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created_at: '2009-10-13T19:25:03.000Z'
title: Release Late, Release Rarely (2006)
author: alexandros
points: 55
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num_comments: 32
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2018-06-08 12:05:27 +00:00
year: 2006
2018-02-23 18:19:40 +00:00
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# Release Late, Release Rarely (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
# [Raw Thought][1]
by [Aaron Swartz][2]
# Release Late, Release Rarely
When you look at something youre working on, no matter what it is, you cant help but see past the actual thing to the ideas that inspired it, your plans for extending it, the emotions youve tied to it. But when others look at it, all they see is a piece of junk.
You only get one chance to make a first impression; why have it be “junk”? Once thats associated with your name or project, its tough to scrape off. Even people who didnt see it themselves may have heard about it second-hand. And once they hear about it, theyre not likely to see for themselves. Lifes too short to waste it on junk.
But when you release late, after everything has been carefully polished, you can share something of genuine quality. Apple, for example, sometimes releases stupid stuff, but it always looks good. Even when they flub, people give them the benefit of the doubt. “Well, it looks great but I dont really like it” is a lot better then “its a piece of junk”.
Still, you can do better. Releasing means showing it to the world. Theres nothing wrong with showing it to friends or experts or even random people in a coffee shop. The friends will give you the emotional support you would have gotten from actual users, without the stress. The experts will point out most of the errors the world would have found, without the insults. And random people will not only give you most of the complaints the public would, theyll also tell you why the public gave up even before bothering to complain.
This is why “release early, release often” works in “open source”: youre releasing to a community of insiders. Programmers know what its like to write programs and they dont mind using things that are unpolished. They can see what youre going to do next and maybe help you get there.
The public isnt like that. Dont treat them like they are.
_You should follow me on twitter [here][3]._
July 5, 2006
## Comments
Im a bit confused about this post. It seems like it is in stark contrast to the strategy taken with Infogami. Am I missing something? The thinking there seemed to be release something very early, and incrementally improve it with feedback from the public. Or do you consider those early users “experts”?
posted by confused on July 5, 2006 [#][4]
I tend to disagree. Its better to get something out there that solves some demand and works reasonably well.
Apple is a bad example on both sides of the spectrum: 1) its released stuff early that doesnt work very well and 2) its really not a good proxy for anything in the first place. Neither is Microsoft.
posted by pwb on July 5, 2006 [#][5]
Is this something you feel youve learned with Infogami? Or another of your projects? Id like to know what inspired this thought!
Do you think that if you can tough it out then perhaps “Release Early, Have A Thick Skin, Come Back With Something Better” might be a good strategy? Its the taking of the criticism and using it to improve the thing that can be tough, or impossible.
posted by [Thomas David Baker][6] on July 5, 2006 [#][7]
There were a lot of different things going on with infogami that helped force my hand, but if none of those existed and I had the chance to act again, Id probably follow this strategy.
I dont think having a thick skin helps. The problem is not that your feelings get hurt, its that your reputation does.
posted by [Aaron Swartz][2] on July 5, 2006 [#][8]
This reminds me of this essay by Joel Spolsky, where he talks about the rate of growth of various things, and discusses several failure modes of the form one outpaces the other, including this one, where PR outpaces quality of code.
posted by Douglas Knight on July 5, 2006 [#][9]
Perfect is the enemy of done.
posted by PJ on July 6, 2006 [#][10]
Dualisms are easy, especially to initiate discussions… early/late, high/low, public/private, programmers/non-programmers… these are generalizations one should really try to understand and then finally give up on. _Zenish_
posted by [Tommi][11] on July 7, 2006 [#][12]
Eh? Then again, Microsoft likes to release stuff thats junk _and_ that doesnt look good. And Microsofts still as big and bad as ever.
posted by [bi][13] on July 7, 2006 [#][14]
Aaron, I wonder what would happen if you posted your “Release Late, Release Early” article on Aurans TRAINZ Simulator web site? People have been complaining that SP1 is way overdue ever since the 2006 Edition came out.
(Personally, I feel that good things are worth waiting for - although I also use agile approaches when appropriate. Perhaps the key is having a toolbox that includes both ends of the spectrum combined with the wisdom of when to use each.)
posted by Russ Schwartz on July 7, 2006 [#][15]
You cant really compare Apple to a smaller development firm whos using agile practices. Apple has tons of developers for each project, all of which work in concert towards one goal. If youre using agile development, the release early/release often isnt that you release your product to customers which would purchase it out of your web store in that state. You release software to your client (i.e. someone who comissioned a piece of software or someone that has a specific, urgent need for that software that you will be selling). I dont think any software house would ever release something they knew wasnt polished enough for release and expect it to sell. I do think they would release something that is polished and usable with the expectation of improving on it (which, one could argue, is the Apple Way), but never something they knew was a pile of crap.
posted by [Jeremy McAnally][16] on July 7, 2006 [#][17]
infogami is full of “barely started” wikis. This is party because its soo half-baked. It just downt provide some of the tools necessary to build the kind of sites it claims to help build. Now if you had released the source, others wouldve (maybe) contributed and offered suggestions. tbh infogami generated much exitement, because there are many who need a good bliki. but one which would work with third party tools (metaweblog/blogger API??), maybe google sitemaps, paid features (space for images,db,webpy scipts) etc. as for apple software dev, read mark pilgrim switch story.
posted by Deidre on July 7, 2006 [#][18]
The comment on Microsoft was the DUMBEST one on this page.
The fact is that Microsoft makes products that can be used by the average human being and not something that only techno-weenies can use.
The proof is in the pudding — what is microsofts market share in the OS market?
posted by du on July 7, 2006 [#][19]
Releasing early & often means you get a reputation for producing concrete things & for constantly improving them.
Releasing late & rarely means that you get a reputation for vaporware & that your products almost always disappoint the customer (or investor). (Who notices every little flaw.)
Unless you have the resources to develop a complete, polished application without having to hype it up to potential customers or investors…
In my experience, even non-technical customers will respect you—in the long run if not before—if you develop a reputation of regularly delivering improvements.
Indeed, look at Apple. Mac OS X, iLife, the MacBook Pros…theyve released stuff that was half-baked, but theyve also developed a reputation of constant improvements.
Yeah, they get the pretty in up-front, but thats relatively easy. (& creates the old problem of the manager/customer thinking the application is close to being feature complete simply because the UI _looks_ complete.)
posted by [Robert Fisher][20] on July 7, 2006 [#][21]
I see a good case for having your first release as late as your funding and competitiors will allow. But once you have a community of users to support, you need to support them with timely improvements.
posted by Dvd Avins on July 7, 2006 [#][22]
When you talk of suburban population, you said you dont have sympathy for them but they cant be blamed, because they werent the ones who put themselves into that bandwagon.
But when it comes to public from the standpoint of set up by my father or well, by all means, Im very talented computer geek, you just put down public.
Usually if its this segmented, you need some emotional experience to follow through bit more and connect things in your head bit more.
Douglas Engelbart really didnt have much vision for putting computation in public use. He thought about probably layered, and porous model. Experts first use it but experts would be public-issues minded, so theyd make something good for public (this is my asumption.)
Steve Jobs looked at Xerox Parcs system (Alto?) and then later said he kind of made mistakes at just introducing only GUIs to public - and couldnt take in ideas like network, teamwork with PCs. He tried to make excuse for utterly failing delivering the system. (and now sells ipods and stuff…) He just makes money out of public.
We dont even know how he use Apple machines and softwares to be really creative. Does he program? Ouch. Aaron. He doesnt. And probably he wont even he had 5 or 10 years of free time in his life. Hed have better things to do in his limited life time…What this means? (Id be surprised one day Apple release how Jobs use computers…in genius way…)
Alan Kay (according to Howard Rheingold?) said Dougs system was too complex for him, so he went for Logo/Squeak apporach of popularizing computation among human population.
And I know - I think I know, even open source worlds people or freeware people dont really look into these episodes. Despite the root fact that we probably owe much to more integrated figure such as JCR Licklider, who worked for actualizing internet and PBS(Narrow Cast System?) - ethos and history of 20th century American tech&sci communities.
True, things become diluted, and thiner and often its even hard to find the way back to its roots, or springs.
posted by a.kusaka on July 7, 2006 [#][23]
Infogami failed because you released early, but then failed to release often. People saw it and tried it early on the assumption that it would get better, and then you let it flop. What you should be saying is that one shouldnt release early and then forget about it, because then people will remember you for releasing an alpha product, having people try it, and then abandoning it.
posted by on July 8, 2006 [#][24]
Very nice. It is so hard though in this fast paced world. We live by speed. But, I agree with you. What if we all live to 75-80 and spent our time on 2-3 of our favorite projects. Can you imagine what kind of quality we could generate? We would be considered Picassos or Da Vincis. But, I am sure many of us start a project, work on it for a month and then we are bored with it. Even from a business perspective; we may see interest in a project for a while but to really turn something into quality. It seems like a rare thing these days.
STEPHEN R. COVEY and his habit books have some things to say about this. To your original comment, it is all about mental programming. And some of us have some bugs in that regard. Me being one of them.
posted by [Berlin Brown][25] on July 8, 2006 [#][26]
Re vaporware: I didnt state this explicitly, but I was assuming you didnt publish any details about what you were doing until you released.
posted by [Aaron Swartz][2] on July 10, 2006 [#][27]
Re vaporware: But my point was that in the software business—at least for most of us—you _have_ to give details to _somebody_ before youre ready for a release. Having a good reputation with your investors is as important as having a good reputation with customers.
posted by [Robert Fisher][20] on July 13, 2006 [#][28]
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