# Maintainer: Nemo # Based on upwork-appimage package on the AUR # # There's no central repository for AppImages, and no convention on # system-wide AppImage installations, so we're picking /opt/appimages. # We grab koreader.png and koreader.desktop from the AppImage, patch the koreader.desktop, # and install them as we would other apps, for convenience sake. pkgname=koreader-appimage pkgver=2019.05 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats" arch=('x86_64') depends=('zlib') makedepends=('p7zip') url="http://koreader.rocks/" license=('AGPL3') _filename="koreader-appimage-x86_64-linux-gnu-v$pkgver.AppImage" noextract=("$_filename") options=('!strip') install=${pkgname}.install source=("http://ota.koreader.rocks/koreader-appimage-x86_64-linux-gnu-v$pkgver.AppImage") sha256sums=('831f4d762f17ecf86b6ed7db06581ad559793fcaf2dc4278d50a8f14067df822') prepare() { cd "${srcdir}" mv "$_filename" "koreader.AppImage" 7z x "${srcdir}/koreader.AppImage" koreader.png 7z x "${srcdir}/koreader.AppImage" koreader.desktop mkdir -p usr/share/pixmaps usr/share/applications opt/appimages mv koreader.png usr/share/pixmaps patch -Np0 <../koreader.patch mv koreader.desktop usr/share/applications cp koreader.AppImage opt/appimages/ } package() { cd "${srcdir}" cp -rp usr "${pkgdir}/usr" cp -rp opt "${pkgdir}/opt" chmod +x "${pkgdir}/opt/appimages/koreader.AppImage" }