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created_at: '2015-12-21T07:56:42.000Z'
title: Anti-Debugging Tricks (1993)
author: antigizmo
points: 74
num_comments: 18
created_at_i: 1450684602
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objectID: '10770099'
2018-02-23 18:19:40 +00:00
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Anti Debugging Tricks By: Inbar Raz Assistance by Eden Shochat and Yossi Gottlieb Release number 5 Today's anti debugging tricks devide into two categories: 1\. Preventive actions; 2\. Self-modifying code. Most debugging tricks, as for today, are used within viruses, in order to avoid dis-assembly of the virus, as it will be exampled later in this file. Another large portion of anti debugging tricks is found with software protection programs, that use them in order to make the cracking of the protection harder. 1\. Preventive actions: \---------------------- Preventive actions are, basically, actions that the program takes in order to make the user unable to dis-assemble the code or trace it while running. 1.1. Interrupt disable: Interrupt disable is probably the most common form of anti-debugging tricks. It can be done in several ways: 1.1.1. Hardware masking of interrupt: In order to avoid tracing of a code, one usually disables the interrupt via the 8259 Interrupt Controller, addressed by read/write actions to port 21h. The 8259 Interrupt Controller controls the IRQ lines. This means that any IRQ between 0 and 7 may be disabled by this action. Bit 0 is IRQ0, bit 1 is IRQ1 etc. Since IRQ1 is the keyboard interrupt, you may disable the keyboard without the debugger being able to bypass it. Example: CS:0100 E421 IN AL,21 CS:0102 0C02 OR AL,02 CS:0104 E621 OUT 21,AL Just as a side notice, the keyboard may be also disabled by commanding the Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI), port 61h. Example: CS:0100 E461 IN AL,61 CS:0102 0C80 OR AL,80 CS:0104 E661 OUT 61,AL 1.1.2. Software masking of interrupt: This is quite an easy form of an anti-debugging trick. All you have to do is simply replace the vectors of interrupts debuggers use, or any other interrupt you will not be using or expecting to occur. Do not forget to restore the original vectors when you are finished. It is adviseable to use manual change of vector, as shown below, rather than to change it using interrupt 21h service 25h, because any debugger that has gained control of interrupt 21h may replace your vector with the debugger's. The example shows an interception of interrupt 03h - the breakpoint interrupt. Example: CS:0100 EB04 JMP 0106 CS:0102 0000 ADD [BX+SI],AL CS:0104 0000 ADD [BX+SI],AL CS:0106 31C0 XOR AX,AX CS:0108 8EC0 MOV ES,AX CS:010A 268B1E0C00 MOV BX,ES:[000C] CS:010F 891E0201 MOV [0102],BX CS:0113 268B1E0E00 MOV BX,ES:[000E] CS:0118 891E0401 MOV [0104],BX CS:011C 26C7064C000000 MOV Word Ptr ES:[000C],0000 CS:0123 26C7064E000000 MOV Word Ptr ES:[000E],0000 1.1.3. Vector manipulation This method involves manipulations of the interrupt vectors, mainly for proper activation of the algorithm. Such action, as exampled, may be used to decrypt a code (see also 2.1), using data stored ON the vectors. Ofcourse, during normal operation of the program, vectors 01h and 03h are not used, so unless you are trying to debug such a program, it works fine. Example: CS:0100 31C0 XOR AX,AX CS:0102 8ED0 MOV SS,AX CS:0104 BC0E00 MOV SP,000E CS:0107 2E8B0E3412 MOV CX,CS:[1234] CS:010C 50 PUSH AX CS:010D 31C8 XOR AX,CX CS:010F 21C5 AND BP,AX CS:0111 58 POP AX CS:0112 E2F8 LOOP 010C 1.1.4. Interrupt replacement This is a really nasty trick, and it should be used ONLY if you are ABSOLUTELY sure that your programs needs no more debugging. What you should do is copy the vectors of some interrupts you will be using, say 16h and 21h, onto the vectors of interrupt 01h and 03h, that do not occur during normal operation of the program. If the user wants to debug the program, he would have to search for every occurance of INT 01, and replace it with the appropriate INT instruction. This trick is very effective if used together with the fact that the INT 3 intruction has a ONE BYTE opcode - 0CCh, which can not be changed to any other interrupt. Example: CS:0100 FA CLI CS:0101 31C0 XOR AX,AX CS:0103 8EC0 MOV ES,AX CS:0105 26A18400 MOV AX,ES:[0084] CS:0109 26A30400 MOV ES:[0004],AX CS:010D 26A18600 MOV AX,ES:[0086] CS:0111 26A30600 MOV ES:[0006],AX CS:0115 B44C MOV AH,4C CS:0117 CD0