# constitution of india This is a repository based on (not a fork of) . Go there if you want the complete history. This is for a few reasons: - I was more interested in seeing blame and diff between versions - The pdf files and zip files just bog down the repo So, this is just a clean version of the the same content. There is no confusing f/r-amendments, just clean history from first version of the constitution to the current. To do this, I just ran through all the bundles in the other repo and generated a history out of it. All the code used to generate this repo can be found in [my "complete" fork](https://github.com/captn3m0/TheConstitutionOfIndia/tree/complete) of the original repo. The main script is `complete.sh`, which can regenerate this repo from scratch. All credit goes to [Anoop](https://github.com/anoopdixith) for dealing with all the hard work (cleaning, downloading). I'm just freeloading here.