--- created_at: '2016-03-12T11:25:07.000Z' title: 90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine (2009) url: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/08/14/cocaine.traces.money/ author: networked points: 60 story_text: comment_text: num_comments: 38 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1457781907 _tags: - story - author_networked - story_11272399 objectID: '11272399' --- [Source](http://edition.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/08/14/cocaine.traces.money/ "Permalink to 90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine - CNN.com") # 90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine - CNN.com