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created_at: '2016-07-30T16:53:59.000Z'
title: 'Prolog.c: a simple Prolog interpreter written in 200 LOC of C++ (2000)'
author: adamnemecek
points: 109
num_comments: 19
created_at_i: 1469897639
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- author_adamnemecek
- story_12193694
objectID: '12193694'
2018-02-23 18:19:40 +00:00
[Source]( "Permalink to ")
/* prolog.c: a simple Prolog interpreter written in C++, */ /* including an example test run as main(). */ /* Copyright (c) Alan Mycroft, University of Cambridge, 2000. */ #include using namespace std; #include void indent(int n) { for (int i = 0; iatomname) == 0; } }; class TermCons; class Term { public: virtual void print() = 0; public: virtual bool unify(Term *) = 0; public: virtual bool unify2(TermCons *) = 0; public: virtual Term *copy() = 0; }; class TermCons : public Term { private: int arity; Atom *fsym; Term **args; public: TermCons(Atom *f) : fsym(f), arity(0), args(NULL) { } TermCons(Atom *f, Term *a1) : fsym(f), arity(1), args(new Term[*1]) { args[0]=a1; }; TermCons(Atom *f, Term *a1, Term *a2) : fsym(f), arity(2), args(new Term[*2]) { args[0]=a1, args[1]=a2; }; TermCons(Atom *f, Term *a1, Term *a2, Term *a3) : fsym(f), arity(3), args(new Term[*3]) { args[0]=a1, args[1]=a2, args[2]=a3; }; void print() { fsym->print(); if (arity>0) { cout <<"("; for (int i = 0; iprint(); if (++i < arity) cout << ","; } cout <<")"; } } bool unify(Term *t) { return t->unify2(this); } Term *copy() { return copy2(); } TermCons *copy2() { return new TermCons(this); } private: TermCons(TermCons *p) : fsym(p->fsym), arity(p->arity), args(p->arity==0 ? NULL : new Term[*p->arity]) { for (int i=0; iargs[i]->copy(); } bool unify2(TermCons *t) { if (!(fsym->eqatom(t->fsym) && arity == t->arity)) return false; for (int i = 0; iunify(t->args[i])) return false; return true; } }; class TermVar : public Term { private: Term *instance; int varno; static int timestamp; public: TermVar() : instance(this), varno(++timestamp) {} void print() { if (instance!=this) instance->print(); else cout<<"_"<unify(t); } }; int TermVar::timestamp = 0; class Program; class TermVarMapping; class Goal { private: TermCons *car; Goal *cdr; public: Goal(TermCons *h, Goal *t) : car(h), cdr(t) {} Goal *copy() { return new Goal(car->copy2(), cdr==NULL ? NULL : cdr->copy()); } Goal *append(Goal *l) { return new Goal(car, cdr==NULL ? NULL : cdr->append(l)); } void print() { car->print(); if (cdr != NULL) { cout << "; ", cdr->print(); } } void solve(Program *p, int level, TermVarMapping *map); }; class Clause { public: TermCons *head; Goal *body; Clause(TermCons *h, Goal *t) : head(h), body(t) {} Clause *copy() { return new Clause(head->copy2(), body==NULL ? NULL : body->copy()); } void print() { head->print(); cout << " :- "; if (body==NULL) cout << "true"; else body->print(); } }; class Program { public: Clause *pcar; Program *pcdr; Program(Clause *h, Program *t) : pcar(h), pcdr(t) {} }; class Trail { private: TermVar *tcar; Trail *tcdr; static Trail *sofar; Trail(TermVar *h, Trail *t) : tcar(h), tcdr(t) {} public: static Trail *Note() { return sofar; } static void Push(TermVar *x) { sofar = new Trail(x, sofar); } static void Undo(Trail *whereto) { for (; sofar != whereto; sofar = sofar->tcdr) sofar->tcar->reset(); } }; Trail *Trail::sofar = NULL; bool TermVar::unify(Term *t) { if (instance!=this) return instance->unify(t); Trail::Push(this); instance = t; return true; } Term *TermVar::copy() { if (instance==this) { Trail::Push(this); instance = new TermVar(); } return instance; } class TermVarMapping { private: TermVar **varvar; char **vartext; int size; public: TermVarMapping(TermVar *vv[], char *vt[], int vs) :varvar(vv), vartext(vt), size(vs) {} void showanswer() { if (size == 0) cout << "yesn"; else { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cout << vartext[i] << " = "; varvar[i]->print(); cout << "n"; } } } }; void Goal::solve(Program *p, int level, TermVarMapping *map) { indent(level); cout << "solve@" << level << ": "; this->print(); cout << "n"; for (Program *q = p; q != NULL; q = q->pcdr) { Trail *t = Trail::Note(); Clause *c = q->pcar->copy(); Trail::Undo(t); indent(level); cout << " try:"; c->print(); cout << "n"; if (car->unify(c->head)) { Goal *gdash = c->body==NULL ? cdr : c->body->append(cdr); if (gdash == NULL) map->showanswer(); else gdash->solve(p, level+1, map); } else { indent(level); cout << " nomatch.n"; } Trail::Undo(t); } } /* A sample test program: a