--- created_at: '2014-09-14T23:11:16.000Z' title: 'Playboy Interview: Steve Jobs (1985)' url: http://longform.org/stories/playboy-interview-steve-jobs author: o0-0o points: 253 story_text: '' comment_text: num_comments: 153 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1410736276 _tags: - story - author_o0-0o - story_8316559 objectID: '8316559' year: 1985 --- [Source](https://longform.org/stories/playboy-interview-steve-jobs "Permalink to Page Not Found · Longform") # Page Not Found · Longform # [Longform][1] Menu * [Home][1] * [Popular][2] * [Best Articles][3] * [Podcast][4] * [Sections][5] * [Arts][6] * [Business][7] * [Crime][8] * [History][9] * [Politics][10] * [Science][11] * [Sex][12] * [Sports][13] * [Tech][14] * [World][15] * [**All Sections**][5] * [Collections][16] * [Reprints][17]   [ **Sponsored by** the Writing Program at the University of Pittsburgh ][18] * [Random Article][19] * ## Lists * [Best of 2017][20] * [Best of 2016][21] * [Best of 2015][22] * [Best of 2014][23] * [Best of 2013][24] * [Best of 2012][25] * ## Archive * [Publications][26] * [Writers][27] * [Tags][28] * [Support Us][29] * ## More * [Newsletter][30] * [Suggest Article][31] * [About][32] * [Contact][33] * [Advertise][34] * [ Facebook ][35] * [ Twitter ][36] * [ Newsletter ][37] * [ RSS Feed ][38] ## Get our Newsletter Great new articles, every day. Subscribe # Page Not Found This page doesn't exist. Here's what you can do: * If you've found a broken link, please [email us at editors@longform.org][33] * Use [search][39] to look for the page you want * Explore [all sections][5] or the [archive][40] * Try your luck on our [homepage][1] ![Clicky][41] ![Quantcast][42] [1]: https://longform.org/ [2]: https://longform.org/popular [3]: https://longform.org/best [4]: https://longform.org/podcast [5]: https://longform.org/sections [6]: https://longform.org/sections/arts [7]: https://longform.org/sections/business [8]: https://longform.org/sections/crime [9]: https://longform.org/sections/history [10]: https://longform.org/sections/politics [11]: https://longform.org/sections/science [12]: https://longform.org/sections/sex [13]: https://longform.org/sections/sports [14]: https://longform.org/sections/tech [15]: https://longform.org/sections/world [16]: https://longform.org/collections [17]: https://longform.org/reprints [18]: https://longform.org/pitt-writers [19]: https://longform.org/random [20]: https://longform.org/lists/best-of-2017 [21]: https://longform.org/lists/best-of-2016 [22]: https://longform.org/lists/best-of-2015 [23]: https://longform.org/lists/best-of-2014 [24]: https://longform.org/lists/best-of-2013 [25]: https://longform.org/lists/best-of-2012 [26]: https://longform.org/archive/publications [27]: https://longform.org/archive/writers [28]: https://longform.org/archive/tags [29]: https://longform.org/donate [30]: https://longform.org/newsletter [31]: https://longform.org/suggestions [32]: https://longform.org/about [33]: mailto:editors%40longform.org [34]: mailto:sponsor%40longform.org [35]: https://www.facebook.com/longform "Facebook" [36]: https://www.twitter.com/longform "Twitter" [37]: https://longform.org/newsletter "Newsletter" [38]: https://longform.org/feed.rss "RSS Feed" [39]: https://longform.org/search [40]: https://longform.org/archive [41]: https://in.getclicky.com/205295ns.gif [42]: http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-b1RaU1KvBvYFc.gif