# [electron-fingerprints](https://github.com/captn3m0/electron-fingerprints/packages/1337118) ![Zero Dependencies](https://img.shields.io/badge/Dependencies-Zero-blue) Generates fingerprints for electron version detection by downloading electron releases and generating checksums (sha1 hashes) of the files contained in each release. Published as a lookup table on the GitHub NPM Registry. ## why You can use this to guess which electron version is being used in a given application. A given electron version is (almost always) tightly bound to a node and chrome release as well, so you get a better sense of what the application is running. Written as the backend for [`which-electon`][we]. ## install See [the GitHub documentation](https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-npm-registry#installing-a-package) to configure the GitHub Packages NPM Registry. Install from the command line: ```shell npm install @captn3m0/electron-fingerprints@2022.3.31 ``` Install via package.json: ```json "@captn3m0/electron-fingerprints": "2022.3.31" ``` ## usage This is just the raw data files, see [which-electron][we] for a usable package. The `lookup.json` file is published as the `@captn3m0/electron-fingerprints` package on the GitHub NPM Package Registry. Programmatic usage is still possible: ```javascript const lookup = require("@captn3m0/electron-fingerprints"); // baf786083f482c1f035e50e105b5f7475af1e00b = sha1(ffmpeg.dll) lookup["win32-x64"]["baf786083f482c1f035e50e105b5f7475af1e00b"]; // ["v1.4.3", "v1.4.4", "v1.4.5"] ``` You can sort or filter the returned versions if needed. If you'd like to access the raw data, see `HACKING.md` for a schema description. ## supported releases All _Stable_ electron releases for the following architectures are fingerprinted: - `linux-x64` - `linux-arm64` - `darwin-x64` (Mac OS) - `win32-x64` (Windows) - `win32-arm64` (Windows) - `darwin-arm64` (Apple Silicon) A list of release fingerprints is under the `hashes` directory. Releases made when Electron was still called `atom-shell` are not supported (Before April 2015). ## versioning Releases are versioned by YYYY.MM.DD format. ## license Released under WTFPL. [we]: https://github.com/captn3m0/which-electron