--- created_at: '2014-02-23T16:32:47.000Z' title: Jan Koum promoting WhatsApp in the Flyertalk forum (2009) url: http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/travel-technology/952359-thoughts-about-my-free-iphone-app-whatsapp.html author: takinola points: 109 story_text: '' comment_text: num_comments: 24 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1393173167 _tags: - story - author_takinola - story_7286397 objectID: '7286397' --- [Source](https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/travel-technology/952359-thoughts-about-my-free-iphone-app-whatsapp.html "Permalink to Thoughts about my free iphone app - WhatsApp - FlyerTalk Forums") # Thoughts about my free iphone app - WhatsApp - FlyerTalk Forums ![FlyerTalk Forums][1] * **Log in** * [**Register**][2] * ![FlyerTalk Forums][1] * [News][3] * [Airlines][4] * [Hotels][5] * [Airports][6] * [Columns][7] * [Forum][8] * [Airlines & Mileage Programs][9] * [Miles & Points][10] * [Hotels & Loyalty Programs][11] * [Travel & Dining][12] * [Community][13] * [Destinations][14] * [OMNI][15] * [FlyerTalk Cares][16] * [Search Forums][17] * [Information Desk][18] * [Gallery][19] * [My FlyerTalk][20] * [Inbox][20] * [Subscribed Threads][21] * [Flight Connect][22] * [Lounge Connect][23] * [FlyerTalk Awards][24] * [FlyerTalk Merchandise][25] * [Members Do's & Events][26] * [TalkMail Newsletter][27] * [Book Club][28] * [Town Hall][29] * [Hotel Reviews][30] * [Help][31] * [Rules][32] * [Forgot Password][33] * [Glossary][34] * [Support Forum][35] * [Contact Us][36] * [Airport Code Lookup][37] * [FlyerTalk Wiki][38] * [About][39] * [Terms of Use][40] * [Privacy Policy][41] * [Cookie Policy][42] * [Advertise on FlyerTalk][43] __ [ ![FlyerTalk Forums][1] ][44] __ * * Google Search * __ Google Search * __ Threads * __ Posts * [Advanced][17] __ **FlyerTalk Forums** [View First Unread][45] [Thread Tools __][46] [Search this Thread __][47] ![][48] **Log in** | [**Register**][2] # Log in __ Remember Me? 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When abroad I still want to use WhatsApp, but don't want to carry a phone with a mobile SIM and a phone for WhatsApp. ![PainCorp is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] PainCorp [View Public Profile][82] [Find More Posts by PainCorp][84] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 2:44 am   #[**6**][85] [SQ421][86]   Join Date: Nov 2006 Location: cbr Programs: QF WP (OWE) | VA Plat | HH Diamond | Hyatt Diamond Posts: 4,430 Ha! Who knew this app was created by an FTer. Love the app. Use it instead of texting. If there was a way to use this app via tablets and computers (think a platform independent iMessage equivalent) that would me great! Just a suggestion. ![SQ421 is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] SQ421 [View Public Profile][86] [Find More Posts by SQ421][87] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 10:10 am   #[**7**][88] [DYKWIA][89] Ambassador: Emirates Airlines   Join Date: Sep 2004 Location: Manchester, UK Posts: 11,789 Quote: Originally Posted by **jkb76** ![View Post][83] so i was looking on this forum for something else (trying to use my M&M miles) and remembered i posted this thread 4 years ago. i am thinking some of you might be using WhatsApp now ![][71] Why would you need to use miles? In sure you a can afford F class these days ![][71] ![DYKWIA is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] DYKWIA [View Public Profile][89] [Find More Posts by DYKWIA][90] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 11:15 am   #[**8**][91] [dtsm][92]   Join Date: Jun 2005 Location: Tri-State Area Posts: 4,733 Quote: Originally Posted by **SQ421** ![View Post][83] Ha! Who knew this app was created by an FTer. Love the app. Use it instead of texting. If there was a way to use this app via tablets and computers (think a platform independent iMessage equivalent) that would me great! Just a suggestion. LOL, luv whatsapp! ![][93]![][93]![][93] ![dtsm is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] dtsm [View Public Profile][92] [Find More Posts by dtsm][94] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 12:22 pm   #[**9**][95] [rc89pl][96]   Join Date: Aug 2010 Posts: 25 Quote: Originally Posted by **jkb76** ![View Post][83] so i was looking on this forum for something else (trying to use my M&M miles) and remembered i posted this thread 4 years ago. i am thinking some of you might be using WhatsApp now ![][71] I remember you posted on Luxury4Play as well. Someone bumped your topic. Congrats on your new life ![][97] ![rc89pl is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] rc89pl [View Public Profile][96] [Find More Posts by rc89pl][98] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 1:08 pm   #[**10**][99] [erik123][100]   Join Date: Apr 2002 Location: NYC Posts: 7,003 It's a big hit with my friends in Europe - Congrats. ![erik123 is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] erik123 [View Public Profile][100] [Find More Posts by erik123][101] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 3:00 pm   #[**11**][102] [RChavez][103] Original Member   Join Date: May 1998 Location: Hellsea - NY, NY, USA Programs: AA EXP, UA 1K, SPG Plat Posts: 1,977 I do use it as well, it seems to be quite popular with non-US mobile users as well given the lack of free, unlimited SMS in other parts of the world. That said, I would say my biggest feedback item is that the UI is a bit busy. Don't get me wrong, functionally it is great and I like the fact that it uses your mobile number to locate you. But if you could make the UI much more clean and modern, I think I would tend to use it more often. A simple background (white) with simple chat bubbles and less clutter in the message screen would make it much more visually appealing, IMVHO. Call me an aesthete, but that's the only thing keeping me from using it more frequently. But I definitely offer my congratulations on building such a popular and widely adopted app. It's not easy to get that level of adoption! ![][93]![][93] ![RChavez is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] RChavez [View Public Profile][103] [Find More Posts by RChavez][104] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 3:32 pm   #[**12**][105] [pseudoswede][106] FlyerTalk Evangelist   Join Date: Apr 2001 Location: Denver, CO Programs: UA Plat/*G, Starriot Plat Posts: 15,146 I used WhatsApp as part of a group of guys in Vegas for a bachelor party. It was an awesome communications tool to keep track of everyone. My biggest problem was that it drained my battery (Galaxy S3) faster than any app I've ever used. Basically hit 0% after 11-ish hours of use. ![pseudoswede is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] pseudoswede [View Public Profile][106] [Find More Posts by pseudoswede][107] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 3:51 pm   #[**13**][108] [jsnydcsa][109]   Join Date: Jul 2005 Posts: 698 Isn't this one of the apps that take all your contacts from your device and upload them to a remote server? Since I have many non-contact entries in my address book (e.g. a contact card with DOB's, passport numbers, etc.), I'm reluctant to use such an app since it would indiscriminately take all this personal information and store it on a remote server. I stick with Skype b/c basically, by logging in with a distinct login/password (as opposed to a MS ID linked to my other MS programs and accounts) and saving only limited information in Skype's address book, I'm limited the amount of data Skype would have and could take and save. ![jsnydcsa is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] jsnydcsa [View Public Profile][109] [Find More Posts by jsnydcsa][110] ![Old][68] Sep 13, 13, 3:57 pm   #**[14**][111] [KenS][112]   Join Date: May 2005 Location: SAN Posts: 56 I love, love, love this app, I'm in the US and use it almost daily to chat with friends in Asia. ![KenS is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] KenS [View Public Profile][112] [Find More Posts by KenS][113] ![Old][68] Sep 14, 13, 1:25 am   #**[15**][114] [YYZC2][115]   Join Date: Dec 2001 Location: Canada / USA Posts: 6,016 Love whatsapp but wish I could use it on my WiFi-only devices and on my macbook like Viber. ![YYZC2 is offline][72]   ![Reply With Quote][73] YYZC2 [View Public 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Close X nttnttntt rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnttrntt rnttt * * * rnttt_rnttttrntttttLast edited by jkb76; May 9, 09 at 9:36 pmrnttttrnttttrnttt_rntt rnttrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![jkb76 is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt jkb76 rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][143] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by jkb76][144] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":2,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttMay 9, 09, 6:08 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[2**][146]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[sbm12][147]rntttrntttrntt rnrntt A FlyerTalk Posting Legend rnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Apr 2001 rnttt Location: NYC rn rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 68,473rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttIt appears that this requires the other party to also have the app installed, right?rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![sbm12 is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt sbm12 rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][147] rntrntrntrntrnt [Visit sbm12's homepage!][77] rntrntrnt [Find More Posts by sbm12][148] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":3,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttJul 15, 09, 12:24 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[3**][149]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn Original Poster rntt rntttrnttt[jkb76][143]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Oct 2007 rnttt Location: SF Bay Area rn Programs: M&M rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 56rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrnttthi there, rn rnjust wanted to mention that version for blackberry is available. you can see BB screenshots of the app in action here: rn rn rn rnand you can download the BB app from rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![jkb76 is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt jkb76 rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][143] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by jkb76][144] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":4,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 12, 13, 9:45 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[4**][150]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn Original Poster rntt rntttrnttt[jkb76][143]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Oct 2007 rnttt Location: SF Bay Area rn Programs: M&M rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 56rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttso i was looking on this forum for something else (trying to use my M&M miles) and remembered i posted this thread 4 years ago. i am thinking some of you might be using WhatsApp now ![][151]rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![jkb76 is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt jkb76 rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][143] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by jkb76][144] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":5,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 12, 13, 9:58 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[5**][152]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[PainCorp][153]rntttrntttrntt rnrntt Suspended rnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Jan 2013 rnttt Location: LAX/SNA rn Programs: AA, Hilton Gold rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 3,886rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrnttt rnt Quote: rnt rntrntt rntttOriginally Posted by **jkb76**rnttt![View Post][154]rntt rntt so i was looking on this forum for something else (trying to use my M&M miles) and remembered i posted this thread 4 years ago. i am thinking some of you might be using WhatsApp now ![][151] rntrnt rn I'm actually using it with GoGo to talk to my friend in Tokyo right now. =) n nThe only thing I wish it did was let me use my ipad if I sync to a central account. When abroad I still want to use WhatsApp, but don't want to carry a phone with a mobile SIM and a phone for WhatsApp.rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![PainCorp is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrn nttnttnttntttnttnttntt rnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt PainCorp rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][153] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by PainCorp][155] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":6,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 2:44 amrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[6**][156]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[SQ421][157]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Nov 2006 rnttt Location: cbr rn Programs: QF WP (OWE) | VA Plat | HH Diamond | Hyatt Diamond rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 4,430rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttHa! Who knew this app was created by an FTer. Love the app. Use it instead of texting. If there was a way to use this app via tablets and computers (think a platform independent iMessage equivalent) that would me great! Just a suggestion.rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![SQ421 is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt SQ421 rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][157] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by SQ421][158] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":7,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 10:10 amrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[7**][159]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[DYKWIA][160]rntttrntttrntt rnrntt Ambassador: Emirates Airlines rnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Sep 2004 rnttt Location: Manchester, UK rn rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 11,789rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrnttt rnt Quote: rnt rntrntt rntttOriginally Posted by **jkb76**rnttt![View Post][154]rntt rntt so i was looking on this forum for something else (trying to use my M&M miles) and remembered i posted this thread 4 years ago. i am thinking some of you might be using WhatsApp now ![][151] rntrnt rn Why would you need to use miles? In sure you a can afford F class these days ![][151]rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![DYKWIA is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt DYKWIA rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][160] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by DYKWIA][161] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":8,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 11:15 amrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[8**][162]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[dtsm][163]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Jun 2005 rnttt Location: Tri-State Area rn rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 4,733rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrnttt rnt Quote: rnt rntrntt rntttOriginally Posted by **SQ421**rnttt![View Post][154]rntt rntt Ha! Who knew this app was created by an FTer. Love the app. Use it instead of texting. If there was a way to use this app via tablets and computers (think a platform independent iMessage equivalent) that would me great! Just a suggestion. rntrnt rn LOL, luv whatsapp! rn![][164]![][164]![][164]rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![dtsm is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt dtsm rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][163] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by dtsm][165] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":9,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 12:22 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[9**][166]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[rc89pl][167]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Aug 2010 rntttrn rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 25rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrnttt rnt Quote: rnt rntrntt rntttOriginally Posted by **jkb76**rnttt![View Post][154]rntt rntt so i was looking on this forum for something else (trying to use my M&M miles) and remembered i posted this thread 4 years ago. i am thinking some of you might be using WhatsApp now ![][151] rntrnt rn I remember you posted on Luxury4Play as well. Someone bumped your topic. Congrats on your new life ![][168]rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![rc89pl is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt rc89pl rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][167] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by rc89pl][169] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":10,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 1:08 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[10**][170]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[erik123][171]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Apr 2002 rnttt Location: NYC rn rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 7,003rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttIt's a big hit with my friends in Europe - Congrats.rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![erik123 is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrn nttnttnttntttnttnttntt rnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt erik123 rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][171] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by erik123][172] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":11,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 3:00 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[11**][173]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[RChavez][174]rntttrntttrntt rnrntt Original Member rnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: May 1998 rnttt Location: Hellsea - NY, NY, USA rn Programs: AA EXP, UA 1K, SPG Plat rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 1,977rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttI do use it as well, it seems to be quite popular with non-US mobile users as well given the lack of free, unlimited SMS in other parts of the world. rn rnThat said, I would say my biggest feedback item is that the UI is a bit busy. Don't get me wrong, functionally it is great and I like the fact that it uses your mobile number to locate you. rn rnBut if you could make the UI much more clean and modern, I think I would tend to use it more often. A simple background (white) with simple chat bubbles and less clutter in the message screen would make it much more visually appealing, IMVHO. rn rnCall me an aesthete, but that's the only thing keeping me from using it more frequently. rn rnBut I definitely offer my congratulations on building such a popular and widely adopted app. It's not easy to get that level of adoption! ![][164]![][164]rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![RChavez is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt RChavez rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][174] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by RChavez][175] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":12,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 3:32 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[12**][176]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[pseudoswede][177]rntttrntttrntt rnrntt FlyerTalk Evangelist rnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Apr 2001 rnttt Location: Denver, CO rn Programs: UA Plat/*G, Starriot Plat rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 15,146rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttI used WhatsApp as part of a group of guys in Vegas for a bachelor party. It was an awesome communications tool to keep track of everyone. My biggest problem was that it drained my battery (Galaxy S3) faster than any app I've ever used. Basically hit 0% after 11-ish hours of use.rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![pseudoswede is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt pseudoswede rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][177] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by pseudoswede][178] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":13,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 3:51 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[13**][179]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[jsnydcsa][180]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Jul 2005 rntttrn rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 698rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttIsn't this one of the apps that take all your contacts from your device and upload them to a remote server? Since I have many non-contact entries in my address book (e.g. a contact card with DOB's, passport numbers, etc.), I'm reluctant to use such an app since it would indiscriminately take all this personal information and store it on a remote server. rn rnI stick with Skype b/c basically, by logging in with a distinct login/password (as opposed to a MS ID linked to my other MS programs and accounts) and saving only limited information in Skype's address book, I'm limited the amount of data Skype would have and could take and save.rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![jsnydcsa is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt jsnydcsa rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][180] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by jsnydcsa][181] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":14,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 13, 13, 3:57 pmrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[14**][182]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[KenS][183]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: May 2005 rnttt Location: SAN rn rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 56rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttI love, love, love this app, I'm in the US and use it almost daily to chat with friends in Asia.rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![KenS is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt KenS rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][183] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by KenS][184] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"},{"postnum":15,"message":"rnrn rnrnrnrnrn rn rnrn rn rnt rnttrntt![Old][145]rnttSep 14, 13, 1:25 amrnttrnttrnt rnt rntt rntt#**[15**][185]rnttrnt rn rnrn rnt rnrn rntt rntttrnttt[YYZC2][186]rntttrntttrntt rnrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrn rn rnttrnrntt rnttt  rnttt Join Date: Dec 2001 rnttt Location: Canada / USA rn rntttrnttt rnttttPosts: 6,016rnttt rntttrntttrntttrntttrnttt rntt rnrnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnrnttrntt rntttrntttLove whatsapp but wish I could use it on my WiFi-only devices and on my macbook like Viber.rntt rnttrnrnttrnrntt rnrn rn nttnttnttntttnttnttntt rnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnttrnrnt rn rn rnt rntt![YYZC2 is offline][141]rnrnrnttrnttrnttrnttrntt rnt rnrnt rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttt![Reply With Quote][142]rnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrnttrntttrnttrn tnnrnttrnttrnt rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrn rn rnt rntt YYZC2 rnt rntrnt [View Public Profile][186] rntrntrntrntrntrnt [Find More Posts by YYZC2][187] rntrntrntrn rn rnrnrnrnrn rnrn"}], sponsor_img: '', sponsor_link: '', sponsor_name: '', sponsor_text: '', rating: 5 }; window.vB_Thread_Store.init(threaddata); window.vB_InfiniteScroll.init({bbtitle: "FlyerTalk Forums", delay: 2500}); window.vB_Magicbar.init(); 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