--- created_at: '2012-03-16T14:54:36.000Z' title: Recruiting the Top 1 Percent (2007) url: http://www.inc.com/magazine/20070501/column-guest.html author: joeyespo points: 71 story_text: '' comment_text: num_comments: 57 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1331909676 _tags: - story - author_joeyespo - story_3713549 objectID: '3713549' --- [Source](https://www.inc.com/magazine/20070501/column-guest.html "Permalink to Recruiting the Top 1 Percent - Joel Spolsky - Fog Creek Software - Internship | Inc.com") # Recruiting the Top 1 Percent - Joel Spolsky - Fog Creek Software - Internship | Inc.com