setFlags(RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $ite = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir); foreach($ite as $file) { yield $file->getPathName(); } } function generateFingerprint($version, $output, $hash_file) { $manifest = []; foreach(rsearch($output) as $file) { $path = substr($file, strlen($output) + 1); $manifest[$path] = sha1_file($file); } $json = json_encode($manifest, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); file_put_contents($hash_file, $json); } function download_release($url, $output) { @unlink($output); system("wget --quiet --max-redirect=5 '$url' -O /dev/shm/", $ret); return ($ret === 0); } function extract_release($input, $output) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if (!$zip->open($input)) { die("Download failed?"); } `rm -rf $output`; mkdir($output); if(!$zip->extractTo($output)) { die("Failed extraction"); } $zip->close(); } $archs = ['x64', 'arm64']; $oses = ['linux', 'darwin', 'win32']; /** * We skip over unstable and atom-shell releases */ function get_versions() { `rm -rf electron-src`; `git clone electron-src`; chdir("electron-src"); $versions = []; foreach(explode("\n", shell_exec("git tag -l")) as $version) { foreach(VERSION_EXCLUDE as $needle) { if (stripos($version, $needle) !== false) { continue 2; } } // Atom shell was renamed to electron in this release (17th April 2015) if (version_compare($version, 'v0.24.0', '<')) { continue; } $versions[] = $version; } chdir(".."); `rm -rf electron-src`; return $versions; } function release_exists($url) { exec("curl --silent -I -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' $url", $output); if (trim($output[0]) == '404') { return false; } else { return true; } } foreach(get_versions() as $version) { foreach($oses as $os) { foreach($archs as $arch) { // No releases were made for these combinations // Apple Silicon support added in v11: if (version_compare($version, 'v11.0.0', '<') and $os=='darwin' and $arch=='arm64') { continue; } // // v1.8.0 was the first arm64 release if (version_compare($version, 'v1.8.0', '<') and $os=='linux' and $arch=='arm64') { continue; } // 6.0.9 was the first ARM64 windows release (backport) // if (version_compare($version, 'v6.0.9', '<') and $os=='win32' and $arch=='arm64') { continue; } $hash_file = "hashes/$os-$arch-$version.json"; if (!file_exists($hash_file)) { $zipfile = '/dev/shm/'; $output = '/dev/shm/electron'; $url = "$version/electron-$version-$os-$"; echo $url . PHP_EOL; if (!release_exists($url)) { echo "[DL:404] $url\n"; } else if (download_release($url, $zipfile)) { extract_release($zipfile, $output); generateFingerprint($version, $output, $hash_file); } else { echo "[DL:FAIL] $version\n"; } } } } }