# bengaluru-food-census Keep track of restaurant openings and closures in the city. # Quirks - Zomato does not support HTTP/1.1, so wget can't be used. # Tech This project uses GNU Parallel, Ruby, Nokogiri, and curl. # Features - Keep track of historical data using regularly generated CSV files - Does not use the API (since the rate-limit is too low at 1k/day) + We need to checkout around 15k restaurant status (closed or not) - Keep track of whether restaurant is still alive or not - Tweet any restaurant closures (or any new openings) For now, run the following command to get a diff of new restaurants not in the old listings: `q -d , "SELECT * from ./15-01-2018.csv WHERE c1 not in (SELECT c1 from 06-01-2018.csv)"`