# Append to bottom of this file schemes: solarized_light: &light # COLORSCHEME: base16-solarized-light.yml # Default colors primary: background: '0xfdf6e3' foreground: '0x586e75' # Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true cursor: text: '0xfdf6e3' cursor: '0x586e75' # Normal colors normal: black: '0xfdf6e3' red: '0xdc322f' green: '0x859900' yellow: '0xb58900' blue: '0x268bd2' magenta: '0x6c71c4' cyan: '0x2aa198' white: '0x586e75' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x839496' red: '0xcb4b16' green: '0xeee8d5' yellow: '0x93a1a1' blue: '0x657b83' magenta: '0x073642' cyan: '0xd33682' white: '0x002b36' colors: *light live_config_reload: true window: decorations: none dynamic_title: true scrolling: history: 20000 multiplier: 5 font: normal: family: Input Mono draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: false