--- created_at: '2015-07-29T17:22:57.000Z' title: Scheme in a Grid (2000) url: http://siag.nu/siag/?version=new author: brudgers points: 57 story_text: '' comment_text: num_comments: 6 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1438190577 _tags: - story - author_brudgers - story_9970104 objectID: '9970104' --- [Source](http://siag.nu/siag/?version=new "Permalink to Scheme In A Grid") # Scheme In A Grid | ----- | | | ![][1] * * * # Scheme In A Grid * * * | [**Siag Office**][2] **Scheme In A Grid** [**Can Your Spreadsheet Do This?**][3] [**Screenshots**][4] [**String Handling**][5] [**File Formats**][6] [**External Programs**][7] [**Selection**][8] [**Styles**][9] [**Online Documentation**][10] | ![Siag][11] Siag is a spreadsheet based on X and Scheme. I originally wrote it out of frustration with the fact that almost no free, good looking applications were available for Linux. It is based on my old program Calc, which I started writing in the late -80's. The program has existed in several incarnations: text-based curses for SunOS, text-based hardcoded vt52 for Atari TOS, GEM-based for Atari, Turbo C for DOS, Xlib-based for Linux and now Xt-based for Linux (or Unix, really). * * * Sources for Siag are available [here][12]. [Click here for screenshots.][4] * * * [Features you don't usually find in a spreadsheet][3] [A few screenshots][4] [The online documentation][10] ## Recent Features * Support for the Mysql database. [Screenshot][13] * Support for the Lago database. * Download stock qoutes from Yahoo. [Screenshot][14] * $A$1 style references, which are not updated when cells are moved. * Examples for all functions. * Hundreds of functions, many Excel compatible, all documented in the function reference. * Arbitrary precision integer functions. * Arbitrary precision floating-point functions. * Rudimentary loading of ABS files. * New operators ** (power) and (quotient). * Complex numbers; example in complex.siag. * Matrix functions; example in matrix.siag. * New or updated documentation, automatically generated from the source. * "C" interpreter translates expressions to Scheme rather than evaluating the expression itself. | * * * [Ulric Eriksson][15] 2000-12-07 | [1]: http://siag.nu/siag/siag.jpg [2]: http://siag.nu/index.shtml [3]: http://siag.nu/canyour.html [4]: http://siag.nu/screenshots.html [5]: http://siag.nu/strings.html [6]: http://siag.nu/fileformats.html [7]: http://siag.nu/external.html [8]: http://siag.nu/selection.html [9]: http://siag.nu/styles.html [10]: http://siag.nu/online-docs/siag/siag.html [11]: http://siag.nu/siag2.gif [12]: ftp://siag.nu/pub/siag/ [13]: http://siag.nu/mysql.png [14]: http://siag.nu/stock.png [15]: mailto:ulric%40siag.nu