# frozen_string_literal: true require 'date' require 'fileutils' require 'nokogiri' require_relative './methods' require_relative './row-annotations' FileUtils.mkdir_p('row') BASE = 'https://www.tor.com/2020/' links = [ '07/23/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-prologue-and-chapter-one/', '07/28/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-chapters-two-and-three/', '08/04/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-chapters-four-and-five/', '08/11/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-chapter-six/', '08/18/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-chapter-seven/', '08/25/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-chapter-eight/', '09/01/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-chapter-nine/', '09/08/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-chapter-ten/' ] # Automatically adds all recent chapters puts 'Downloading all found links' episode = 1 links.each do |link| url = BASE + link puts "Download #{url}" unless File.exist? "row/#{episode}.html" `wget --no-clobber "#{url}" --output-document "row/#{episode}.html" -o /dev/null` end episode += 1 end # Now we have all the files html = '' (1..(links.length)).each do |i| page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("row/#{i}.html")).css('.entry-content') start = ending = false page.children.each do |e| if e.name == 'h3' e.name = 'h1' start = true end ending = true if e.class?('frontmatter') && start e.remove if !start || ending end chapter_html = page.inner_html.sub(/

" html += a.gsub(/(\r)?\n/, "
") html += "Click here to go the next chapter." end end File.open('books/row.html', 'w') { |file| file.write(html) } puts '[html] Generated HTML file' generate('row', :all)