--- created_at: '2017-03-22T16:56:55.000Z' title: Sketchpad III Demo [video] (1963) url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USyoT_Ha_bA author: ShaneWilton points: 70 story_text: comment_text: num_comments: 19 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1490201815 _tags: - story - author_ShaneWilton - story_13932586 objectID: '13932586' --- [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USyoT_Ha_bA "Permalink to Ivan Sutherland : Sketchpad Demo (1/2) - YouTube") # Ivan Sutherland : Sketchpad Demo (1/2) - YouTube Skip navigation [ ][1] Sign in Search Loading... Close Yeah, keep it Undo Close ![][2] # This video is unavailable. ### Watch Queue ### Queue Watch QueueQueue * Remove all * Disconnect The next video is startingstop Loading... Watch Queue Queue __count__/__total__ [Find out why][3]Close # Ivan Sutherland : Sketchpad Demo (1/2) [ ![bigkif][2] ][4] [bigkif][5] Loading... Unsubscribe from bigkif? Cancel Unsubscribe Working... SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe582 Loading... 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This work was seminal in Human-Computer Interaction, Graphics and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), Computer Aided Design (CAD), and contraint/object-oriented programming. While watching this video, remember that the TX-2 computer (built circa 1958) on which the software ran was built from discrete transistors (not integrated circuits -it was room-sized) and contained just 64K of 36-bit words (~272k bytes). (1/2) [http://youtube.com/watch?v=USyoT_Ha_bA][8] (2/2) [http://youtube.com/watch?v=BKM3CmRqK2o][9] * #### Category * [Science & Technology][10] * #### License * Standard YouTube License Show more Show less Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. #### Up next * [ Ivan Sutherland : Sketchpad Demo (2/2) \- Duration: 10:30. bigkif 94,391 views ][11] ![][2][10:30][9] * * * * [ Sketchpad \- Duration: 6:52. Bill Buxton 14,532 views ][12] ![][2][6:52][13] * [ The History of GUI \- Duration: 4:38. 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