--- created_at: '2013-05-06T16:26:44.000Z' title: '"I can''t do math" (2001)' url: http://faculty.umf.maine.edu/michael.molinsky/public.www/iaq/mmm001.html author: mejakethomas points: 143 story_text: My favorite professor's take on the ever-increasing "I can't do math" statement. comment_text: num_comments: 133 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1367857604 _tags: - story - author_mejakethomas - story_5663157 objectID: '5663157' --- [Source](http://faculty.umf.maine.edu/michael.molinsky/public.www/iaq/mmm001.html "Permalink to 404 Not Found") # 404 Not Found # Not Found The requested URL /michael.molinsky/public.www/iaq/mmm001.html was not found on this server.