--- created_at: '2017-11-27T11:23:22.000Z' title: Apple internal music video – I Think We're a Clone Now (1994) [video] url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnCqNH7V9R0 author: Nuance points: 44 story_text: comment_text: num_comments: 14 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1511781802 _tags: - story - author_Nuance - story_15786543 objectID: '15786543' --- [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnCqNH7V9R0 "Permalink to I Think We're A Clone Now (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube") # I Think We're A Clone Now (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube Skip navigation [ ][1] Sign in Search Loading... Close Yeah, keep it Undo Close ![][2] # This video is unavailable. ### Watch Queue ### Queue Watch QueueQueue * Remove all * Disconnect The next video is startingstop Loading... Watch Queue Queue __count__/__total__ [Find out why][3]Close # I Think We're A Clone Now (OFFICIAL VIDEO) [ ![davegarr][2] ][4] [davegarr][5] Loading... Unsubscribe from davegarr? Cancel Unsubscribe Working... 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Please try again later. **Published on Jun 24, 2012** An internal Apple music video released in 1994 during the brief period when Apple allowed other companies to clone the Mac. \- Filmed at Apple's corporate headquarters (1 Infinite Loop) \- Performed by "Dave Garr & The Licensees" (all Apple employees) \- A parody of the song "I Think We're Alone Now" * #### Category * [Comedy][8] * #### License * Standard YouTube License Show more Show less Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. #### Up next * [ Toto - Africa (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli feat. Rabea & Hannah) \- Duration: 6:58. Frog Leap Studios 14,580,010 views ][9] ![][2][6:58][10] * * * * [ ![][2] **50+** videos Play all * Play now Mix - I Think We're A Clone Now (OFFICIAL VIDEO)YouTube][11] * [ Steve Jobs Kills The Clones & drops the S-Bomb. \- Duration: 0:58. 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