HackerTray ========== [![HackerTray on PyPi](https://pypip.in/v/hackertray/badge.png)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hackertray/) [![HackerTray on PyPi](https://pypip.in/d/hackertray/badge.png)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hackertray/) [![Build Status for Chrom Branch](https://travis-ci.org/captn3m0/hackertray.png?branch=feature-chrome-history)](https://travis-ci.org/captn3m0/hackertray) HackerTray is a simple [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/) Linux application that lets you view top HN stories in your System Tray. It relies on appindicator, so it is not guaranteed to work on all systems. It also provides a Gtk StatusIcon fallback in case AppIndicator is not available. The inspiration for this came from [Hacker Bar](http://hackerbarapp.com), which is Mac-only. I tried to port it to `node-webkit`, but had to do it in Python instead because nw doesn't support AppIndicators yet. ##Screenshot ![HackerTray Screenshot in elementaryOS](http://i.imgur.com/63l3qXV.png) ##Installation HackerTray is distributed as a python package. Do the following to install: ``` sh sudo pip install hackertray OR sudo easy_install hackertray OR #Download Source and cd to it sudo python setup.py install ``` After that, you can run `hackertray` from anywhere and it will run. You can now add it to your OS dependent session autostart method. In Ubuntu, you can access it via: 1. System > Preferences > Sessions (OR) 2. System > Preferences > Startup Applications depending on your Ubuntu Version. Or put it in `~/.config/openbox/autostart` if you are running OpenBox. [Here](http://imgur.com/mnhIzDK) is how the configuration should look like in Ubuntu and its derivatives. ###Upgrade The latest stable version is always the one [available on pip](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hackertray/). You can check which version you have installed with `pip freeze | grep hackertray`. To upgrade, run `pip install -U hackertray`. In some cases (Ubuntu), you might need to clear the pip cache before upgrading: `sudo rm -rf /tmp/pip-build-root/hackertray` ##Options HackerTray accepts its various options via the command line. Run `hackertray -h` to see all options. Currently the following switches are supported: 1. `-c`: Enables comments support. Clicking on links will also open the comments page on HN. Can be switched off via the UI, but the setting is not remembered. 2. `--chrome PROFILE_PATH`: Specifying a profile path to a chrome directory will make HackerTray read the Chrome History file to mark links as read. Links are checked once every 5 minutes, which is when the History file is copied (to override the lock in case Chrome is open), searched using sqlite and deleted. This feature is still experimental. ###Google Chrome Profile Path Where your Profile is stored depends on which version of chrome you are using: - `google-chrome-stable`: `~/.config/google-chrome/Default/` - `google-chrome-unstable`: `~/.config/google-chrome-unstable/Default/` - `chromium`: `~/.config/chromium/Default/` Replace `Default` with `Profile 1`, `Profile 2` or so on if you use multiple profiles on Chrome. Note that the `--chrome` option accepts a `PROFILE_PATH`, not the History file itself. Also note that sometimes `~` might not be set, so you might need to use the complete path (such as `/home/nemo/.config/google-chrome/Default/`). ##Features 1. Minimalist Approach to HN 2. Opens links in your default browser 3. Remembers which links you opened 4. Shows Points/Comment count in a simple format 5. Reads your Google Chrome History file to determine which links you've already read (even if you may not have opened them via HackerTray) (Experimental) ###Troubleshooting If the app indicator fails to show in Ubuntu versions, consider installing python-appindicator with `sudo apt-get install python-appindicator` ###Development To develop on hackertray, or to test out experimental versions, do the following: - Clone the project - Run `(sudo) python setup.py develop` in the hackertray root directory - Run `hackertray` with the required command line options from anywhere. ##Author Information - Abhay Rana () ## Donating Support this project and [others by captn3m0][gittip] via [gittip][]. [![Support via Gittip][gittip-badge]][gittip] [gittip-badge]: https://rawgithub.com/twolfson/gittip-badge/master/dist/gittip.png [gittip]: https://www.gittip.com/captn3m0/ ##Licence Licenced under the [MIT Licence](http://nemo.mit-license.org/).