--- created_at: '2018-01-01T01:26:12.000Z' title: When volcanic ash stopped a Jumbo at 37000 feet (2010) url: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8622099.stm author: andrewshadura points: 78 story_text: comment_text: num_comments: 34 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1514769972 _tags: - story - author_andrewshadura - story_16044085 objectID: '16044085' --- [Source](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8622099.stm "Permalink to BBC News - When volcanic ash stopped a Jumbo at 37,000ft") # BBC News - When volcanic ash stopped a Jumbo at 37,000ft ![][1] [ British Broadcasting Corporation![BBC][2]Home ][3] **Accessibility links** * [Skip to content][4] * [Skip to local navigation][5] * [Skip to bbc.co.uk navigation][6] * [Skip to bbc.co.uk search][7] * [Accessibility Help][8] [BBC News][9] # [BBC News Magazine][10] | ----- | | [News Front Page][11] ![][12] [Africa][13] [Americas][14] [Asia-Pacific][15] [Europe][16] [Middle East][17] [South Asia][18] [UK][19] [England][20] [Northern Ireland][21] [Scotland][22] [Wales][23] [UK Politics][24] [Education][25] [Magazine][26] [Business][27] [Health][28] [Science & Environment][29] [Technology][30] [Entertainment][31] [Also in the news][32] \----------------- [Video and Audio][33] \----------------- [Programmes][34] [Have Your Say][35] [In Pictures][36] [Country Profiles][37] [Special Reports][38] ### Related BBC sites * [Sport][39] * [Weather][40] * [On This Day][41] * [Editors' Blog][42] * [BBC World Service][43] ![][44] ![][45] | | Page last updated at 11:31 GMT, Thursday, 15 April 2010 12:31 UK | [ ![][46] E-mail this to a friend ][47] | [ ![][48] Printable version ][49] | | | ----- | | # When volcanic ash stopped a Jumbo at 37,000ft | | A plume of volcanic ash from Iceland has led to flights across the UK being grounded. The events around one British Airways flight in 1982 reveal the potential dangers of this sort of dust. | ![Boing 747][50] The passenger jet effectively turned into a glider | When all four engines on the Boeing 747 being flown by Captain Eric Moody shut down at 37,000ft, he hadn't a clue why. It wasn't until later, when Capt Moody, his crew and the 247 passengers on board the flight, were safely back on the ground, that he discovered the cause of the narrowly averted catastrophe - volcanic ash. Airports are being closed across the UK after dust which spewed from a volcano in Iceland, began drifting southwards. The experience of Capt Moody, almost 30 years ago, shows the potential danger clouds of volcanic ash present to modern jet aircraft. There had been no hint of trouble when flight BA 009 took off from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on the evening of 24 June, 1982. Heading for Perth, Australia, the weather forecast for the five-hour journey was good and the crew were anticipating an uneventful flight. | ----- | | ![][51] | ![][52] **It's not unusual [too see fire like that] in high wispy cloud. But it developed into something more than we'd ever seen before** ![][53] Capt Eric moody ![][54] [Volcanic ash halts all UK flights][55] | The first sign of trouble came as the plane, which had hit cruising height, headed past Java over the south-eastern Indian Ocean. Capt Moody, who had left the cockpit for a stroll, was summoned back to the flight deck. As he climbed the stairs of the Jumbo he noticed puffs of "smoke" billowing from the vents in the floor and detected an acrid smell. When he opened the door to the cockpit he saw the windscreen ablaze with a St Elmo's fire - a discharge of static electricity. But that alone wasn't enough to cause alarm, Capt Moody says, recalling the events when he spoke to BBC's Good Morning Scotland on Thursday. ![Jet engine graphic][56] "That's not unusual in high wispy cloud. But it developed into something more than we'd ever seen before." Looking out the side windows of the cockpit, the crew noticed the front of the engines were glowing as if lit inside. Then Capt Moody's flight engineer detailed the impact the dust was having on the aircraft itself. "Engine failure number four... engine failure number two," he said. | ----- | | ![Captain Eric Moody][57] Capt Moody accepting an award after his safe handling of the crisis | "Three's gone… They've all gone." Within a few moments, a passenger jet powered by four Rolls Royce engines had become a glider. Needing time to calmly consider his options, Capt Moody used autopilot to put the plane into a gentle descent, and instructed his first officer to issue a mayday call. While the crew on the flight deck were frantically trying to figure out the cause of this freak failure, many passengers were largely unaware that anything was wrong. But eventually, when the passenger oxygen masks dropped as the plane steepened its descent, the news had to be announced. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are all doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress." Eventually, after quarter of an hour without any power, the engines were brought back to life. Ash had clogged the engines, which only restarted when enough of the molten ash solidified and broke off. "We glided from 37,000ft to 12,000ft before we got [the engines] going again," recalls Capt Moody. The plane headed back to Jakarta where it landed safely, though even then one of the engines had failed again. | ----- | | ![Clare Wickett][58] Clare Wickett, a flight attendant on BA 009 | It was two days before investigators confirmed that volcanic ash had been responsible for the near disaster. The plane had flown into a cloud of dust spewed out by an eruption of Mount Galunggung, 110 miles south east of Jakarta. A close examination of the plane revealed the damage a plume of these tiny particles can do to an engine - the tips of the turbine blades had been ground away. The findings were eventually incorporated into a report on the dangers of volcanic ash to aircraft. Reflecting on the chilling events of that flight 28 years later, Capt Moody, who lives in Camberley in Surrey, shows the sort of understatement characteristic of those in his profession. "It was, yeah, a little bit frightening." ### Bookmark with: * [Delicious][59] * [Digg][60] * [reddit][61] * [Facebook][62] * [StumbleUpon][63] [What are these?][64] | ----- | | [ ![][46] E-mail this to a friend ][47] | [ ![][48] Printable version ][49] | Print Sponsor | ![][51] [VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD][65] LATEST NEWS [More airports shut over ash risks][66] [Flights resume after new ash risk][67] [Ash ban 'might have ended sooner'][68] [EU ministers agree volcano action][69] [Warning over ash passenger rights][70] [London 'lost 100m' in flight ban][71] [Europe flights 'back to normal'][72] FEATURES AND BACKGROUND ![][51] ![][51] [**Ash threat returns**][73] [ Why new cloud has disrupted flights ][73] [Was the flight ban necessary?][74] [Ash aftermath: Making a complaint][75] [Eruption 'won't affect climate' ][76] [UK cheerleaders' nail-biting wait][77] [Can aircraft dodge volcanic ash?][78] [Why Icelanders enjoy their volcanoes][79] [The real nature of risk][80] [Ash alert: Air passenger rights][81] GRAPHICS, GUIDES AND MAPS ![Flight departure board][82] ![][51] [**Story in graphics**][83] [ How a volcano brought Europe to a standstill ][83] ![Flights disruption][84] ![][51] [**Ash cloud in maps**][85] [ See the extent of the dust cloud ][85] ![guide to volcanoes][86] ![][51] [**Animated guide**][87] [ How volcanoes occur, in graphics and text ][87] HAVE YOUR SAY [Volcanic ash: Readers remain stranded][88] [Volcano voices: 'Better safe than sorry'][89] IN PICTURES [In pictures: Home at last][90] [Satellite views of Iceland volcano][91] [Audio slideshow: The long way home...][92] [Big Picture: Volcanic ash][93] VIDEO ON DEMAND ![Aviation expert David Learmount warns the ash cloud could cause disruption for 20 years or more.][94] ![][51] [Ash cloud 'could disrupt for 20 years'][95] ![][96] ![Amsterdam airport][97] ![][51] [Ash cloud delays in Amsterdam][98] ![][96] ![Volcanic ash has fallen again in Iceland][99] ![][51] [Volcanic ash covers Icelandic town][100] ![][96] ![Cancelled sign in airport][101] ![][51] [Can ash travellers claim expenses?][102] ![][96] ![][51] [In today's Magazine][26] ![Model elephants in London][103] ![][104] [**Big beasts**][105] [ How elephants helped to shape human history, by David Cannadine ][105] ![Manhattan skyline][106] ![][104] [**Change a-coming**][107] [ Justin Webb on America's love affair with progress ][107] ![Woman sitting alone in a theatre][108] ![][104] [**Audience of one**][109] [ Would you watch a play all on your own? ][109] ![Paul the Octopus][110] ![][104] [**7 days quiz**][111] [ What now for Paul the eight-limbed oracle? ][111] Magazine regulars ![Facebook/Twitter][112] ![][104] [**Tweetbook **][113] [ Say goodbye to worktime boredom. 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