--- layout: default ---

Incidents reported since September 28, 2015


{% assign killedNum = 0 %} {% for crime in site.data.crimes %} {% for killed in crime.killed %} {{killed}} {% assign killedNum = killedNum | plus:1 %} {% endfor %} {% for victim in crime.victims %} {{victim}} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}

These are names of all victims. Names in red are of people killed.

At least {{killedNum}} killed and counting...

Tell us about an incident
{% assign crimesByYear = site.data.crimes | group_by_exp:"crime", "crime.dateOfIncident | date: '%Y'" %} {% for yearGroup in crimesByYear %}


{% assign crimesByMonth = yearGroup.items | group_by_exp:"c", "c.dateOfIncident | date: '%B'" %} {% for month in crimesByMonth %}


{% for crime in month.items %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}