#!/usr/bin/env python import os import requests import subprocess if(os.environ.get('TRAVIS') != 'true'): import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk,GLib import webbrowser try: import appindicator except ImportError: from . import appindicator_replacement as appindicator from .appindicator_replacement import get_icon_filename import json import argparse from os.path import expanduser import signal from .hackernews import HackerNews from .chrome import Chrome from .firefox import Firefox from .version import Version class HackerNewsApp: HN_URL_PREFIX = "https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=" UPDATE_URL = "https://github.com/captn3m0/hackertray#upgrade" ABOUT_URL = "https://github.com/captn3m0/hackertray" def __init__(self, args): # Load the database home = expanduser("~") with open(home + '/.hackertray.json', 'a+') as content_file: content_file.seek(0) content = content_file.read() try: self.db = set(json.loads(content)) except ValueError: self.db = set() # create an indicator applet self.ind = appindicator.Indicator("Hacker Tray", "hacker-tray", appindicator.CATEGORY_APPLICATION_STATUS) self.ind.set_status(appindicator.STATUS_ACTIVE) self.ind.set_icon(get_icon_filename("hacker-tray.png")) # create a menu self.menu = Gtk.Menu() # The default state is false, and it toggles when you click on it self.commentState = args.comments # create items for the menu - refresh, quit and a separator menuSeparator = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() menuSeparator.show() self.menu.append(menuSeparator) btnComments = Gtk.CheckMenuItem("Show Comments") btnComments.show() btnComments.set_active(args.comments) btnComments.connect("activate", self.toggleComments) self.menu.append(btnComments) btnAbout = Gtk.MenuItem("About") btnAbout.show() btnAbout.connect("activate", self.showAbout) self.menu.append(btnAbout) btnRefresh = Gtk.MenuItem("Refresh") btnRefresh.show() # the last parameter is for not running the timer btnRefresh.connect("activate", self.refresh, True, args.chrome) self.menu.append(btnRefresh) if Version.new_available(): btnUpdate = Gtk.MenuItem("New Update Available") btnUpdate.show() btnUpdate.connect('activate', self.showUpdate) self.menu.append(btnUpdate) btnQuit = Gtk.MenuItem("Quit") btnQuit.show() btnQuit.connect("activate", self.quit) self.menu.append(btnQuit) self.menu.show() self.ind.set_menu(self.menu) self.refresh(chrome_data_directory=args.chrome, firefox_data_directory=args.firefox) def toggleComments(self, widget): """Whether comments page is opened or not""" self.commentState = not self.commentState def showUpdate(self, widget): """Handle the update button""" webbrowser.open(HackerNewsApp.UPDATE_URL) # Remove the update button once clicked self.menu.remove(widget) def showAbout(self, widget): """Handle the about btn""" webbrowser.open(HackerNewsApp.ABOUT_URL) # ToDo: Handle keyboard interrupt properly def quit(self, widget, data=None): """ Handler for the quit button""" l = list(self.db) home = expanduser("~") # truncate the file with open(home + '/.hackertray.json', 'w+') as file: file.write(json.dumps(l)) Gtk.main_quit() def run(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.quit) Gtk.main() return 0 def open(self, widget, event=None, data=None): """Opens the link in the web browser""" # We disconnect and reconnect the event in case we have # to set it to active and we don't want the signal to be processed if not widget.get_active(): widget.disconnect(widget.signal_id) widget.set_active(True) widget.signal_id = widget.connect('activate', self.open) self.db.add(widget.item_id) webbrowser.open(widget.url) if self.commentState: webbrowser.open(self.HN_URL_PREFIX + str(widget.hn_id)) def addItem(self, item): """Adds an item to the menu""" # This is in the case of YC Job Postings, which we skip if item['points'] == 0 or item['points'] is None: return i = Gtk.CheckMenuItem( "(" + str(item['points']).zfill(3) + "/" + str(item['comments_count']).zfill(3) + ") " + item['title']) visited = item['history'] or item['id'] in self.db i.set_active(visited) i.url = item['url'] tooltip = "{url}\nPosted by {user} {timeago}".format(url=item['url'], user=item['user'], timeago=item['time_ago']) i.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) i.signal_id = i.connect('activate', self.open) i.hn_id = item['id'] i.item_id = item['id'] self.menu.prepend(i) i.show() def refresh(self, widget=None, no_timer=False, chrome_data_directory=None, firefox_data_directory=None): """Refreshes the menu """ try: # Create an array of 20 false to denote matches in History searchResults = [False]*20 data = list(reversed(HackerNews.getHomePage()[0:20])) urls = [item['url'] for item in data] if(chrome_data_directory): searchResults = self.mergeBoolArray(searchResults, Chrome.search(urls, chrome_data_directory)) if(firefox_data_directory): searchResults = self.mergeBoolArray(searchResults, Firefox.search(urls, firefox_data_directory)) # Remove all the current stories for i in self.menu.get_children(): if hasattr(i, 'url'): self.menu.remove(i) # Add back all the refreshed news for index, item in enumerate(data): item['history'] = searchResults[index] if item['url'].startswith('item?id='): item['url'] = "https://news.ycombinator.com/" + item['url'] self.addItem(item) # Catch network errors except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print("[+] There was an error in fetching news items") finally: # Call every 10 minutes if not no_timer: GLib.timeout_add(10 * 30 * 1000, self.refresh, widget, no_timer, chrome_data_directory) # Merges two boolean arrays, using OR operation against each pair def mergeBoolArray(self, original, patch): for index, var in enumerate(original): original[index] = original[index] or patch[index] return original def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Hacker News in your System Tray') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=Version.current()) parser.add_argument('-c', '--comments', dest='comments', action='store_true', help="Load the HN comments link for the article as well") parser.add_argument('--chrome', dest='chrome', help="Specify a Google Chrome Profile directory to use for matching chrome history") parser.add_argument('--firefox', default=self.default_firefox_profile(), dest='firefox', help="Specify a Firefox Profile directory to use for matching firefox history") parser.set_defaults(comments=False) parser.set_defaults(dnt=False) args = parser.parse_args() indicator = HackerNewsApp(args) indicator.run()