--- created_at: '2015-03-23T13:58:03.000Z' title: Let Over Lambda (2008) url: http://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/toc author: weavie points: 77 story_text: comment_text: num_comments: 16 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1427119083 _tags: - story - author_weavie - story_9250877 objectID: '9250877' --- [Source](https://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/toc "Permalink to Let Over Lambda") # Let Over Lambda | ----- | | # Let Over Lambda—50 Years of Lisp ## by Doug Hoyte | | ----- | | | [About the Book][1] | | [Table of Contents][2] | | | [Text Mode][3] | | [Reviews][4] | | [Buy It][5] | | [Errata][6] | | [Clarifications][7] | | [Production Code][8] | | [Original Code][9] | | [References][10] | | ![Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.][11] | | | ----- | | WARNING: Javascript is required to read the online chapters. Alternatively, see the [text mode][3]. ## Table of Contents ### Edition 1.0 1. Introduction [Introduction][12] 1. Macros [Macros][12] 2. U-Language [U-Language][12] 3. The Lisp Utility [The Lisp Utility][12] 4. License [License][12] 5. Thanks [Thanks][12] 2. Closures [Closures][12] 1. Closure-Oriented Programming [Closure-Oriented Programming][12] 2. Environments and Extent [Environments and Extent][12] 3. Lexical and Dynamic Scope [Lexical and Dynamic Scope][12] 4. Let It Be Lambda [Let It Be Lambda][12] 5. Let Over Lambda [Let Over Lambda][12] 6. Lambda Over Let Over Lambda [Lambda Over Let Over Lambda][12] 7. Let Over Lambda Over Let Over Lambda [Let Over Lambda Over Let Over Lambda][12] 3. Macro Basics [Macro Basics][12] 1. Iterative Development [Iterative Development][12] 2. Domain Specific Languages [Domain Specific Languages][12] 3. Control Structures [Control Structures][12] 4. Free Variables [Free Variables][12] 5. Unwanted Capture [Unwanted Capture][12] 6. Once Only [Once Only][12] 7. Duality of Syntax [Duality of Syntax][12] 4. Read Macros [Read Macros][12] 1. Run-Time at Read-Time [Run-Time at Read-Time][12] 2. Backquote [Backquote][12] 3. Reading Strings [Reading Strings][12] 4. CL-PPCRE [CL-PPCRE][12] 5. Cyclic Expressions [Cyclic Expressions][12] 6. Reader Security [Reader Security][12] 5. Programs That Program [Programs That Program][12] 1. Lisp Is Not Functional [Lisp Is Not Functional][12] 2. Top-Down Programming [Top-Down Programming][12] 3. Implicit Contexts [Implicit Contexts][12] 4. Code-Walking with Macrolet [Code-Walking with Macrolet][12] 5. Recursive Expansions [Recursive Expansions][12] 6. Recursive Solutions [Recursive Solutions][12] 7. Dlambda [Dlambda][12] 6. Anaphoric Macros [Anaphoric Macros][12] 1. More Phors? [More Phors?][12] 2. Sharp-Backquote [Sharp-Backquote][12] 3. Alet and Finite State Machines [Alet and Finite State Machines][12] 4. Indirection Chains [Indirection Chains][12] 5. Hotpatching Closures [Hotpatching Closures][12] 6. Sub-Lexical Scope [Sub-Lexical Scope][12] 7. Pandoric Macros [Pandoric Macros][12] 7. Macro Efficiency Topics [Macro Efficiency Topics][12] 1. Lisp Is Fast [Lisp Is Fast][12] 2. Macros Make Lisp Fast [Macros Make Lisp Fast][12] 3. Getting To Know Your Disassembler [Getting To Know Your Disassembler][12] 4. Pointer Scope [Pointer Scope][12] 5. Tlists and Cons Pools [Tlists and Cons Pools][12] 6. Sorting Networks [Sorting Networks][12] 7. Writing and Benchmarking Compilers [Writing and Benchmarking Compilers][12] 8. Lisp Moving Forth Moving Lisp [Lisp Moving Forth Moving Lisp][12] 1. Weird By Design [Weird By Design][12] 2. Cons Threaded Code [Cons Threaded Code][12] 3. Duality of Syntax, Defined [Duality of Syntax, Defined][12] 4. Going Forth [Going Forth][12] 5. Going Forther [Going Forther][12] 6. Going Lisp [Going Lisp][12] * * * ### Appendices 1. Languages to Learn [Languages to Learn][12] 1. Road to Lisp [Road to Lisp][12] 2. C and Perl [C and Perl][12] 3. Lisp Incubators [Lisp Incubators][12] 2. Languages to Avoid [Languages to Avoid][12] 1. Opinion [Opinion][12] 2. Blub Central [Blub Central][12] 3. Niche Blub [Niche Blub][12] 3. Implementations [Implementations][12] 1. CMUCL/SBCL [CMUCL/SBCL][12] 2. CLISP [CLISP][12] 3. Others [Others][12] 4. Lisp Editors [Lisp Editors][12] 1. emacs [emacs][12] 2. vi [vi][12] * * * [References][10] References by Author Index | | λ All material is (C) Doug Hoyte unless otherwise noted or implied. All rights reserved. [1]: https://letoverlambda.com/index.cl [2]: https://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/toc [3]: https://letoverlambda.com/textmode.cl [4]: https://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/reviews [5]: https://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/buy [6]: https://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/errata [7]: https://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/clarifications [8]: https://letoverlambda.com/lol.lisp [9]: https://letoverlambda.com/lol-orig.lisp [10]: https://letoverlambda.com/references.lisp [11]: https://www.lulu.com/images/services/buy_now_buttons/en/gray.gif [12]: https://letoverlambda.com/