--- created_at: '2013-06-23T22:35:57.000Z' title: NSA "can and does listen to everyone from senators to lovers" (1995) url: http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1995-12-12/news/1995346001_1_nsa-eavesdropping-listening-national-security-agency author: LoganCale points: 82 story_text: '' comment_text: num_comments: 16 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1372026957 _tags: - story - author_LoganCale - story_5929842 objectID: '5929842' --- [Source](http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1995-12-12/news/1995346001_1_nsa-eavesdropping-listening-national-security-agency "Permalink to Listening in: Though the National Security Agency can't target Americans, it can -- and does -- listen to everyone from senators to lovers - tribunedigital-baltimoresun") # Listening in: Though the National Security Agency can't target Americans, it can -- and does -- listen to everyone from senators to lovers - tribunedigital-baltimoresun