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## Put me in ~/.irssi/scripts, and then execute the following in irssi:
## /load perl
## /script load notify
use strict;
use Irssi;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
use HTML::Entities;
$VERSION = "0.01";
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Luke Macken, Paul W. Frields',
contact => 'lewk@csh.rit.edu, stickster@gmail.com',
name => 'notify.pl',
description => 'Use libnotify to alert user to hilighted messages',
license => 'GNU General Public License',
url => 'http://lewk.org/log/code/irssi-notify',
Irssi::settings_add_str('notify', 'notify_icon', 'gtk-dialog-info');
Irssi::settings_add_str('notify', 'notify_time', '5000');
sub sanitize {
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
$text =~ s/`/\\"/g;
return $text;
sub notify {
my ($server, $summary, $message) = @_;
# Make the message entity-safe
$summary = sanitize($summary);
$message = sanitize($message);
my $cmd = "EXEC - notify-send" .
" -i " . Irssi::settings_get_str('notify_icon') .
" -t " . Irssi::settings_get_str('notify_time') .
" -- '" . $summary . "'" .
" '" . $message . "'";
sub print_text_notify {
my ($dest, $text, $stripped) = @_;
my $server = $dest->{server};
return if (!$server || !($dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_HILIGHT));
my $sender = $stripped;
$sender =~ s/^\<.([^\>]+)\>.+/\1/ ;
$stripped =~ s/^\<.[^\>]+\>.// ;
my $summary = $dest->{target} . ": " . $sender;
notify($server, $summary, $stripped);
sub message_private_notify {
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address) = @_;
return if (!$server);
notify($server, "Private message from ".$nick, $msg);
sub dcc_request_notify {
my ($dcc, $sendaddr) = @_;
my $server = $dcc->{server};
return if (!$dcc);
notify($server, "DCC ".$dcc->{type}." request", $dcc->{nick});
Irssi::signal_add('print text', 'print_text_notify');
Irssi::signal_add('message private', 'message_private_notify');
Irssi::signal_add('dcc request', 'dcc_request_notify');