--- created_at: '2017-09-08T12:26:28.000Z' title: Implementing strcmp, strlen, and strstr using SSE 4.2 instructions (2008) url: https://www.strchr.com/strcmp_and_strlen_using_sse_4.2 author: tambourine_man points: 101 story_text: comment_text: num_comments: 21 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1504873588 _tags: - story - author_tambourine_man - story_15199648 objectID: '15199648' --- [Source](https://www.strchr.com/strcmp_and_strlen_using_sse_4.2 "Permalink to Implementing strcmp, strlen, and strstr using SSE 4.2 instructions - strchr.com") # Implementing strcmp, strlen, and strstr using SSE 4.2 instructions - strchr.com [strchr.com][1] _Abstract:_ Using new Intel Core i7 instructions to speed up string manipulation. Created 9 years ago by _Peter Kankowski_ Last changed 4 years ago _Contributors_: Dap and Adam Messinger Filed under _Low-level code optimization_ ![Share on social sites][2] # Implementing strcmp, strlen, and strstr using SSE 4.2 instructions ## The new instructions SSE 4.2 introduces four instructions (PcmpEstrI, PcmpEstrM, PcmpIstrI, and PcmpIstrM) that can be used to speed up text processing code (including strcmp, memcmp, strstr, and strspn functions). Intel had published [the description for new instruction formats][3], but no sample code nor high-level guidelines. This article tries to provide them. MovDqU xmm0, dqword[str1] PcmpIstrI xmm0, dqword[str2], imm _PcmpIstrI_ is one of the new string-handling instructions comparing their operands. The first operand is always an SSE register (typically loaded with MovDqU). The second operand can be a memory location. Note **the immediate operand**, which consists of several bit fields controlling operation modes. ## Aggregation operations The heart of a string-processing instruction is **the aggregation operation** (immediate bits [3:2]). **Equal each** (imm[3:2] = 10). This operation compares two strings (think of strcmp or memcmp). The result of comparison is a bit mask (1 if the corresponding bytes are equal, 0 if not equal). For example: operand1 = "UseFlatAssembler" operand2 = "UsingAnAssembler" IntRes1 = 1100000111111111 **Equal any** (imm[3:2] = 00). The first operand is a character set, the second is a string (think of strspn or strcspn). The bit mask includes 1 if the character belongs to a set, 0 if not: operand2 = "You Drive Me Mad", operand1 = "aeiouy" IntRes1 = 0110001010010010 **Ranges** (imm[3:2] = 01). The first operand consists of ranges, for example, "azAZ" means "all characters from a to z and all characters from A to Z": operand2 = "I'm here because", operand1 = "azAZ" IntRes1 = 1010111101111111 **Equal ordered** (imm[3:2] = 11). Substring search (strstr). The first operand contains a string to search for, the second is a string to search in. The bit mask includes 1 if the substring is found at the corresponding position: operand2 = "WhenWeWillBeWed!", operand1 = "We" IntRes1 = 000010000000100 After computing the aggregation function, IntRes1 can be complemented, expanded into byte mask or shrinked into index. The result is written into xmm0 or ECX registers. Intel manual explains these details well, so there is no need to repeate them here. ## Other features of SSE 4.2 * The strings do not need to be aligned. * The processor properly handles end-of-the-string case for zero-terminated strings and Pascal-style strings. * You can use the instructions with Unicode characters, signed or unsigned bytes. * Four aggregation operations can be used to implement a wide range of string-processing functions. ## Implementation The following strcmp and strlen functions were written and published when the processors with SSE 4.2 support were not available yet. Later they were tested on real hardware and found to be correct. ; compile with [FASM][4] ; Immediate byte constants EQUAL_ANY = 0000b RANGES = 0100b EQUAL_EACH = 1000b EQUAL_ORDERED = 1100b NEGATIVE_POLARITY = 010000b BYTE_MASK = 1000000b ; ==== strcmp ==== **strcmp_sse42**: ; Using __fastcall convention, ecx = string1, edx = string2 mov eax, ecx sub eax, edx ; eax = ecx - edx sub edx, 16 STRCMP_LOOP: add edx, 16 MovDqU xmm0, dqword[edx] ; find the first *different* bytes, hence negative polarity PcmpIstrI xmm0, dqword[edx + eax], EQUAL_EACH + NEGATIVE_POLARITY ja STRCMP_LOOP jc STRCMP_DIFF ; the strings are equal xor eax, eax ret STRCMP_DIFF: ; subtract the first different bytes add eax, edx movzx eax, byte[eax + ecx] movzx edx, byte[edx + ecx] sub eax, edx ret ; ==== strlen ==== **strlen_sse42**: ; ecx = string mov eax, -16 mov edx, ecx pxor xmm0, xmm0 STRLEN_LOOP: add eax, 16 PcmpIstrI xmm0, dqword[edx + eax], EQUAL_EACH jnz STRLEN_LOOP add eax, ecx ret ; ==== strstr ==== **strstr_sse42**: ; ecx = haystack, edx = needle push esi push edi MovDqU xmm2, dqword[edx] ; load the first 16 bytes of neddle Pxor xmm3, xmm3 lea eax, [ecx - 16] ; find the first possible match of 16-byte fragment in haystack STRSTR_MAIN_LOOP: add eax, 16 PcmpIstrI xmm2, dqword[eax], EQUAL_ORDERED ja STRSTR_MAIN_LOOP jnc STRSTR_NOT_FOUND add eax, ecx ; save the possible match start mov edi, edx mov esi, eax sub edi, esi sub esi, 16 ; compare the strings @@: add esi, 16 MovDqU xmm1, dqword[esi + edi] ; mask out invalid bytes in the haystack PcmpIstrM xmm3, xmm1, EQUAL_EACH + NEGATIVE_POLARITY + BYTE_MASK MovDqU xmm4, dqword[esi] PAnd xmm4, xmm0 PcmpIstrI xmm1, xmm4, EQUAL_EACH + NEGATIVE_POLARITY ja @B jnc STRSTR_FOUND ; continue searching from the next byte sub eax, 15 jmp STRSTR_MAIN_LOOP STRSTR_NOT_FOUND: xor eax, eax STRSTR_FOUND: pop edi pop esi ret The first processor with SSE 4.2 support is [Intel Core i7][5], followed by [Intel Core i5][6]. ## Additional reading * [Intel Software Developer Manuals.][3] * [comp.arch discussion][7] about the new string-processing instructions. * [Optimizing strlen][8] on processors without SSE4 support. * [A review of Intel Nehalem][9] processor, which includes support for the text processing instructions. **Typo in Intel manual:** on figure 5-1, "imm8[6:5]" near _Optional boolean negation_ should be "imm8[5:4]". ![Peter Kankowski][10] Peter Kankowski ## About the author Peter is the developer of [Aba Search and Replace][11], a tool for replacing text in multiple files. He likes to program in C with a bit of C++, also in x86 assembly language, Python, and PHP. He can be reached at [kankowski@gmail.com.][12] Created 9 years ago by _Peter Kankowski_ Last changed 4 years ago _Contributors_: Dap and Adam Messinger ## 23 comments Ten recent comments are shown below. [Show all comments][13] Jeroen van Bemmel, 6 years ago It may be better to implement these functions using intrinsics, that way the compiler is better able to choose the right registers: long diff = cs-ct; long nextbytes = 16; // asm ("rdx") does not work ct -= 16; // Force GCC to use a register for nextbytes? Makes the code much worse! (adds LEA) // __asm__ __volatile__( "mov $16, %0" : "=r"(nextbytes) ); loop: // could align it ASMVOLATILE( ".align 16n" : : : "memory" ); __m128i ct16chars = _mm_loadu_si128( (const __m128i *) (ct += nextbytes) ); int offset = _mm_cmpistri( ct16chars, * (const __m128i *) (ct+diff), _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_EACH | _SIDD_NEGATIVE_POLARITY ); __asm__ __volatile__ goto( "ja %l[loop] n jc %l[not_equal]" : : : "memory" : loop, not_equal ); return 0; not_equal: return ct[diff+offset] - ct[offset]; I did not manage to get gcc to emit instructions which use a register instead of a direct constant - it could be that the compiler believes it performs worse... (NB am using "asm goto" feature in the above code, it interacts poorly with optimization sometimes because gcc does not know it depends on the flags status) Jeroen van Bemmel, 6 years ago Comment on the SSE4.2 strlen() implementation: it actually performs much worse than the following SSE2 implementation (inspired by Agner Fog's implementation): size_t strlen( const char* s ) { __m128i zero = _mm_set1_epi8( 0 ); __m128i *s_aligned = (__m128i*) (((long)s) & -0x10L); u8 misbits = ((long)s) & 0xf; __m128i s16cs = _mm_load_si128( s_aligned ); __m128i bytemask = _mm_cmpeq_epi8( s16cs, zero ); int bitmask = _mm_movemask_epi8( bytemask ); bitmask = (bitmask>>misbits)< int length; int main() { enum { N = 0x1000 }; // allocate two pages char *str = (char*)VirtualAlloc(0, N + N, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); // protect next page DWORD old; BOOL res = VirtualProtect(str + N, N, PAGE_NOACCESS, &old); size_t i; // fill first page for(i = 0; i != N; ++i) { str[i] = 'a' + (i % 20); if((i % 13) == 0) str[i] = 0; } str[N - 1] = 0; // terminator at end of first page for(size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) { length = strlen_sse42(str + i); // <<< crash! if(strlen(str + i) != length) *(char*)0 = 0; } return 0; } Peter Kankowski, 4 years ago Thank you, I will change it to use aligned reads. KWillets, 2 years ago I found an evil hack for this while I was trying to figure out the flags. After this section: STRCMP_LOOP: add edx, 16 MovDqU xmm0, dqword[edx] ; find the first *different* bytes, hence negative polarity PcmpIstrI xmm0, dqword[edx + eax], EQUAL_EACH + NEGATIVE_POLARITY ja STRCMP_LOOP ecx is only 16 here if the strings are equal (and the terminator has been found), so the final sub just needs to yield 0. In particular, if we turn 16 into 0: and ecx, 15 we make this yield 0: movzx eax, byte[eax + ecx] movzx edx, byte[edx + ecx] sub eax, edx since the first bytes of the comparison must be equal in this case. For other cases ecx is unchanged. I don't know if it's better, but it's one way to handle the exit conditions. Ostap, 4 months ago Beautiful ! Thanx Peter 32bit implementation was exactly what i were looking for .. Works better than native VC12 Your name: Comment: Enter verification code: ![Verification code][15] Please ignore this field: [strchr.com][1] Perfectionistic and minimalistic programming. ### Featured pages [Discussion: the first language][16] Which programming language to learn first? [Hash functions: An empirical comparison][17] Benchmark program for hash tables and comparison of 15 popular hash functions. [Recommended books and sites][18] The minimal reading list to become a good programmer. [Software interface design tips][19] How to design easy-to-use interfaces between modules of your program. [Implementing strcmp, strlen, and strstr using SSE 4.2 instructions][20] Using new Intel Core i7 instructions to speed up string manipulation. [Table-driven approach][21] How to make you code shorter and easier to maintain by using arrays. [x86 Machine Code Statistics][22] Which instructions and addressing modes are used most often. What is the average instruction length. ### Recent comments [Peter Kankowski:][23] Vengir, it returns plural2 for 21, 31, 41, etc. For Russian, modulo = 10 is specified for singular, hence the difference. [Vengir:][24] The way I understand the Polish algorithm, it returns singular for numbers 21, 31, 41, etc... [Ostap:][25] Beautiful ! Thanx Peter 32bit implementation was exactly what i were looking for .. Works better than native VC12 [Jessica:][26] Hi Peter... [Jessica:][27] Hi peter I am new to the x86 and was wondering If you could give me some advice on how to calculate and run butchers algorithm... (c) Peter Kankowski, 2006—2018\. Some rights reserved. 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