module Nokogiri module XML # Patch to add class? class Node def class?(*classes) present = false if attribute('class') present = true classes.each do |klass| present &&= self['class'].include? klass end end present end end end end # def command?(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each { |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable?(exe) && ! } end return nil end def commands?(commands) { |c| command? c } end def format_match(format, format_to_match) [:all, format_to_match].include? format end def gen_epub(name, format) return unless format_match(format, :epub) begin require 'paru/pandoc' do from 'html' to 'epub' epub_metadata "metadata/#{name}.xml" epub_cover_image "covers/#{name}.jpg" data_dir Dir.pwd output "books/#{name}.epub" end.convert"books/#{name}.html") puts '[epub] Generated EPUB file' rescue LoadError puts "[error] Can't generate EPUB without paru" end end def gen_mobi(name, format) if command?('ebook-convert') && format_match(format, :mobi) # Convert epub to a mobi `ebook-convert books/#{name}.epub books/#{name}.mobi` puts '[mobi] Generated MOBI file' else puts "[error] Can't generate MOBI without ebook-convert" end end def gen_pdf(name, format) if commands?(%w[pandoc convert wkhtmltopdf pdftk]) && format_match(format, :pdf) # Generate PDF as well # First, lets make a better css version of the html `pandoc books/#{name}.html -s -c ../epub.css -o books/#{name}_pdf.html` puts '[pdf] Generated html for pdf' # Print the pdf_html file to pdf `wkhtmltopdf books/#{name}_pdf.html books/#{name}-nocover.pdf` puts '[pdf] Generated PDF without cover' # Join the cover and pdf together `pdftk covers/#{name}.pdf books/#{name}-nocover.pdf cat output books/#{name}.pdf` puts '[pdf] Generated PDF file' else puts '[error] Please check README for PDF dependencies' end end def generate(name, format = :all) gen_epub(name, format) gen_mobi(name, format) gen_pdf(name, format) end