--- created_at: '2015-08-17T04:46:27.000Z' title: 256b.htm Competition (2002) url: http://wildmag.de/compo/ author: justin_ points: 53 story_text: '' comment_text: num_comments: 8 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1439786787 _tags: - story - author_justin_ - story_10071409 objectID: '10071409' --- [Source](http://wildmag.de/compo/ "Permalink to 256b.htm (D)HTML Coding Competition by WildMag and TAP") # 256b.htm (D)HTML Coding Competition by WildMag and TAP # 256b.htm Competition Please note that this competition was held in early **2002** where Firefox did not existed. Many entries run in **Internet Explorer 6** only. ## Rules The task was to create a tiny website in 256 bytes, using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, GIF, Flash, SVG, VRML and so on. The main rules where: 1. Total size of all files must be less or equal to 256 bytes. 2. The entry have to run offline in one of the commonly used web browsers (in 2002 this were Internet Explorer 6, Opera 6, Netscape 6 and Mozilla 0.9). Additional rules where: 1. The code don't have to be valid, cross-browser or DOM compatible. 2. All plugin based technologies are allowed. 3. It's not allowed to use the file name as source code. ## Results Round 1 was held at [wildmag.de][1] in February/March 2002. Download [round 1 final package][2] (80 KB) including detailed results, some bonus entries and a collection of flags. Round 2 was held at [tap.wildmag.de][3] in August/September 2002. Download [round 2 final package][4] (42 KB) including detailed results and some bonus entries. ## Entries | ----- | | [Rnd.][5] | [Rank][6] | [Points][6] | [Author][7] – [Entry][8] | Compati­bility | | 1 | 1. | 8.92 | [Poi – Metaballs][9] | ![IE][10] [Info][11] | | 2 | 1. | 8.27 | [Poi – Clouds][12] | ![IE][10] [Info][13] | | 2 | 2. | 8.13 | [Poi – Bricks][14] | ![O][15] [Info][16] | | 2 | 3. | 7.36 | [Milov – Entropy][17] | ![FF][18] [Info][19] | | 2 | 4. | 7.31 | [Poi – Ski][20] | ![IE][10] [Info][21] | | 2 | 5. | 7.19 | [Delax – Galaxies][22] | ![IE][10] [Info][23] | | 1 | 2. | 7.14 | [Mados – Divo][24] | ![FF][18] [Info][25] | | 2 | 6. | 7.13 | [RType – Dancing Lights][26] | ![IE][10] [Info][27] | | 2 | 7. | 7.10 | [Mados – Plasma][28] | ![IE][10] [Info][29] | | 1 | 3. | 6.97 | [Tech – Satellite][30] | ![IE][10] [Info][31] | | 2 | 8. | 6.75 | [RType – Space Milk][32] | ![IE][10] [Info][33] | | 2 | 9. | 6.73 | [FPS – RubyStar][34] | ![IE][10] [Info][35] | | 1 | 4. | 6.68 | [Milov – Wavular][36] | ![O][15] [Info][37] | | 1 | 5. | 6.65 | [Bonz – Mandelbrot][38] | ![FF][18] [Info][39] | | 1 | 6. | 6.64 | [Milov – Noise][40] | ![IE][10] [Info][41] | | 1 | 7. | 6.54 | [Mados – Plastic][42] | ![FF][18] [Info][43] | | 1 | 8. | 6.43 | [Psikorp – Splinecrap][44] | ![FF][18] [Info][45] | | 1 | 9. | 6.42 | [Iotic – Mouse Moire][46] | ![O][15] [Info][47] | | 1 | 10. | 6.31 | [Poi – Bounce][48] | ![FF][18] [Info][49] | | 2 | 10. | 6.25 | [Nowak – Simple Cellular Growth][50] | ![FF][18] [Info][51] | | 1 | 11. | 6.23 | [ScriptGuru – ASCII Fishies][52] | ![IE][10] [Info][53] | | 2 | 11. | 6.20 | [FPS – AutoShapes][54] | ![IE][10] [Info][55] | | 1 | 12. | 6.17 | [ScriptGuru – Serpinski][56] | ![FF][18] [Info][57] | | 1 | 13. | 6.11 | [Iotic – Moire][58] | ![FF][18] [Info][59] | | 2 | 12. | 6.09 | [Nowak – Ribbon][60] | ![FF][18] [Info][61] | | 2 | 13. | 6.07 | [Milov – Snowflake Generator][62] | ![FF][18] [Info][63] | | 2 | 14. | 6.07 | [Mados – Flowers][64] | ![FF][18] [Info][65] | | 1 | 14. | 6.00 | [MrMessiah – Fake Raster II][66] | ![IE][10] [Info][67] | | 2 | 15. | 5.94 | [FPS – ColorChooser][68] | ![IE][10] [Info][69] | | 1 | 15. | 5.89 | [Milov – Spike][70] | ![IE][10] [Info][71] | | 1 | 16. | 5.86 | [MrHeat – Inkblot][72] | ![FF][18] [Info][73] | | 1 | 17. | 5.86 | [Salice – K][74] | ![IE][10] — | | 1 | 18. | 5.81 | [Milov – The Fly][75] | ![FF][18] [Info][76] | | 1 | 19. | 5.76 | [Poi – World Domination][77] | ![IE][10] [Info][78] | | 2 | 16. | 5.67 | [Milov – Keyboard Racer][79] | ![O][15] [Info][80] | | 2 | 17. | 5.63 | [AxelF – Amiga Scroller][81] | ![IE][10] [Info][82] | | 1 | 20. | 5.63 | [ScriptGuru – Slither][83] | ![IE][10] [Info][84] | | 1 | 21. | 5.51 | [Xorn – 80s Char Edit][85] | ![FF][18] [Info][86] | | 1 | 22. | 5.41 | [ScriptGuru – Julia][87] | ![IE][10] [Info][88] | | 2 | 18. | 5.40 | [Nowak – Langtons Virtual Ant][89] | ![FF][18] [Info][90] | | 1 | 23. | 5.40 | [MrHeat – Self-Dump][91] | ![IE][10] [Info][92] | | 1 | 24. | 5.39 | [Bonz – Feather][93] | ![FF][18] [Info][94] | | 1 | 25. | 5.36 | [MadMan – Style][95] | ![IE][10] — | | 1 | 26. | 5.33 | [Psikorp – Distort][96] | ![FF][18] [Info][97] | | 1 | 27. | 5.31 | [Milov – Evil Twin][98] | ![FF][18] [Info][99] | | 2 | 19. | 5.29 | [Mados – Jumpy][100] | ![IE][10] [Info][101] | | 1 | 28. | 5.27 | [Shr – Juli][102] | ![FF][18] [Info][103] | | 2 | 20. | 5.20 | [Gargaj – Ugly 2 0][104] | ![O][15] [Info][105] | | 1 | 29. | 5.20 | [Poi – Rotozoom][106] | ![IE][10] [Info][107] | | 1 | 30. | 5.20 | [Salice – Palme][108] | ![IE][10] [Info][109] | | 2 | 21. | 5.13 | [Nelius – Wannabee 3D-Drop][110] | ![IE][10] [Info][111] | | 1 | 31. | 5.11 | [Hultgreen – I Am Insane][112] | ![O][15] [Info][113] | | 1 | 32. | 5.06 | [Mados – Out Of Order][114] | ![FF][18] [Info][115] | | 2 | 22. | 4.93 | [Uzec – NoName][116] | ![IE][10] [Info][117] | | 2 | 23. | 4.93 | [Gargaj – Sinuszoom][118] | ![FF][18] [Info][119] | | 1 | 33. | 4.91 | [Gargaj – Ugly][120] | ![O][15] [Info][121] | | 2 | 24. | 4.87 | [Midcoast – The Wormhole][122] | ![FF][18] [Info][123] | | 2 | 25. | 4.81 | [Sid – The Bouncer][124] | ![O][15] [Info][125] | | 2 | 26. | 4.75 | [Rowan – The Sixth Hour][126] | ![FF][18] [Info][127] | | 1 | 34. | 4.73 | [Sdw – C64][128] | ![FF][18] [Info][129] | | 2 | 27. | 4.69 | [Wolfman – St Patricks Day][130] | ![FF][18] [Info][131] | | 2 | 28. | 4.56 | [Sid – SimpleZoom][132] | ![FF][18] [Info][133] | | 2 | 29. | 4.53 | [Gargaj – Trajectory][134] | ![FF][18] [Info][135] | | 1 | 35. | 4.52 | [Laos – Hairy Nut][136] | ![IE][10] [Info][137] | | 2 | 30. | 4.50 | [Rowan – Glowing Cross][138] | ![FF][18] [Info][139] | | 1 | 36. | 4.48 | [Laos – Fleas Perspective][140] | ![IE][10] [Info][141] | | 2 | 31. | 4.47 | [Uzec – Fraktal2][142] | ![IE][10] [Info][143] | | 1 | 37. | 4.45 | [Shr – Roti][144] | ![FF][18] [Info][145] | | 2 | 32. | 4.44 | [Delax – Fake Plasmalines][146] | ![FF][18] [Info][147] | | 2 | 33. | 4.40 | [Midcoast – The Psycho Button][148] | ![!][149] [Info][150] | | 2 | 34. | 4.40 | [Uzec – Fraktal1][151] | ![IE][10] [Info][152] | | 2 | 35. | 4.38 | [Nelius – Epitrochoid][153] | ![FF][18] [Info][154] | | 1 | 38. | 4.29 | [Flec – TicTacTo][155] | ![IE][10] [Info][156] | | 2 | 36. | 4.27 | [Midcoast – Line Art][157] | ![!][149] [Info][158] | | 1 | 39. | 4.26 | [Laos – Illuminating Cone][159] | ![IE][10] [Info][160] | | 1 | 40. | 4.25 | [MrHeat – Click Here][161] | ![FF][18] [Info][162] | | 1 | 41. | 4.11 | [ScriptGuru – CountDown][163] | ![FF][18] [Info][164] | | 1 | 42. | 4.11 | [Raist – Flamethrower][165] | ![FF][18] [Info][166] | | 2 | 37. | 4.06 | [23JUL – To Move Consoles][167] | ![IE][10] [Info][168] | | 1 | 43. | 4.03 | [Salice – Boxs][169] | ![FF][18] [Info][170] | | 1 | 44. | 4.03 | [Gargaj – Minimal][171] | ![FF][18] [Info][172] | | 2 | 38. | 4.00 | [Mips – Scrolling Of Meandering String][173] | ![IE][10] [Info][174] | | 1 | 45. | 3.80 | [Mados – Lightswitch][175] | ![FF][18] [Info][176] | | 2 | 39. | 3.75 | [Mips – Scrolling Of Feathery String][177] | ![IE][10] [Info][178] | | 1 | 46. | 3.71 | [Tomaes – Booo][179] | ![O][15] [Info][180] | | 1 | 47. | 3.51 | [Mados – Confirm][181] | ![FF][18] [Info][182] | | 1 | 48. | 3.38 | [Raist – Jumping Jack On Green Playground][183] | ![FF][18] [Info][184] | | 1 | 49. | 3.36 | [PigPen – Totaliator][185] | ![O][15] [Info][186] | | 1 | 50. | 3.31 | [Salice – Huepfman][187] | ![FF][18] — | | 1 | 51. | 3.23 | [Ryu – Plasma][188] | ![FF][18] [Info][189] | | 1 | 52. | 3.16 | [Flec – American Flag][190] | ![O][15] [Info][191] | | 1 | 53. | 3.13 | [Delax – Stargate En Bleu][192] | ![IE][10] [Info][193] | | 1 | 54. | 3.00 | [Noize – Altered Subset][194] | ![FF][18] [Info][195] | | 1 | 55. | 2.86 | [Ozon – Fade][196] | ![FF][18] [Info][197] | | 2 | 40. | 2.80 | [23JUL – Huemore Consoles][198] | ![IE][10] [Info][199] | | 2 | 41. | 2.69 | [Boatman – Make IT Easy][200] | ![FF][18] [Info][201] | | 1 | 56. | 2.68 | [Ozon – Blue][202] | ![FF][18] [Info][203] | | 1 | 57. | 2.53 | [LooN – Tunnel][204] | ![FF][18] [Info][205] | | 2 | 42. | 2.47 | [Nelius – Diy][206] | ![FF][18] [Info][207] | | 1 | 58. | 2.43 | [Mrfrost – Matrix][208] | ![O][15] [Info][209] | | 1 | 59. | 2.42 | [Nelius – Schmoer2][210] | ![IE][10] — | | 1 | 60. | 2.42 | [Nelius – Schmoer1][211] | ![IE][10] — | | 1 | 61. | 2.14 | [SceneFreund – Ich Habe Es Wenigstens Versucht][212] | ![IE][10] [Info][213] | | 1 | 62. | 1.83 | [Gargaj – Hungary][214] | ![FF][18] [Info][215] | | 2 | 43. | 0.50 | [Mips – News][216] | ![IE][10] [Info][217] | | 1 | — | — | [Bushy – First Timer][218] | ![IE][10] [Info][219] | | 1 | — | — | [Karl – Classical][220] | ![IE][10] [Info][221] | | 1 | — | — | [Mados – Breakout][222] | ![FF][18] [Info][223] | | 2 | — | — | [Mados – Quicksort][224] | ![FF][18] [Info][225] | | 2 | — | — | [Mados – Superdot][226] | ![O][15] [Info][227] | | 2 | — | — | [Mados – Swirl][228] | ![FF][18] [Info][229] | | 2 | — | — | [Mados – Text2Bin][230] | ![FF][18] [Info][231] | | 2 | — | — | [Milov – Keyboard Racer (colored By Poi)][232] | ![IE][10] — | | 2 | — | — | [Nowak – Canada][233] | ![FF][18] — | | 2 | — | — | [Poi – Flying-windows][234] | ![IE][10] — | | 1 | — | — | [Salice – Marsattakks][235] | ![!][149] [Info][236] | | 2 | — | — | [Sdw – Swedish Flagwave][237] | ![FF][18] [Info][238] | | [Rnd.][5] | [Rank][6] | [Points][6] | [Author][7] – [Entry][8] | Compati­bility | ## Other Competitions * [js13kGames][239] * [10K Apart][240] * 7kb competition ([archive][241]) * The 5k competition ([archive][242]) * [WEB4096][243] competition * [JS1k][244] * 256b.com, the 256 bytes demo archive ([archive][245]) * [140byt.es][246] © Copyright 2002 by [Thiemo Mättig][247], member of [WildMag][1] and [TAP][3]. All rights reserved. [1]: http://www.wildmag.de/ [2]: http://wildmag.de/download/256b_htm_final.zip [3]: http://tap.wildmag.de/ [4]: http://wildmag.de/download/256b_htm_round2.zip [5]: http://wildmag.de/?order=round [6]: http://wildmag.de/ [7]: http://wildmag.de/?order=author [8]: http://wildmag.de/?order=entry [9]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Metaballs/poi_256b_metaballs.htm [10]: http://wildmag.de/icon-ie5.png "Works in Internet Explorer only" [11]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Metaballs/ [12]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Clouds/poi_256b_clouds.htm [13]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Clouds/description.txt [14]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Bricks/poi_256b_bricks.htm [15]: http://wildmag.de/icon-opera.png "Works in Opera and Internet Explorer but not Firefox" [16]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Bricks/description.txt [17]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Entropy/entropy_249.html [18]: http://wildmag.de/icon-firefox.png "Works in Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer" [19]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Entropy/description.txt [20]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Ski/poi_256b_ski.htm [21]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Ski/description.txt [22]: http://wildmag.de/Delax-Galaxies/dlx_galaxies.html [23]: http://wildmag.de/Delax-Galaxies/description.txt [24]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Divo/divo.html [25]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Divo/ [26]: http://wildmag.de/RType-Dancing_Lights/metahack_k-mod.htm [27]: http://wildmag.de/RType-Dancing_Lights/description.txt [28]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Plasma/plasma.svgz [29]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Plasma/description.txt [30]: http://wildmag.de/Tech-Satellite/satellite.html [31]: http://wildmag.de/Tech-Satellite/satellite.txt [32]: http://wildmag.de/RType-Space_Milk/181_ksergiejew.htm [33]: http://wildmag.de/RType-Space_Milk/description.txt [34]: http://wildmag.de/FPS-RubyStar/RubyStar.html [35]: http://wildmag.de/FPS-RubyStar/description.txt [36]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Wavular/milov-wavular.html [37]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Wavular/milov-wavular.txt [38]: http://wildmag.de/Bonz-Mandelbrot/bonz-mandelbrot-entry.html [39]: http://wildmag.de/Bonz-Mandelbrot/file_id.diz [40]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Noise/milov-noise.html [41]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Noise/milov-noise.txt [42]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Plastic/plastic.html [43]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Plastic/ [44]: http://wildmag.de/Psikorp-Splinecrap/psikorp-splinecrap.html [45]: http://wildmag.de/Psikorp-Splinecrap/psikorp-splinecrap.txt [46]: http://wildmag.de/Iotic-Mouse_Moire/iotic-mouse_moire.html [47]: http://wildmag.de/Iotic-Mouse_Moire/readme.txt [48]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Bounce/poi_256b_bounce.htm [49]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Bounce/ [50]: http://wildmag.de/Nowak-Simple_cellular_growth/cellular.swf [51]: http://wildmag.de/Nowak-Simple_cellular_growth/description.txt [52]: http://wildmag.de/ScriptGuru-ASCII_Fishies/ASCIIFishies.html [53]: http://wildmag.de/ScriptGuru-ASCII_Fishies/ReadMe.txt [54]: http://wildmag.de/FPS-AutoShapes/AutoShapes.html [55]: http://wildmag.de/FPS-AutoShapes/description.txt [56]: http://wildmag.de/ScriptGuru-Serpinski/entry.html [57]: http://wildmag.de/ScriptGuru-Serpinski/ReadMe.txt [58]: http://wildmag.de/Iotic-Moire/iotic-moire.html [59]: http://wildmag.de/Iotic-Moire/readme.txt [60]: http://wildmag.de/Nowak-Ribbon/draw.swf [61]: http://wildmag.de/Nowak-Ribbon/description.txt [62]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Snowflake_Generator/snowflake_245.html [63]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Snowflake_Generator/description.txt [64]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Flowers/flowers.html [65]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Flowers/description.txt [66]: http://wildmag.de/MrMessiah-Fake_Raster_II/256b.htm [67]: http://wildmag.de/MrMessiah-Fake_Raster_II/info2.txt [68]: http://wildmag.de/FPS-ColorChooser/ColorChooser.html [69]: http://wildmag.de/FPS-ColorChooser/description.txt [70]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Spike/milov-spike.html [71]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Spike/milov-spike.txt [72]: http://wildmag.de/MrHeat-Inkblot/ [73]: http://wildmag.de/MrHeat-Inkblot/read.txt [74]: http://wildmag.de/Salice-K/salice-k.html [75]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-The_Fly/milov-thefly.html [76]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-The_Fly/milov-thefly.txt [77]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-World_Domination/poi_256b_world_domination_update.htm [78]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-World_Domination/ [79]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Keyboard_Racer/racer_256.html [80]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Keyboard_Racer/description.txt [81]: http://wildmag.de/AxelF-Amiga_Scroller/sinus.html [82]: http://wildmag.de/AxelF-Amiga_Scroller/description.txt [83]: http://wildmag.de/ScriptGuru-Slither/entry.html [84]: http://wildmag.de/ScriptGuru-Slither/ReadMe.txt [85]: http://wildmag.de/Xorn-80s_Char_Edit/80s_char_edit.htm [86]: http://wildmag.de/Xorn-80s_Char_Edit/80s_char_edit.txt [87]: http://wildmag.de/ScriptGuru-Julia/entry.html [88]: http://wildmag.de/ScriptGuru-Julia/ReadMe.txt [89]: http://wildmag.de/Nowak-Langtons_virtual_Ant/ant_final.swf [90]: http://wildmag.de/Nowak-Langtons_virtual_Ant/description.txt [91]: http://wildmag.de/MrHeat-Self-Dump/Self-Dump.htm [92]: http://wildmag.de/MrHeat-Self-Dump/read.txt [93]: http://wildmag.de/Bonz-Feather/bonz-feather-entry.html [94]: http://wildmag.de/Bonz-Feather/file_id.diz [95]: http://wildmag.de/MadMan-Style/madman-style_update.htm [96]: http://wildmag.de/Psikorp-Distort/psikorp-distort.html [97]: http://wildmag.de/Psikorp-Distort/psikorp-distort.txt [98]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Evil_Twin/milov-eviltwin.html [99]: http://wildmag.de/Milov-Evil_Twin/milov-eviltwin.txt [100]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Jumpy/jumpy.html [101]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Jumpy/description.txt [102]: http://wildmag.de/Shr-Juli/shr-juli.htm [103]: http://wildmag.de/Shr-Juli/shr-juli.txt [104]: http://wildmag.de/Gargaj-Ugly_2_0/ugly_2.0.htm [105]: http://wildmag.de/Gargaj-Ugly_2_0/description.txt [106]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Rotozoom/poi_256b_rotozoom.htm [107]: http://wildmag.de/Poi-Rotozoom/ [108]: http://wildmag.de/Salice-Palme/palme.html [109]: http://wildmag.de/Salice-Palme/salice-palme.txt [110]: http://wildmag.de/Nelius-Wannabee_3D-Drop/256b_1.html [111]: http://wildmag.de/Nelius-Wannabee_3D-Drop/description.txt [112]: http://wildmag.de/Hultgreen-I_am_insane/iaminsane.html [113]: http://wildmag.de/Hultgreen-I_am_insane/info.txt [114]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Out_of_Order/out_of_order.html [115]: http://wildmag.de/Mados-Out_of_Order/ [116]: http://wildmag.de/Uzec-NoName/noName.html [117]: http://wildmag.de/Uzec-NoName/description.txt [118]: http://wildmag.de/Gargaj-Sinuszoom/sin-zoom.htm [119]: http://wildmag.de/Gargaj-Sinuszoom/description.txt [120]: http://wildmag.de/Gargaj-Ugly/ugly.htm [121]: http://wildmag.de/Gargaj-Ugly/file_id.diz [122]: http://wildmag.de/Midcoast-The_Wormhole/5.htm [123]: http://wildmag.de/Midcoast-The_Wormhole/description.txt [124]: http://wildmag.de/Sid-The_Bouncer/jspong_final.html [125]: http://wildmag.de/Sid-The_Bouncer/description.txt [126]: http://wildmag.de/Rowan-The_sixth_Hour/256_2.html [127]: http://wildmag.de/Rowan-The_sixth_Hour/description.txt [128]: http://wildmag.de/Sdw-C64/C64_Internet_Explorer.htm [129]: http://wildmag.de/Sdw-C64/readme.txt [130]: http://wildmag.de/Wolfman-St_Patricks_Day/s.html [131]: http://wildmag.de/Wolfman-St_Patricks_Day/description.txt [132]: http://wildmag.de/Sid-SimpleZoom/jtest_f.html [133]: http://wildmag.de/Sid-SimpleZoom/description.txt [134]: http://wildmag.de/Gargaj-Trajectory/trajctry.htm [135]: http://wildmag.de/Gargaj-Trajectory/description.txt [136]: http://wildmag.de/Laos-Hairy_Nut/Hairy_Nut.wrl [137]: http://wildmag.de/Laos-Hairy_Nut/readme.txt [138]: http://wildmag.de/Rowan-Glowing_Cross/256_1.html [139]: http://wildmag.de/Rowan-Glowing_Cross/description.txt [140]: http://wildmag.de/Laos-Fleas_Perspective/Flea%27s_Perspective.wrl [141]: http://wildmag.de/Laos-Fleas_Perspective/readme.txt [142]: http://wildmag.de/Uzec-Fraktal2/fraktal2.html [143]: http://wildmag.de/Uzec-Fraktal2/description.txt [144]: http://wildmag.de/Shr-Roti/shr-roti.swf [145]: http://wildmag.de/Shr-Roti/shr-roti.txt [146]: http://wildmag.de/Delax-Fake_Plasmalines/dlx_fakeplasma.html [147]: http://wildmag.de/Delax-Fake_Plasmalines/description.txt [148]: http://wildmag.de/Midcoast-The_Psycho_Button/2.html [149]: http://wildmag.de/icon-warning.png "May crash your web browser" [150]: http://wildmag.de/Midcoast-The_Psycho_Button/description.txt [151]: http://wildmag.de/Uzec-Fraktal1/fraktal1.html [152]: http://wildmag.de/Uzec-Fraktal1/description.txt [153]: http://wildmag.de/Nelius-Epitrochoid/256b_2.html [154]: http://wildmag.de/Nelius-Epitrochoid/description.txt [155]: http://wildmag.de/Flec-TicTacTo/tictacto.htm [156]: http://wildmag.de/Flec-TicTacTo/tictacto.txt [157]: http://wildmag.de/Midcoast-Line_Art/4.html [158]: http://wildmag.de/Midcoast-Line_Art/description.txt [159]: http://wildmag.de/Laos-Illuminating_Cone/Illuminating_Cone.htm [160]: 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