_28.1_ the myth of mental energy

_28.2_ magnitude and marketplace

_28.3_ quantity and quality

_28.4_ mind over matter

_28.5_ the mind and the world

_28.6_ minds and machines

_28.7_ individual identities

_28.8_ overlapping minds

_29_ the realms of thought

_29.1_ the realms of thought

_29.2_ several thoughts at once

_29.3_ paranomes

_29.4_ cross-realm correspondences

_29.5_ the problem of unity

_29.6_ autistic children

_29.7_ likenesses and analogies

_29.8_ metaphors

mental models30

_30.1_ knowing

_30.2_ knowing and believing

_30.3_ mental models

_30.4_ world models

_30.5_ knowing ourselves

_30.6_ freedom of will

_30.7_ the myth of the third alternative

_30.8_ intelligence and resourcefulness



