require 'yaml' def bail_on_failure exitstatus = $?.exitstatus if exitstatus != 0 err "last command failed with exit status #{exitstatus}" exit 1 end end def version `git describe`.chomp end def rubygems_version # RubyGems will barf if we try to pass an intermediate version number # like "1.1b2-10-g61a374a", so no choice but to abbreviate it `git describe --abbrev=0`.chomp end def yellow "\033[33m" end def red "\033[31m" end def clear "\033[0m" end def warn str puts "#{yellow}warning: #{str}#{clear}" end def err str puts "#{red}error: #{str}#{clear}" end def prepare_release_notes # extract base release notes from README.txt HISTORY section'.release-notes.txt', 'w') do |out| lines = File.readlines('README.txt').each { |line| line.chomp! } while line = lines.shift do next unless line =~ /^HISTORY +\*command-t-history\*$/ break unless lines.shift == '' && (line = lines.shift) && line =~ /^\d\.\d/ && lines.shift == '' while line = lines.shift and line != '' out.puts line end break end out.puts '' out.puts '# Please edit the release notes to taste.' out.puts '# Blank lines and lines beginning with a hash will be removed.' out.puts '# To abort, exit your editor with a non-zero exit status (:cquit in Vim).' end unless system "$EDITOR .release-notes.txt" err "editor exited with non-zero exit status; aborting" exit 1 end filtered = read_release_notes'.release-notes.txt', 'w') do |out| out.print filtered end end def read_release_notes File.readlines('.release-notes.txt').reject do |line| line =~ /^(#.*|\s*)$/ # filter comment lines and blank lines end.join end task :default => :spec desc 'Print help on preparing a release' task :help do puts <<-END The general release sequence is: rake prerelease rake gem rake push bundle exec rake upload:all rake archive Most of the Rake tasks run fine without Bundler, and in fact, we don't want Bundler in the prerelease task because it will tamper with the environment in a way that breaks multiruby. We use Bundler for the upload task because the uploader uses Bundler to ensure that the Mechanize gem is available. END end task :check_bundler do unless ENV.has_key? 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' warn 'warning: Bundler is not loaded; try running with `bundle exec rake`' end end desc 'Run specs' task :spec do system 'bundle exec rspec spec' bail_on_failure end desc 'Create vimball archive' task :vimball => :check_tag do system 'make' bail_on_failure FileUtils.cp 'command-t.vba', "command-t-#{version}.vba" end desc 'Clean compiled products' task :clean do Dir.chdir 'ruby/command-t' do system 'make clean' if File.exists?('Makefile') system 'rm -f Makefile' end end desc 'Clobber all generated files' task :clobber => :clean do system 'make clean' end desc 'Compile extension' task :make do Dir.chdir 'ruby/command-t' do ruby 'extconf.rb' system 'make clean' bail_on_failure system 'make' bail_on_failure end end namespace :make do desc 'Compile under all multiruby versions' task :all do system './' bail_on_failure end end namespace :spec do desc 'Run specs under all multiruby versions' task :all do system './' bail_on_failure end end desc 'Check that the current HEAD is tagged' task :check_tag do unless system 'git describe --exact-match HEAD 2> /dev/null' warn 'current HEAD is not tagged' end end desc 'Run checks prior to release' task :prerelease => ['make:all', 'spec:all', :vimball, :check_tag] namespace :upload do desc 'Upload current vimball to Amazon S3' task :s3 => :vimball do sh 'aws put ' + "{version}.vba " + "command-t-#{version}.vba" sh 'aws put ' + "{version}.vba?acl " + '--public' end desc 'Upload current vimball to' task :vim => [:check_bundler, :vimball] do prepare_release_notes sh "vendor/vimscriptuploader/vimscriptuploader.rb \ --id 3025 \ --file command-t-#{version}.vba \ --message-file .release-notes.txt \ --version #{version} \ --config ~/.vim_org.yml \ .vim_org.yml" end desc 'Upload current vimball everywhere' task :all => [ :s3, :vim ] end desc 'Add current vimball to releases branch' task :archive => :vimball do v = version # store version before switching branches sh 'git stash && ' + 'git checkout releases && ' + "git add command-t-#{v}.vba && " + "git commit -s -m 'Add #{v} release vimball' && " + 'git checkout @{-1} && ' + 'git stash pop || true' end desc 'Create the ruby gem package' task :gem => :check_tag do sh "gem build command-t.gemspec" end desc 'Push gem to Gemcutter ("gem push")' task :push => :gem do sh "gem push command-t-#{rubygems_version}.gem" end