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let g:Pl#Parser#Symbols = {
\ 'compatible': {
\ 'dividers': [ '', [0x2502], '', [0x2502] ]
\ , 'symbols' : {
\ 'BRANCH': 'BR:'
\ , 'RO' : 'RO'
\ , 'FT' : 'FT'
\ , 'LINE' : 'LN'
\ , 'COL' : 'C'
\ }
\ },
\ 'unicode': {
\ 'dividers': [ [0x25b6], [0x276f], [0x25c0], [0x276e] ]
\ , 'symbols' : {
\ 'BRANCH': [0x26a1]
\ , 'RO' : [0x2613]
\ , 'FT' : [0x2691]
\ , 'LINE' : [0x204b]
\ , 'COL' : [0x2551]
\ },
\ },
\ 'fancy': {
\ 'dividers': [ [0x2b80], [0x2b81], [0x2b82], [0x2b83] ]
\ , 'symbols' : {
\ 'BRANCH': [0x2b60]
\ , 'RO' : [0x2b64]
\ , 'FT' : [0x2b62, 0x2b63]
\ , 'LINE' : [0x2b61]
\ , 'COL' : [0x2551]
\ }
\ }
\ }
let s:LEFT_SIDE = 0
let s:RIGHT_SIDE = 2
let s:PADDING = 1
let s:EMPTY_SEGMENT = { 'type': 'empty' }
let s:HARD_DIVIDER = 0
let s:SOFT_DIVIDER = 1
function! Pl#Parser#GetStatusline(segments) " {{{
let statusline = {
\ 'n': ''
\ , 'N': ''
\ , 'v': ''
\ , 'i': ''
\ , 'r': ''
\ , 's': ''
\ }
" Run through the different modes and create the statuslines
for mode in keys(statusline)
" Create an empty statusline list
let stl = []
call extend(stl, s:ParseSegments(mode, s:LEFT_SIDE, a:segments))
let statusline[mode] .= join(stl, '')
return statusline
endfunction " }}}
function! Pl#Parser#ParseChars(arg) " {{{
" Handles symbol arrays which can be either an array of hex values,
" or a string. Will convert the hex array to a string, or return the
" string as-is.
let arg = a:arg
if type(arg) == type([])
" Hex array
call map(arg, 'nr2char(v:val)')
return join(arg, '')
" Anything else, just return it as it is
return arg
endfunction " }}}
function! s:ParseSegments(mode, side, segments, ...) " {{{
let mode = a:mode
let side = a:side
let segments = a:segments
let level = exists('a:1') ? a:1 : 0
let base_color = exists('a:2') ? a:2 : {}
let ret = []
for i in range(0, len(segments) - 1)
unlet! seg_prev seg_curr seg_next
" Prepare some resources (fetch previous, current and next segment)
let seg_curr = deepcopy(get(segments, i))
" Find previous segment
let seg_prev = s:EMPTY_SEGMENT
" If we're currently at i = 0 we have to start on 0 or else we will start on the last segment (list[-1])
let range_start = (i == 0 ? i : i - 1)
for j in range(range_start, 0, -1)
let seg = deepcopy(get(segments, j))
if get(seg, 'name') ==# 'TRUNCATE'
" Skip truncate segments
" Look ahead for another segment that's visible in this mode
if index(get(seg, 'modes'), mode) != -1
" Use this segment
let seg_prev = seg
"" Find next segment
let seg_next = s:EMPTY_SEGMENT
" If we're currently at i = len(segments) - 1 we have to start on i or else we will get an error because the index doesn't exist
let range_start = (i == len(segments) - 1 ? i : i + 1)
for j in range(range_start, len(segments) - 1, 1)
let seg = deepcopy(get(segments, j))
if get(seg, 'name') ==# 'TRUNCATE'
" Skip truncate segments
" Look ahead for another segment that's visible in this mode
if index(get(seg, 'modes'), mode) != -1
" Use this segment
let seg_next = seg
if index(get(seg_curr, 'modes', []), mode) == -1
" The segment is invisible in this mode, skip it
" FIXME When two segments after each other are hidden, a gap appears where the segments would be, this is probably due to segment padding
" Handle the different segment types
if seg_curr.type == 'segment'
if seg_curr.name ==# 'TRUNCATE'
" Truncate statusline
call add(ret, '%<')
elseif seg_curr.name ==# 'SPLIT'
" Split statusline
" Switch sides
let side = s:RIGHT_SIDE
" Handle highlighting
let mode_colors = get(seg_curr.colors, mode, seg_curr.colors['n'])
let hl_group = s:HlCreate(mode_colors)
" Add segment text
call add(ret, '%#'. hl_group .'#%=')
" Add segment text
let text = seg_curr.text
" Decide on whether to use the group's colors or the segment's colors
let colors = get(seg_curr, 'colors', base_color)
" Fallback to normal (current) highlighting if we don't have mode-specific highlighting
let mode_colors = get(colors, mode, get(colors, 'n', {}))
if empty(mode_colors)
echoe 'Segment doesn''t have any colors! NS: "'. seg_curr.ns .'" SEG: "'. seg_curr.name .'"'
" Check if we're in a group (level > 0)
if level > 0
" If we're in a group we don't have dividers between segments, so we should only pad one side
let padding_right = (side == s:LEFT_SIDE ? repeat(' ', s:PADDING) : '')
let padding_left = (side == s:RIGHT_SIDE ? repeat(' ', s:PADDING) : '')
" Check if we lack a bg/fg color for this segment
" If we do, use the bg/fg color from base_color
let base_color_mode = ! has_key(base_color, mode) ? base_color['n'] : base_color[mode]
for col in ['ctermbg', 'ctermfg', 'guibg', 'guifg']
if empty(mode_colors[col])
let mode_colors[col] = base_color_mode[col]
"" If we're outside a group we have dividers and must pad both sides
let padding_left = repeat(' ', s:PADDING)
let padding_right = repeat(' ', s:PADDING)
" Get main hl group for segment
let hl_group = s:HlCreate(mode_colors)
" Prepare segment text
let text = '%(%#'. hl_group .'#'. padding_left . text . padding_right . '%)'
if level == 0
" Add divider to single segments
let text = s:AddDivider(text, side, mode, colors, seg_prev, seg_curr, seg_next)
call add(ret, text)
elseif seg_curr.type == 'segment_group'
" Recursively parse segment group
let func_params = [mode, side, seg_curr.segments, level + 1]
if has_key(seg_curr, 'colors')
" Pass the base colors on to the child segments
call add(func_params, seg_curr.colors)
" Get segment group string
let text = join(call('s:ParseSegments', func_params), '')
" Pad on the opposite side of the divider
let padding_right = (side == s:RIGHT_SIDE ? repeat(' ', s:PADDING) : '')
let padding_left = (side == s:LEFT_SIDE ? repeat(' ', s:PADDING) : '')
let text = s:AddDivider(padding_left . text . padding_right, side, mode, seg_curr.colors, seg_prev, seg_curr, seg_next)
call add(ret, text)
return ret
endfunction " }}}
function! s:HlCreate(hl) " {{{
" Create a short and unique highlighting group name
" It uses the hex values of all the color properties and an attribute flag at the end
" NONE colors are translated to NN for cterm and NNNNNN for gui colors
let hi_group = printf('Pl%s%s%s%s%s'
\ , (a:hl['ctermfg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NN' : printf('%02x', a:hl['ctermfg']))
\ , (a:hl['guifg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NNNNNN' : printf('%06x', a:hl['guifg'] ))
\ , (a:hl['ctermbg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NN' : printf('%02x', a:hl['ctermbg']))
\ , (a:hl['guibg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NNNNNN' : printf('%06x', a:hl['guibg'] ))
\ , substitute(a:hl['attr'], '\v([a-zA-Z])[a-zA-Z]*,?', '\1', 'g')
\ )
if ! s:HlExists(hi_group)
let ctermbg = a:hl['ctermbg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : printf('%d', a:hl['ctermbg'])
if (has('win32') || has('win64')) && !has('gui_running') && ctermbg != 'NONE' && ctermbg > 128
let ctermbg -= 128
let hi_cmd = printf('hi %s ctermfg=%s ctermbg=%s cterm=%s guifg=%s guibg=%s gui=%s'
\ , hi_group
\ , a:hl['ctermfg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : printf('%d', a:hl['ctermfg'])
\ , ctermbg
\ , a:hl['attr']
\ , (a:hl['guifg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : printf('#%06x', a:hl['guifg']))
\ , (a:hl['guibg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : printf('#%06x', a:hl['guibg']))
\ , a:hl['attr']
\ )
exec hi_cmd
" Add command to Pl#HL list for caching
call add(g:Pl#HL, hi_cmd)
" Return only the highlighting group name
return hi_group
endfunction " }}}
function! s:HlExists(hl) " {{{
if ! hlexists(a:hl)
return 0
redir => hlstatus
silent exec 'hi' a:hl
redir END
return (hlstatus !~ 'cleared')
endfunction " }}}
function! s:AddDivider(text, side, mode, colors, prev, curr, next) " {{{
let seg_prev = a:prev
let seg_curr = a:curr
let seg_next = a:next
" Set default color/type for the divider
let div_colors = get(a:colors, a:mode, a:colors['n'])
let div_type = s:SOFT_DIVIDER
" Define segment to compare
let cmp_seg = a:side == s:LEFT_SIDE ? seg_next : seg_prev
let cmp_all_colors = get(cmp_seg, 'colors', {})
let cmp_colors = get(cmp_all_colors, a:mode, get(cmp_all_colors, 'n', {}))
if ! empty(cmp_colors)
" Compare the highlighting groups
" If the background color for cterm is equal, use soft divider with the current segment's highlighting
" If not, use hard divider with a new highlighting group
" Note that if the previous/next segment is the split, a hard divider is always used
if get(div_colors, 'ctermbg') != get(cmp_colors, 'ctermbg') || get(seg_next, 'name') ==# 'SPLIT' || get(seg_prev, 'name') ==# 'SPLIT'
let div_type = s:HARD_DIVIDER
" Create new highlighting group
let div_colors['ctermfg'] = get(div_colors, 'ctermbg')
let div_colors['guifg'] = get(div_colors, 'guibg')
let div_colors['ctermbg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'ctermbg')
let div_colors['guibg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'guibg')
" Prepare divider
let divider_raw = deepcopy(g:Pl#Parser#Symbols[g:Powerline_symbols].dividers[a:side + div_type])
let divider = Pl#Parser#ParseChars(divider_raw)
" Don't add dividers for segments adjacent to split (unless it's a hard divider)
if ((get(seg_next, 'name') ==# 'SPLIT' || get(seg_prev, 'name') ==# 'SPLIT') && div_type != s:HARD_DIVIDER)
return ''
if a:side == s:LEFT_SIDE
" Left side
" Divider to the right
return printf('%%(%s%%#%s#%s%%)', a:text, s:HlCreate(div_colors), divider)
" Right side
" Divider to the left
return printf('%%(%%#%s#%s%s%%)', s:HlCreate(div_colors), divider, a:text)
endfunction " }}}