--- created_at: '2017-02-13T11:12:50.000Z' title: Big Picture of Calculus (2010) [video] url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcWsDwg1XwM&index=2&list=PLBE9407EA64E2C318 author: espeed points: 393 story_text: comment_text: num_comments: 59 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1486984370 _tags: - story - author_espeed - story_13634476 objectID: '13634476' --- [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcWsDwg1XwM&index=2&list=PLBE9407EA64E2C318 "Permalink to Big Picture of Calculus - YouTube") # Big Picture of Calculus - YouTube Skip navigation [ ][1] Sign in Search Loading... Close Yeah, keep it Undo Close ![][2] # This video is unavailable. ### Watch Queue ### Queue Watch QueueQueue * Remove all * Disconnect The next video is startingstop Loading... 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Professor Strang shows how calculus applies to ordinary life situations, such as: * driving a car * climbing a mountain * growing to full adult height View the complete course at: [http://ocw.mit.edu/highlights-of-calc...][35] License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at [http://ocw.mit.edu/terms][36] More courses at [http://ocw.mit.edu][37] * #### Category * [Education][38] * #### License * Standard YouTube License Show more Show less Loading... * [ Big Picture: Derivatives \- Duration: 30:05. MIT OpenCourseWare 198,181 views ][39] ![][2][30:05][40] * [ The Birth Of Calculus (1986) \- Duration: 24:44. Gottfried Leibniz 365,159 views ][41] ![][2][24:44][42] * [ Calculus: What Is It? \- Duration: 46:17. New Planet School 417,090 views ][43] ![][2][46:17][44] * [ The hardest problem on the hardest test \- Duration: 11:15. 3Blue1Brown 1,557,968 views ][45] ![][2][11:15][46] * [ Calculus 1 Lecture 1.1: An Introduction to Limits \- Duration: 1:27:26. 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