#!/usr/bin/python import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import requests import webbrowser import json from os.path import expanduser try: import appindicator except ImportError: import appindicator_replacement as appindicator class HackerNewsApp: def __init__(self): #Load the database home = expanduser("~") with open(home+'/.hackertray.json', 'a+') as content_file: content_file.seek(0) content = content_file.read() try: self.db = set(json.loads(content)) except: self.db = set() # create an indicator applet self.ind = appindicator.Indicator ("Hacker Tray", "hacker-tray", appindicator.CATEGORY_APPLICATION_STATUS) self.ind.set_status (appindicator.STATUS_ACTIVE) self.ind.set_label("Y") # create a menu self.menu = gtk.Menu() # create items for the menu - refresh, quit and a separator menuSeparator = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() menuSeparator.show() self.menu.append(menuSeparator) btnRefresh = gtk.MenuItem("Refresh") btnRefresh.show() btnRefresh.connect("activate", self.refresh) self.menu.append(btnRefresh) btnQuit = gtk.MenuItem("Quit") btnQuit.show() btnQuit.connect("activate", self.quit) self.menu.append(btnQuit) self.menu.show() self.ind.set_menu(self.menu) self.refresh() ''' Handler for the quit button''' #ToDo: Handle keyboard interrupt properly def quit(self, widget, data=None): l=list(self.db) home = expanduser("~") #truncate the file file = open(home+'/.hackertray.json', 'w+') file.write(json.dumps(l)) gtk.main_quit() def run(self): gtk.main() return 0 '''Opens the link in the web browser''' def open(self, widget, event=None, data=None): #We disconnect and reconnect the event in case we have #to set it to active and we don't want the signal to be processed if(widget.get_active() == False): widget.disconnect(widget.signal_id) widget.set_active(True) widget.signal_id = widget.connect('activate', self.open) self.db.add(widget.item_id) webbrowser.open(widget.url) '''Adds an item to the menu''' def addItem(self, item): if(item['points'] == 0 or item['points'] == None): #This is in the case of YC Job Postings, which we skip return i = gtk.CheckMenuItem("("+str(item['points']).zfill(3)+"/"+str(item['comments_count']).zfill(3)+") "+item['title']) i.set_active(item['id'] in self.db) i.url = item['url'] i.signal_id = i.connect('activate', self.open) i.item_id = item['id'] self.menu.prepend(i) i.show() '''Refreshes the menu ''' def refresh(self, widget=None, data=None): data = reversed(getHomePage()[0:20]); #Remove all the current stories for i in self.menu.get_children(): if(hasattr(i,'url')): self.menu.remove(i) #Add back all the refreshed news for i in data: self.addItem(i) #Call every 5 minutes gtk.timeout_add(5*60*1000, self.refresh) '''Returns all the news stories from homepage''' def getHomePage(): r = requests.get('https://node-hnapi.herokuapp.com/news') return r.json() def main(): indicator = HackerNewsApp() indicator.run()