--- created_at: '2018-01-05T11:42:00.000Z' title: Momentum builds for open-source processors (2001) url: https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1179860 author: ashitlerferad points: 56 story_text: comment_text: num_comments: 11 story_id: story_title: story_url: parent_id: created_at_i: 1515152520 _tags: - story - author_ashitlerferad - story_16078017 objectID: '16078017' year: 2001 --- Advertisement [![EE Times](https://m.eet.com/images/eetimes/ee-times.gif)](../) [![](https://m.eet.com/images/images/spacer.gif)]() ![](https://m.eet.com/images/images/spacer.gif) [REGISTER | LOGIN]() [PROFILE |](profile.asp?screenToRender=editProfile) [LOGOUT]() Sign Up / Sign In [Forgot your password?](#) [Create Account](#) {\* \#signInForm \*} {\* signInEmailAddress \*} {\* currentPassword \*}{\* /signInForm \*} Sign In Welcome back, {\* welcomeName \*}\! {\* loginWidget \*} [Use another account](#) {\* loginWidget \*} Sign In Welcome Back {\* /signInForm \*} [Use another account](#) {\* \#signInForm \*} {\* signInEmailAddress \*} {\* currentPassword \*}{\* /signInForm \*} Registration Please confirm the information below before signing in. Already have an account? [Sign In.](#) {\* \#registrationForm \*} {\* emailAddress \*} {\* newPassword \*} {\* newPasswordConfirm \*} {\* displayName \*} {\* firstName \*} {\* lastName \*} {\* addressCountry \*} {\* companyName \*} {\* eetimesJobfunction \*} {\* jobFunctionOther \*} {\* eetimesIndustry \*} {\* industryOther \*} {\* optInRegistration \*} {\* optAgree \*} {\* optShare \*} {\* siteName \*} {\* /registrationForm \*} {\* \#registrationForm \*} {\* emailAddress \*} {\* newPassword \*} {\* newPasswordConfirm \*} {\* displayName \*} {\* firstName \*} {\* lastName \*} {\* addressCountry \*} {\* companyName \*} {\* eetimesJobfunction \*} {\* jobFunctionOther \*} {\* eetimesIndustry \*} {\* industryOther \*}{\* siteName \*}{\* /registrationForm \*} Thank You for Registering Please wait you will be redirected shortly. Create New Password We'll send you a link to create a new password. {\* \#forgotPasswordForm \*} {\* signInEmailAddress \*} {\* /forgotPasswordForm \*} {\* \#forgotPasswordForm \*} {\* signInEmailAddress \*} {\* /forgotPasswordForm \*} Create New Password We've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. Your existing password has not been changed. Resend Verification Email Sorry, we could not verify that email address. Enter your email below, and we'll send you another email. {\* \#resendVerificationForm \*} {\* signInEmailAddress \*} {\* /resendVerificationForm \*} {\* \#resendVerificationForm \*} {\* signInEmailAddress \*} {\* /resendVerificationForm \*} Verification Email Sent Check your email for a link to verify your email address. Email Verified Thank you for verifiying your email address. Change Password {\* \#changePasswordFormNoAuth \*} {\* newPassword \*} {\* newPasswordConfirm \*} {\* /changePasswordFormNoAuth \*} Password Changed Your password has been successfully updated. Create New Password We didn't recognize that password reset code. Enter your email below, and we'll send you another email. {\* \#resetPasswordForm \*} {\* signInEmailAddress \*} {\* /resetPasswordForm \*} {\* \#resetPasswordForm \*} {\* signInEmailAddress \*} {\* /resetPasswordForm \*} Create New Password We've sent you an email with instructions to create a new password. Your existing password has not been changed.