diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/.gitignore b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 62d8815..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -scripts/poem.txt diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/README.md b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8f75f9f..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ -# Polybar Nord - -> Collection of Polybar theme and module. - -The theme and module collection for [Polybar](https://github.com/polybar/polybar) based on [Nord](https://www.nordtheme.com/) colors. This theme provides two bar setups, each of them has light and dark variants. Besides the official modules, there are also scripts from [polybar-scripts](https://github.com/polybar/polybar-scripts) and myself which are configured to suit the theme. - -![i3-nord-dark.png](https://github.com/Yucklys/polybar-nord-theme/raw/master/polybar-nord.png) - - - -## Table of Contents - -- [Install](#install) -- [Usage](#usage) -- [File Structure](#file-structure) -- [Module Details](#module-details) - -## Install - -### Dependency - -Required dependency: - -1. [Font Awesome](https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/any/ttf-font-awesome/) - -Optional dependency: - -1. [Weather Icon](https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons)(required by `weather` module to display weather icon) -2. Dunst (required by `notify` module to display history notify) -3. redshift (required by `backlight` module to toggle redshift service) - -### Install by `git clone` (recommand) - -```shell -git clone https://github.com/Yucklys/polybar-nord-theme ~/.config/polybar/ -``` - -`~/.config/polybar` is the default path for polybar configuration, if you want to use other location, change `~/.config/polybar` to your location and also change the location specified in the `launch.sh` file. - -## Usage - -1. Enter the installation directory `cd ~/.config/polybar`. -2. Run `./launch.sh light` for light theme, and `./launch.sh dark` for dark theme. -3. For customization, most of the options are listed in `nord-config` file. For more details, check [File Structure](#File Structure) part. -4. `pkill polybar` to kill the bars. - -## File Structure - -### `dark-colors` and `light-colors` - -The color for dark and light theme. You don't need to edit these flies unless you want to change the color globally. - -### `dark-config` and `light-config` - -The config files for dark and light theme. Most of the settings are covered by `nord-config` except font settings. You can change the font setting in these files. - -### `nord-config` - -The global config file. You can customize the position of the bars, DPI setting, modules, etc. The detailed help messages are in the comment for each option. - -### `nord-top` and `nord-down` - -The modules for top and bottom bar setup. For some specific modules you need to edit these files. For more details of these modules check [Module Details](#Module Details). - -### `scripts` - -The directory contains all the scripts and files that required by the modules. - -## Module Details - -1. [alsa](#alsa) -2. [backlight](#backlight) -3. [date](#date) -4. [notify (基于dunst)](#notify) -5. [network-detail](#network-detail) -6. [network-short](#network-short) -7. [battery](#battery) -8. [keyboard](#keyboard) -10. [mpd](#mpd) -11. [i3](#i3) -12. [workspace-name](#workspace-name) -13. [title](#title) -14. [weather](#weather) -15. [info-hackspeed](#info-hackspeed) -16. [github](#github) -17. [daily-poem](#daily-poem) -18. [temperature](temperature) -19. [memory](#memory) -20. [cpu](#cpu) -21. [show-desktop](#show-desktop) - -### alsa - -Display current volume. The default sound card is `default`, you can change this option in `nord-config`. - -| Bind | Event | -| ---------------- | -------------------- | -| mouse left click | toggle mute | -| scroll up | volume + 5% for each | -| scroll down | volume - 5% for each | - -### backlight - -Display current lightness of screen. - -| Bind | Event | -| ---------------- | ----------------------- | -| scroll up | lightness + 5% for each | -| scroll down | lightness - 5% for each | -| mouse left click | toggle redshift | - -### date - -Display date and time. - -| Bind | Event | -| ---------------- | ------------------------------- | -| mouse left click | switch between date/time format | - -### notify - -Notify icon. - -| Bind | Event | -| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -| mouse left click | key event `ctrl+grave`, the default hotkey for dunst history notify | - -### network-detail - -Display upload and download speed in KB/s. Need to set your network interface at `nord-config.interface`. - -### network-short - -Display network connection icon. By defailt left click on the icon will call `networkmanager-dmenu`. For more details of this you can check [networkmanager-dmenu](https://github.com/firecat53/networkmanager-dmenu). - -| Bind | Event | -|:---------|:---------------------| -| mouse left click | networkmanager-dmenu | - - -### battery - -Display battery infomation. Requires to set `nord-config.battery-full-at`, `nord-config.battery-bat` and `nord-config.battery-adp`. - -### keyboard - -Display keyboard CapsLock indicator. - -### mpd - -Display mpd information. It is hidden when mpd process does not running. There are three layout corresponding to **play**, **pause** and **stop**. - -- Display full content when in play status, including *pause*, *prev*, *artist - song*, *next*, *stop*, *progress bar*, *cycle* and *random*. -- Display part of the content when in pause status, including *play*, *prev*, *artist - song*, *next*, *stop*. -- Display *play* only in stop status. - -Requires `nord-config.mpd-host` and `nord-config.mpd-port`. - -### i3 - -Display i3 workspace icon. Icon list can be customized in `nord-top`. - -| Bind | Event | -| -------- | ------------------------ | -| mouse left click | i3-msg workspace | -| scroll up | i3-msg workspace prev | -| scroll down | i3-msg workspace next | - -### workspace-name - -Display the name of current workspace which is defined in the configuration of i3. The format should be `index:identifier`, for example `1:Home`. - -### title - -Display the title of current active window. - -### weather - -Display weather information from Openweather with scripts [polybar/polybar-scripts/openweather-fullfeatured](https://github.com/polybar/polybar-scripts/tree/master/polybar-scripts/openweathermap-fullfeatured). Personal API and city code is required. For more detailed usage check the project's README. - -### info-hackspeed - -Display the speed of inputting in cpm(char per minute) or wpm (word per minute). The script comes from [polybar/polybar-scripts/info-hackspeed](https://github.com/polybar/polybar-scripts/tree/master/polybar-scripts/info-hackspeed). - -### daily-poem - -Display Chese poem. The API is from [今日诗词 API](https://www.jinrishici.com/). Before usage you need to get your token from https://v2.jinrishici.com/token and replace mine in `nord-dowm`. - -| content | index | -| ---- | ----- | -| 日落,风 | 2 | -| 唐代·李白 宫中行乐词八首 | 1 | -| 烟花宜落日,丝管醉春风 | 0 (initial value) | - -| Bind | Event | -| -------- | ------------ | -| scroll up | index += 1 | -| scroll down | index -= 1 | -| mouse left double click | update poem and reset index | - -### temperature - -Display internal temperature. You can specify the thermal-zone in `nord-config.thermal-zone`, the default value is 0. When the temperature is lower than `nord-config.base-temperature` it will switch to lowest temperature layout; when the temperature is higher than `nord-config.warn-temperature` is will switch to warning temperature layout. The color of icon will change between `base-temperature` and `warn-temperature`, so set the proper values for your environment. - -### memory - -Display memory usage in the format used/total. - -### cpu - -Display CPU usage. - -### show-desktop - -Display desktop. By default it will switch to `25:Desktop`. You can customize this in `nord-down`. - -| Bind | Event | -| -------- | --------------------------- | -| mouse left click | i3-msg workspace 25:Desktop | diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/dark-colors b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/dark-colors deleted file mode 100644 index a0909b0..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/dark-colors +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -; vim:ft=dosini - -[colors] -background = #2E3440 -buffer = #3B4252 -foreground = #D8DEE9 -nord6 = #ECEFF4 -nord7 = #8FBCBB -nord8 = #88C0D0 -nord9 = #81A1C1 -urgent = #BF616A -warning = #D08770 -notify = #EBCB8B -success = #A3BE8C -function = #B48EAD diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/dark-config b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/dark-config deleted file mode 100644 index 83d561c..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/dark-config +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -; vim:ft=dosini -[global-wm] -include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/dark-colors -include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/nord-top -include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/nord-down -include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/nord-config - - -[bar/nord-top] -monitor = ${env:MONITOR:DP1} -width = ${config.width} -height = ${config.height} -offset-x = ${config.offset-x} -offset-y = ${config.offset-y} -radius = ${config.radius} - -fixed-center = ${config.fixed-center} -dpi = ${config.dpi} - -background = ${colors.background} -foreground = ${colors.foreground} - -line-size = ${config.line-size} - -padding-left = 0 -padding-right = 0 - -override-redirect = ${config.override-redirect} - -module-margin = 1 - -font-0 = FiraCodeRegular:pixelsize=12 -font-1 = FontAwesome5FreeSolid:pixelsize=12;1 -font-2 = FontAwesome5FreeRegular:pixelsize=12;1 -font-3 = FontAwesome5Brands:pixelsize=8;1 -font-4 = WenQuanYiMicroHei:size=12 - -modules-left = ${config.top-left} -modules-center = ${config.top-center} -modules-right = ${config.top-right} - -tray-position = ${config.systray-top} -tray-padding = 3 -tray-detached = false -tray-maxsize = 22 - - -cursor-click = pointer -cursor-scroll = ns-resize - -[bar/nord-down] -monitor = ${env:MONITOR:DP1} -width = ${config.width} -height = ${config.height} -offset-x = ${config.offset-x} -offset-y = ${config.offset-y} -radius = ${config.radius} - -fixed-center = ${config.fixed-center} -bottom = true -dpi = ${config.dpi} - -background = ${colors.background} -foreground = ${colors.foreground} - -line-size = ${config.line-size} - -padding = 2 -override-redirect = ${config.override-redirect} - -module-margin = 2 - -font-0 = FiraCodeRegular:pixelsize=12 -font-1 = Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=12;1 -font-2 = Font Awesome 5 Brands:pixelsize=8;1 -font-3 = Weather Icons:style=Regular:size=12;1 -font-4 = WenQuanYiMicroHei:size=12 - -modules-left = ${config.bottom-left} -modules-center = ${config.bottom-center} -modules-right = ${config.bottom-right} - -tray-position = ${config.systray-bottom} -tray-padding = 3 -tray-detached = false -tray-maxsize = 22 - -cursor-click = pointer -cursor-scroll = ns-resize - -enable-ipc = true - diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/launch.sh b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/launch.sh deleted file mode 100755 index a8c5980..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/launch.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -# Terminate already running bar instances -killall -q polybar - -# Wait until the processes have been shut down -while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done - -# Launch bar1 and bar2 -if [ "$1" == "light" ] -then - polybar -c $HOME/.config/polybar/light-config nord-top & - polybar -c $HOME/.config/polybar/light-config nord-down & -else - polybar -c $HOME/.config/polybar/dark-config nord-top & - polybar -c $HOME/.config/polybar/dark-config nord-down & -fi - -echo "Bars launched..." diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/light-colors b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/light-colors deleted file mode 100644 index f42a297..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/light-colors +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -; vim:ft=dosini - -[colors] -background = #D8DEE9 -buffer = #3B4252 -foreground = #2E3440 -nord6 = #ECEFF4 -nord7 = #8FBCBB -nord8 = #88C0D0 -nord9 = #81A1C1 -urgent = #BF616A -warning = #D08770 -notify = #EBCB8B -success = #A3BE8C -function = #B48EAD diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/light-config b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/light-config deleted file mode 100644 index a829d71..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/light-config +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -; vim:ft=dosini -[global-wm] -include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/light-colors -include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/nord-top -include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/nord-down -include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/nord-config - - -[bar/nord-top] -monitor = ${env:MONITOR:eDP1} -width = ${config.width} -height = ${config.height} -offset-x = ${config.offset-x} -offset-y = ${config.offset-y} -radius = ${config.radius} - -fixed-center = ${config.fixed-center} -dpi = ${config.dpi} - -background = ${colors.background} -foreground = ${colors.foreground} - -line-size = ${config.line-size} - -padding-left = 0 -padding-right = 0 - -override-redirect = ${config.override-redirect} - -module-margin = 1 - -font-0 = FiraCodeRegular:pixelsize=12 -font-1 = FontAwesome5FreeSolid:pixelsize=12;1 -font-2 = FontAwesome5FreeRegular:pixelsize=12;1 -font-3 = FontAwesome5Brands:pixelsize=8;1 -font-4 = WenQuanYiMicroHei:size=12 - -modules-left = ${config.top-left} -modules-center = ${config.top-center} -modules-right = ${config.top-right} - -tray-position = ${config.systray-top} -tray-padding = 0 -tray-detached = false -tray-maxsize = 30 - - -cursor-click = pointer -cursor-scroll = ns-resize - -[bar/nord-down] -monitor = ${env:MONITOR:eDP1} -width = ${config.width} -height = ${config.height} -offset-x = ${config.offset-x} -offset-y = ${config.offset-y} -radius = ${config.radius} - -fixed-center = ${config.fixed-center} -bottom = true -dpi = ${config.dpi} - -background = ${colors.background} -foreground = ${colors.foreground} - -line-size = ${config.line-size} - -padding = 2 - -module-margin = 2 - -font-0 = FiraCodeRegular:pixelsize=12 -font-1 = Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=12;1 -font-2 = Font Awesome 5 Brands:pixelsize=8;1 -font-3 = Weather Icons:style=Regular:size=12;1 -font-4 = WenQuanYiMicroHei:size=12 - -modules-left = ${config.bottom-left} -modules-center = ${config.bottom-center} -modules-right = ${config.bottom-right} - -tray-position = ${config.systray-bottom} -tray-padding = 3 -tray-detached = false -tray-maxsize = 22 - -cursor-click = pointer -cursor-scroll = ns-resize - -enable-ipc = true - diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/nord-config b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/nord-config deleted file mode 100644 index ff65be6..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/nord-config +++ /dev/null @@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ -; vim:ft=dosini - -[config] -# DPI value for HiDPI screen -dpi = 96 - -# bar position, apply globally -width = 100% -height = 2% -offset-x = 0% -offset-y = 0% -radius = 0.0 - -fixed-center = true -override-redirect = false - -# module list: -# alsa: Display current volume -# backlight: Display screen brightness -# date: Display date -# notify: Notify icon, can customize its binding -# network-short: Network connect icon, can customize its binding -# battery: Battery info -# keyboard: CapsLock indicator -# mpd: mpd status and controls -# i3: i3 workspace icons -# workspace-name: i3 current workspace name, need to be in the format like "1:Home" -# title: title of the active window -# network-detail: Download and upload speed -# weather: Display openweather info -# info-hackspeed: Numper of characters clicked per minute -# daily-poem: Display poem -# temperature: Display internal temperature -# memory: Display memory usage -# cpu: Display cpu usage -# show-desktop: Display desktop (i3 only) - -# Top modules -top-left = i3 title -top-center = -top-right = keyboard backlight alsa network-short date - -# Bottom modules -bottom-left = info-hackspeed -bottom-center = daily-poem -bottom-right = temperature memory cpu - -systray-top = none -systray-bottom = left - -# global style -line-size = 6 - -# Modules configure option -# the default value in this section should work in most cases, -# if some of them doesn't suit your environment, you can change -# it from here. -# network interface, check by `ip link show` -interface = wlan0 - -# when the current battery capacity excess this value, -# the full-capacity format will be displayed. -battery-full-at = 95 - -# battery and adapter -battery-bat = BAT0 -battery-adp = AC - -# soundcard setting -master-soundcard = default -speaker-soundcard = default -headphone-soundcard = default -master-mixer = Master - -# mpd service connection setting -mpd-host = -mpd-port = 6600 - -thermal-zone = 0 -# Base temperature for where to start the ramp (in degrees celsius) -base-temperature = 20 -# Threshold temperature to display warning label (in degrees celsius) -warn-temperature = 70 - -# GitHub personal token, generate from https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=notifications&description=Notifier+for+Polybar -# where select at least `notifications` option -github-token = 00ed987a6d7efd532c5b4ca0849c2803228d1b5d - -# notify module setting -notify-click-left = xdotool key control+grave - -# network module setting -network-click-left = i3-msg workspace 2 - -# i3 -# Only show workspaces defined on the same output as the bar -# -# Useful if you want to show monitor specific workspaces -# on different bars -# -# Default: false -i3-pin-workspaces = false diff --git a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/nord-down b/files/polybar/.config/polybar/nord-down deleted file mode 100644 index 039fa12..0000000 --- a/files/polybar/.config/polybar/nord-down +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -; vim:ft=dosini -[module/cpu] -type = internal/cpu -interval = 1 - -format =