require 'date' require 'fileutils' require 'nokogiri' FileUtils.mkdir_p("html") BASE = '' links = [ '08/22/oathbringer-brandon-sanderson-prologue/', '08/29/oathbringer-brandon-sanderson-chapter-1-3/', '09/05/oathbringer-by-brandon-sanderson-chapters-4-6/' ] episode = 1 for link in links url = BASE + link puts "Download #{url}" if !File.exists? "html/#{episode}.html" `wget --no-clobber "#{url}" --output-document "html/#{episode}.html" -o /dev/null` end episode +=1 end # Now we have all the files html = "" for i in 1..3 page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("html/#{i}.html")).css('.entry-content') start = ending = false page.children.each do |e| if == 'h3' = 'h1' start = true end if e.attribute('class') and e['class'].include? 'frontmatter' and start ending = true end if !start or ending e.remove end end html += page.inner_html end # Write it in the book"Oathbringer.html", 'w') { |file| file.write(html) } puts "[html] Generated HTML file" # Convert it to epub `pandoc -S -o Oathbringer.epub --epub-metadata=metadata.xml --epub-cover-image=cover.jpg Oathbringer.html` puts "[epub] Generated EPUB file" # Convert epub to a mobi `ebook-convert Oathbringer.epub` puts "[mobi] Generated MOBI file" # Generate PDF as well # First, lets make a better css version of the html `pandoc Oathbringer.html -s -c style.css -o Oathbringer_pdf.html` puts "[pdf] Generated html for pdf" # Now we convert the cover to a pdf `convert cover.jpg cover.pdf` puts "[pdf] Generated cover for pdf" # Print the pdf_html file to pdf `wkhtmltopdf Oathbringer_pdf.html /tmp/Oathbringer.pdf` puts "[pdf] Generated PDF without cover" # Join the cover and pdf together `pdftk cover.pdf /tmp/Oathbringer.pdf cat output Oathbringer.pdf` puts "[pdf] Generated PDF file"