#!/usr/bin/env python import capnp import state_capnp as game # https://blog.theofekfoundation.org/artificial-intelligence/2016/06/27/what-is-the-monte-carlo-tree-search/ class State(): def initBoard(self): self.board = [[None]*6 for _ in range(6)] for card in self.state.cardlist: if (card.location.board): x = card.location.board.x y = card.location.board.y self.board[x][y] = card def __init__(self, state): self.state = state self.initBoard() pass def playMove(self, move): (xx, yy) = move varys = self.findVarys vx = varys.board.x vy = varys.board.y if (vx == xx): left = min(yy, vy) right = max(yy, vy) # We want this to be inclusive cards_attempted = [(vx, y) for y in range(left, right + 1)] elif(vy == yy): top = min(xx, vx) bottom = max(xx, vx) # We want this to be inclusive cards_attempted = [(x, vy) for x in range(top, bottom + 1)] else: raise Exception("Invalid move") for (row, col) in cards_attempted: card = self.board[row][col] # If it is of the same house as declared if (card == picked_card): # Pick it up state['cards'][current].append(picked_card) state['board'][row][col] = self.EMPTY def findVarys(self): for card in self.state.cardlist: if card.house == 'varys': return card.location def getPossibleMoves(self): moves = [] for x in range(0, 5): for y in range(0, 5): if (self.isLegalMoveLocation(x, y)): moves.append((x, y)) return moves def isLegalMoveLocation(self, x, y): varys = self.findVarys() vx = varys.board.x vy = varys.board.y # Row/Column must match if (vx == x and vy == y): return False if (vx == x): # Generate all y between y and vy # See if this is the furthest for this card type # newCardType = self.board if (vy > y): l = [(x, i) for i in range(0, vy)] else: l = [(x, i) for i in range(vy+1, 6)] l.reverse() elif (vy == y): # Generate all x between x and vx if (vx > x): l = [(i, y) for i in range(0, vx)] else: l = [(i, y) for i in range(vx+1, 6)] l.reverse() pass else: return False seen = {} for (xx, yy) in l: house = self.board[xx][yy].house if str(house) in seen: return False # We stop testing as soon as we reach the new location if (x == xx and y == yy): return True seen[str(house)] = True class GameNode(object): """docstring for GameNode""" def __init__(self, state, parent): super(GameNode, self).__init__() self.state = state self.parent = parent self.hits = 0 self.misses = 0 self.totalTrials = 0 def backPropagate(self, simulation): if (simulation > 0): self.hits += 1 elif (simulation < 0): self.misses += 1 self.totalTrials += 1 if self.parent: self.parent.backPropagate(-simulation) def childPotential(self, child): w = child.misses n = child.totalTrials # Chosen empirically c = math.sqrt(2) t = self.totalTrials return (w / n) + (c * math.sqrt(log(t) / n)) def runSimulation(self): self.backPropagate(self.simulate()) def simulate(self): state = self.state while not state.gameOver: moves = state.getPossibleMoves() randomMove = random.choice(possibleMoves) state = state.playMove(randomMove) return self.state.result(state) def getChildren(self): possibleMoves = self.state.getPossibleMoves() children = [] for move in possibleMoves: newState = self.state.playMove(move) childNode = GameNode(newState, self.state) children.append(childNode) return children def chooseChild(self): # Define children nodes if(not self.children): self.children = self.getChildren() # Run simulation on leaf nodes if(len(self.children) == 0): self.runSimulation() else: unexplored = [] # Get all unexplored nodes for child in self.children: if (child.totalTrials == 0): unexplored.append(child) # Pick a random unexplored node # and run the simulation on it if (len(unexplored) > 0): random.choice(unexplored).runSimulation() else: # Find the best child bestChild = self.children[0] bestPotential = self.childPotential(bestChild) for child in self.children: potential = self.childPotential(child) if (potential > bestPotential): bestPotential = potential bestChild = child bestChild.chooseChild() f = open('state.bin', 'rb') initial_state = game.State.read_packed(f) # print(initial_state) s = State(initial_state) print((s.getPossibleMoves())) # 3,2