# Debian ELTS Advisories ## Background - Debian LTS is maintained by the Debian Security team - Debian Extended LTS, a commercial offering is maintained by Freexian. - Debian ELTS Advisories are announced at https://www.freexian.com/lts/extended/updates/ - [OSV](https://ossf.github.io/osv-schema/) is a Open Source Vulnerability format, as specified by the [Open Source Security Foundation](https://openssf.org). - [GSD Database](https://globalsecuritydatabase.org/) is a vulnerability database used by OSV.dev, and maintained by the [Cloud Security Alliance](https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/) ## What is this project? The OSV.dev expects advisories to be published in the OSV format. This repository republishes the advisories in the OSV format, and syncs them against the [GSD Database](https://github.com/cloudsecurityalliance/gsd-database) - [x] Picks up data from [extended-lts-security-tracker][source] - [x] Generates advisories in the OSV format at advisories/ - [ ] Syncs Data to the GSD Database ## TODO - [ ] Add Credits ## Source: - Updates are fetched from the ELTS Security Tracker: - The data is also published at https://deb.freexian.com/extended-lts/tracker/data/json, but it doesn't include the announcement URLs, and harder to use. - See https://github.com/ossf/osv-schema/pull/104 for more information. ## License The code is licensed under MIT. [source]: https://salsa.debian.org/freexian-team/extended-lts/security-tracker/-/blob/master/data/ELA/list